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- [1]郭育豪, 王世超, 刘刚.Creep-fatigue life prediction of a titanium alloy deep-sea submersible using a continuum damage m...[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,2024,311
- [2]徐嘉诚, 郭育豪, 杨紫翔, 张云开, 刘刚, 孔伟振.重复冲击下含裂纹加筋板结构失效模式分析[J],中国造船,2024,65(04):41-52
- [3]许新宇, 郭育豪, 刘刚, Yang, Jun, Han, Zhengjun.Experimental and numerical investigation of interface fatigue debonding in laser-welded steel san...[J],JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH,2024,221
- [4]徐云泽, Xia, Da-Hai, Zhang, Jian, 刘刚.Mechanical Failure and Metal Degradation of Ships and Marine Structures[J],METALS,2024,13(2)
- [5]张科栋, 王文华, 杨光, 王巍巍, 李瑶, 刘刚, 黄一.考虑腐蚀磨损的全生命期内锚链极限强度和疲劳演变分析[J],船舶力学,2024,27(9):1356-1369
- [6]段秋阳, 吕莹莹, 甄兴伟, Xie, Botao, 黄一, 刘刚.Nonlinear coupled dynamic responses of the floating submerged artificial seabed-mooring system in...[J],Ocean Engineering,2024,298
- [7]吴佳豪, 甄兴伟, 刘刚, 黄一.基于多学科设计优化方法的新一代水下生产系统一体化设计[J],Journal of Ship Mechanics,2024,27(12):1856-1872
- [8]焦天震, 郭育豪, 刘刚, 李盈盈, 胡旭, 张昊.深潜器多球交接耐压壳室温蠕变−疲劳特性研究[J],Ship Building of China,2024,64(3):157-168
- [9]郭育豪, 宋育泽, 刘刚.Creep behavior of titanium alloy used in deep-sea pressure shell considering tensile/compressive ...[J],Ocean Engineering,288
- [10]郭育豪, 刘刚.深潜器钛合金耐压壳蠕变屈曲强度评估方法研究[J],中国造船,2024,65(02):25-36
- [11]郭育豪, 徐嘉诚, 焦天震, 刘刚.Numerical analysis on the creep-fatigue damage of titanium alloy deep-sea pressure hull at room t...[J],Marine Structures,2024,96
- [12]郭育豪, 宋育泽, 刘刚.钛合金室温受压蠕变损伤本构模型[J],Journal of Harbin Engineering University,2024,45(4):642-650
- [13]郭育豪, 焦天震, 刘刚, Hu, Xu, Zhang, Hao, Liu, Min.Creep-fatigue damage behavior of a titanium alloy at room temperature: Experiments and modeling[J],International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2024,245
- [14]Xu, Chuanheng, 刘刚, 李志远, 黄一.Multiaxial fatigue life prediction of tubular K-joints using an alternative structural stress a...[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,2022,212
- [15]刘刚, 黄一.New parametric equations for SCF of tubular K-joints based on ZPSS approach[A],2nd International Conference on Safety & Reliability of Ships, Offshore & Subsea Structures,2022,1(1):1-10
- [16]黄一, He Q., 王平, 刘刚, 张崎, 李红霞.Numerical simulation with parallel computation for anti-corrosion system of ocean structure[A],20th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2010,2022,3:694-701
- [17]陈志颖, 高明星, 刘刚, 黄一.OPTIMIZED DESIGN OF ANTI-EXPLOSION PERFORMANCE OF FPSO DECK STRUCTURES UNDER AIR EXPLOSION[A],3rd International Conference on Safety & Reliability of Ships, Offshore & Subsea Structures,2022
- [18]高明星, 陈志颖, 刘刚, 黄一.OPTIMIZED DESIGN OF CRASHWORTHINESS OF FPSO SIDE STRUCTURE BASED ON BP-GA HYBRID ALGORITHM[A],3rd International Conference on Safety & Reliability of Ships, Offshore & Subsea Structures,2022
- [19]Wu, Jia-hao, 甄兴伟, 刘刚, 黄一.Optimization design on the riser system of next generation subsea production system with the as...[J],APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH,2022,85:34-44
- [20]刘刚, Zhao, Xiaoling, 黄一.Prediction of stress distribution along the intersection of tubular T-joints by a novel structu...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE,2022,80:216-230