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学科:化学工艺. 材料物理与化学. 物理化学
办公地点:辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 大连理工大学西部校区化工实验楼C-227
当前位置: 大连理工大学教授... >> 论文成果 >> 论文成果- [1]丁锐, 杨凯, 贺高红, 代岩, 郑文姬, 李祥村, 焉晓明, 刘毅, 阮雪华, 李少杰, 杨晓晨.Vesicles-shaped MOF-based mixed matrix membranes with intensified interfacial affinity and CO2 tr...[J],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021,43:128807-128807
- [2]孙彦威, 宋春山, 郭新闻, Sungwon Hong, Jungkyu Choi, 刘毅.Microstructural Optimization of NH2-MIL-125 Membranes with Superior H2/CO2 Separation Performance...[J],Journal of Membrane Science,2021,616:118615-
- [3]戎蓉, 孙彦威, 纪涛涛, 刘毅.Fabrication of highly CO2/N2 selective polycrystalline UiO-66 membrane with two-dimensional trans...[J],Journal of Membrane Science,2021,610:118275-
- [4]安晓银, 鲁金明, 刘毅, 杨建华, 张艳, 张雯.双金属MOF-74的合成及其气体吸附分离性能研究[J],化工新型材料,2021,48(4):185-190
- [5]鲁金明, 刘毅, 胡浩权, 郭新闻.新形势下工程硕士研究生课程建设的几点思考[J],化工高等教育,2020,37(2):60-63
- [6]Liu Yi, Lu Jinming.Single-Mode Microwave Heating-Induced Concurrent Out-of-Plane Twin Growth Suppression and In-Plan...[J],Chemistry, an Asian journal,2020
- [7]Liu, Liangliang, Sun, Yanwei, Yi, He, Gaohong, GH (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Chem Engn, State Key Lab Fine Chem, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Facile fabrication of titanosilicate zeolites with an unprecedented wide range of Si/Ti ratios ...[J],CRYSTENGCOMM,2020,22(2):164-168
- [8]Liu, Yang, Li, Xiangcun, Yi, Kou, Wei, Shen, Weiming, He, Gaohong, XC, He, GH (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Chem Engn, State Key Lab Fine Chem, Linggong Rd 2, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Promoting opposite diffusion and efficient conversion of polysulfides in "Trap" FexC-Doped asym...[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020,382
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- [10]鲁金明, 刘毅, 胡浩权, 郭新闻.关于新形势下工程硕士研究生课程建设的几点思考[A],2018,125-130
- [11]Liu, Yi, Ban, Yujie, Yang, Weishen, WS (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Dalian Inst Chem Phys, State Key Lab Catalysis, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Microstructural Engineering and Architectural Design of Metal-Organic Framework Membranes[J],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2017,29(31)
- [12]孙彦威, 宋春山, 刘毅.单一金属源配体溶剂热转化制备Mg-MOF-74膜[A],2017,2
- [13]马亮, 刘毅.水滑石辅助制备高性能MOF气体分离膜及抗腐蚀涂层[A],2017,1
- [14]Yu, Tongwen, Liu, Yi, Chu, Wenling, Yanchun, Cai, Rui, Yang, Weishen, WL, Cai, R (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Dalian Inst Chem Phys, State Key Lab Catalysis, 457 Zhongshan Rd, Dalian 116023, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Insights into the interplay between electric fields and microstructures of AEL films under iono...[J],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2017,53(11):1836-1839
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- [16]刘毅, 银建中, 刘润杰.超临界流体萃取的固态物料动力学模型研究进展[J],化工装备技术,2005,26(3):26-31
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- [18]石文华, 银建中, 魏炜, 刘毅.槐花的超临界二氧化碳萃取[A],2005,230-235
- [19]魏炜, 徐琴琴, 刘毅, 石文华, 银建中.超临界二氧化碳萃取甘草中的有效成份[A],2004,305-309
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