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学科:机械设计及理论. 测试计量技术及仪器. 工业工程
个人简介Personal Profile
重大装备设计研究所副教授,博士生导师,日本东京大学工学博士。主要从事可持续制造及再制造、预测与健康管理、超精密表面形貌测量等方向的研究。主持及参与国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目、国家重点研发计划重点专项项目、国家973计划项目等项目30余项,发表学术论文60余篇,研究获得日本精密工学会研究奖励赏(JSPE Young Researcher Award)、日本机械学会生产加工部门/工作机械部门优秀论文奖、ISMTII-2017及QR2MSE2017等多个国际会议优秀论文奖。担任多家国际期刊和国内期刊的审稿人,多次参加国内外学术交流、担任国际会议分会场主持及发表论文等。
1. Yu Wang, Shujie Liu*, Shuai Lv, Gengshuo Liu. Few-Shot Probabilistic RUL Prediction With Uncertainty Quantification of Slurry Pumps[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2025, 25(4): 6122-6132. SCI/EI收录
2. Shuai Lv, Shujie Liu*, Hongkun Li, Yu Wang, Gengshuo Liu, Wei Dai, A novel method for predicting the remaining useful life of MOSFETs based on a linear multi-fractional L´evy stable motion driven by a GRU similarity transfer network, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2025, 257, 110818.SCI/EI收录
3. Shuai Lv, Shujie Liu*, Hongkun Li, Siyuan Chen, Xuejun Liu, A Novel Remaining Useful Life Prognostic Framework Combining Sample Convolutional Interaction Network and Fractal Brownian Motion[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2024, 24(24): 41378-41389. SCI/EI收录
4. Wei Xiang, Shujie Liu, Hongkun Li* , Shunxin Cao , Kongliang Zhang, and Chen Yang, Fault Diagnosis of Gearbox Based on Refined Topology and Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network[J], IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(2): 1866 - 1879. SCI/EI收录
5. Yu Wang, Shujie Liu*, Shuai Lv, Gengshuo Liu. Bearing remaining life prediction method based on ARAD-ELN and multi-stage wiener process[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2024, 36(1): 016107. SCI/EI收录
6. Shuai Lv, Shujie Liu*, Hongkun Li, Yu Wang, Gengshuo Liu, Wei Dai, A hybrid method combining Lévy process and neural network for predicting remaining useful life of rotating machinery[J], Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2024, 61:102490. SCI/EI收录
7. Yu Wang, Shujie Liu*. A multi scale meta-learning network for cross domain fault diagnosis with limited samples[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2024: 1-21. SCI/EI收录
8. Liu Gengshuo, Liu Shujie*, Hou Tinghong, et al. Research on the effect of remelting on the epitaxial growth process of single crystal superalloy[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 31:888-897. SCI/EI收录
9. Shuai Lv, Shujie Liu*, A new method for remaining useful life prediction by implementing joint learning of sensor dynamic graph and spatio-temporal features[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2023, 34(9): 095123,1-16. SCI/EI收录
10. Shujie Liu*, Lexian Fan. An adaptive prediction approach for rolling bearing remaining useful life based on multistage model with three-source variability[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022, 218, Part B: 108182. SCI/EI收录
11. Shujie Liu*, Siyuan Tan, Yubin Huang, Yayong Wang, and Kuang-Chao Fan, Design of a compact four degree-of-freedom active compensation system to restrain laser’s angular drift and parallel drift [J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 90(11), 2019, 90(11):115002. SCI/EI收录
12. Yawei Hu, Shujie Liu*, Huitian Lu, Hongchao Zhang. Remaining useful life model & assessment of mechanical products —A brief review and a note on the state space model method [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 32(15):1-20. SCI/EI收录
13. Shujie Liu*, Shixin Zhang, YubinHuang, Yayong Wang and Kuangchao Fan, The method for restraining laser drift based on controlling mirror[J], Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2018, 1(1 ):58–65. EI收录
14. Yawei Hu, Shujie Liu*, Huitian Lu, Hongchao Zhang, Online remaining useful life prognostics using an integrated particle filter [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2018, 232(6): 587-597. SCI/EI收录
15. Kossi Mawuena Tomevenya, Shujie Liu*, Probabilistic Fatigue-Creep Life Reliability Assessment of Aircraft Turbine Disk [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018, 32( 11):5127–5132. SCI/EI收录
1. Yu Wang, Shujie Liu, Shuai Lv and Gengshuo Liu. Few-Shot Rotating Machinery RUL Prediction Based on Reptile Framework and Transformer[C]. 2024 Global Reliability and Prognostics and Health Management Conference (PHM-Beijing), pp. 1-5, 11-13 Oct. 2024, Beijing, China.
2. Shujie Liu*,Wei Dai. Tool state visualization method based on digital twin technology[C]. The Fifth Chinese International Turbomachinery Conference(CITC 2022), 2022-106, 20th October -22th October 2022, Kunming, China.
3. Miao Zhang, Shujie Liu*. Microstructure of laser cladding nickel-based superalloy: characterization, finite element modeling, and fatigue analysis[C]. The 14th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS-2021), I0019, 29 October - 1 November 2021, Shanghai, China.
4. Liang Wang, Shujie Liu*, Lexian Fan, Maolu Xiang, Yujiang Wang. A comprehensive life evaluation method for server hard disk [C]. The 11th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering &The 4th International Conference on Reliability Systems Engineering(QR2MSE 2021 & ICRSE 2021), No.0323, 27-30 October 2021, Chengdu, China.
5. Zhiyuan Dong, Shujie Liu*. Rest Life Prediction of Rotating Machine Based on Manifold Algorithm and Time-varying Hidden semi-Markov Model[C]. The 11th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering & The 4th International Conference on Reliability Systems Engineering (QR2MSE2021 & ICRSE2021 Chengdu), No.0343,27-30 October 2021, Chengdu, China.
6. Rongkang Wang, Shujie Liu*, Miao Zhang and Zhiheng Mei. Multi-field Coupling Simulation and Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction of Turbine Blades[C]. The 11th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering & The 4th International Conference on Reliability Systems Engineering (QR2MSE2021 & ICRSE2021 Chengdu), No.0191, 27-30 October 2021, Chengdu, China
7. Lexian Fan, Shujie Liu*. Life Prediction Method of Nonlinear Degradation Equipment Based on Adaptive Unscented Particle Filter[C]. The 11th International Conference on Prognostics and System Health Management (PHM-2020 Jinan), No.053, 23-25 October 2020, Jinan, China.
1. 刘淑杰,范乐贤,张淼,张晟,董志远, 梅志恒. 基于多阶段维纳过程的轴承寿命预测方法[P], 中国, ZL 202110047918.1, 2022.03.02.
2. 郭江, 刘淑杰, 康仁科, 郭东明. 一种缝隙内壁微观形貌及粗糙度的检测方法[P]. 中国/美国, ZL201810675220.2/US10942025B2, 2018.06.27.
3. 赵雅琨,刘淑杰,张洪潮. 一种基于力学理论控制的直线导轨分段校调安装方法[P], 中国, ZL 201810001729.9, 2019.12.27.
4. 高斯博,刘淑杰,胡娅维,刘驰,张洪潮. 一种基于状态空间模型和模糊理论的刀具更换时间决策方法[P], 中国, ZL20151034775.6, 2017.11.10.
1. 刘淑杰,董志远.船舶螺旋桨剩余寿命预测系统1.0, 2021SR1874821, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2021-11-24.
2. 刘淑杰,王荣康.涡轮叶片疲劳寿命预测系统1.0, 2022SR1131923, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2022-6-7.
代表论著Representative Works
- [论文]刘淑杰.Tan, Siyuan,Huang, Yubin,Wang, Yayong,Fan, Kuang-Chao,刘淑杰.Design of a compact four degree-of-freedom active compensation system to restrain laser's angular drift and parallel drift[J],2019,90(11):115002
- [论文]Hu, Yawei.Liu, SJ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Mech Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Liu, Shujie,Lu, Huitian,Zhang, Hongchao.Remaining Useful Life Model and Assessment of Mechanical Products: A Brief Review and a Note on the State Space Model Method[J],SCIE,2019,32(1)
团队成员Research Group