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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : 重大装备设计研究所 副所长
学科:机械设计及理论. 机械制造及其自动化. 机械电子工程
联系方式:Email: liuww@dlut.edu.cn; ghostliuww@163.com
- [1]刘伟嵬, 刘炳君, 刘焕强, 刘泽远.激光熔化沉积过程缺陷识别方法[J],东北大学学报(自然科学版),2024,45(08):1150-1158
- [2]刘伟嵬, 邱佳鹤, 胡光大, 刘泽远.基于改进YOLOv5的退役轴类零件表面损伤检测方法[J],东北大学学报(自然科学版),2024,45(7):1002-1010
- [3]刘翰儒, 陈桂映, 许泽林, 彭世通, 郭嘉楠, 刘伟嵬, 王奉涛.基于SERepVGG-A2的轻量化卷积神经网络在熔池状态识别中的应用[J],机械工程学报,2024
- [4]莫彬, 邓林辉, 石非凡, 李涛, 刘伟嵬, 张洪潮.Mechanisms and influencing factors of defect formations during laser-based directed energy deposi...[J],VIRTUAL AND PHYSICAL PROTOTYPING,2024,19(1)
- [5]刘伟嵬, 刘焕强, 刘炳君, 马宗雨, 宋建融, 王檀栋, 胡光大, 吕振新, 张应中, Wang, Fengtao, 张洪潮.Investigation of molten pool geometry and flow field based on powder-scale modeling in laser dire...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2024,134(9-10):4253-4270
- [6]刘伟嵬, 刘颜铭, 宋建融, 李万洋, 马宗雨, 刘焕强, 刘炳君, 夏宇坤, 王政凯, 黄禹锦, 李涛, 刘淑杰, Zhao, Yue, Wang, Fengtao, Zhang, Hongchao, Liu, Weiwei, Zhao.Structure and properties study of in-situ TiC reinforced 316L materials prepared by laser melting...[J],Ceramics International,2024,50(22):48448-48461
- [7]刘耕硕, 胡金妍, 杜冠群, 吕帅, 王宇, 刘淑杰, Hou, Tinghong, 刘伟嵬, 李涛.Research on the effect of remelting on the epitaxial growth process of single crystal superalloy[J],Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024,31:888-897
- [8]莫彬, 石非凡, 邓林辉, 李涛, 刘伟嵬.Crack initiation and propagation within nickel-based high-temperature alloys during laser-based d...[J],OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY,2024,179
- [9]刘伟嵬, 王檀栋, 刘炳君, 李万洋, 胡光大, 吕振新.Research of on-line monitoring technology and control strategy for laser-directed energy depositi...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2024,133(7-8):3105-3132
- [10]李万洋, 马宗雨, 刘焕强, 宋建融, Zhao, Yue, 张洪潮, 刘伟嵬, 李涛, 刘淑杰, 张应中, Wang, Fengtao.Mesoscopic characteristics, microstructure evolution, friction mechanisms, and corrosion behavior...[J],TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2024,198
- [11]Dong, Yazhou, 刘伟嵬, Zhang, Heng, 张洪潮.On-line recycling of abrasives in abrasive water jet cleaning[A],21st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (CIRP LCE),2022,15:278-282
- [12]Li, Mingzheng, 刘伟嵬, Short, Tim, Qing, Xiaochuan, Dong, Yazhou, 何延明, 张洪潮.Pre-treatment of remanufacturing cleaning by use of supercritical CO2 in comparison with therma...[J],Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy,2022,17(6):1563-1572
- [13]唐梓珏, 刘伟嵬, 张楠, 王怡文, 张洪潮.Real-time prediction of penetration depths of laser surface melting based on coaxial visual monit...[J],OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING,2022,128:106034-106034
- [14]刘伟嵬, Zhang, Heng, Liu, Li-hong, Qing, Xiao-chuan, Tang, Zi-jue, Li, Ming-zheng, Yin, Jin-song, 张洪潮.Remanufacturing cathode from end-of-life of lithium-ion secondary batteries by Nd:YAG laser rad...[J],Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy,2022,18(1):231-243
- [15]赵久梁, 刘伟嵬, 颜峰, 李骏, 张尧, 颜云辉.Research on Surface Quality Evaluation System of Steel Strip Based on Computer Vision[A],2009 Third International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application,2022,32-35
- [16]刘伟嵬, 张冰, 李孟柱, 李毅, 张洪潮.Study on remanufacturing cleaning technology in mechanical equipment remanufacturing process[A],20th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, LCE 2013,2022,643-648
- [17]刘伟嵬, Li, Ming-zheng, Short, Tim, Qing, Xiao-chuan, 何延明, Yan-zeng, Liu, Li-hong, Zhang, Heng, 张洪潮.Supercritical carbon dioxide cleaning of metal parts for remanufacturing industry[J],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022,93:339-346
- [18]刘伟嵬, Qing, Xiaochuan, Li, Mingzheng, Liu, Lihong, 张洪潮.Supercritical CO2 cleaning of carbonaceous deposits on diesel engine valve[A],22nd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE),2022,29:828-832
- [19]刘伟嵬, 邓剑洋, 张靖文, 牛东东.基于深度学习的挖掘机工作阶段的分类与识别[J],东北大学学报. 自然科学版,2024,44(10):1464-1473,1489
- [20]曹旭阳, 唐旭扬, 刘伟嵬, 王顶.虑及控制机构运动关联的柱塞泵动态特性研究[J],机床与液压,2024,52(03):78-85