
- 性别:男
- 出生日期:1987-02-24
- 毕业院校:迪肯大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:水利工程系
- 学科:水文学及水资源. 环境工程
- 办公地点:综合实验3号楼435室
- 联系方式:zhliu@dlut.edu.cn
- 电子邮箱:zhliu@dlut.edu.cn
[1] 李强, 刘志红, 赵辉, 胡岚岚, 李翔宇.大连市河流pH、高锰酸盐指数超标原因机制分析——以登沙河为例[J],环境保护与循环经济,2024,44(05):76-79
[2] 李强, 刘志红, 赵辉, 胡岚岚, 李翔宇.大连市河流pH、高锰酸盐指数超标原因机制分析[J],环境保护与循环经济,2024,44(5):76-79
[3] Zhang, Xiaojing, 刘志红, Xin, Zhuohang, Chi, Song, Changchun.Tracing Nitrogen Sources and Transformation Characteristics in a Large Basin with Spatially Heteroge[J],Environmental research,2024,119859
[4] 张晓静, 刘志红, 辛卓航, 张弛, 宋长春.Tracing Nitrogen Sources and Transformation Characteristics in a Large Basin with Spatially Heteroge[J],Environmental research,2024,P1
[5] 董梁, 白昕, 李佳欣, 刘志红, 辛卓航, 宋长春, Zhang, Yifeng, Valverde-Pérez, Borja, 张弛.Runoff variation alters estuarine sediment microbiome and nitrogen removal processes by affecting sa[J],The Science of the total environment,2024,955:176880
[6] 高曌, 刘志红, 韩鹏飞, Zhang, Chi.Investigating spatial-temporal trend of snow cover over the three provinces of Northeast China based[J],JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2024,645
[7] 辛卓航, 常鹏娟, 刘志红, 宋长春.基于氮氧同位素的入海河流硝酸盐来源差异化分析[J],环境科学,2024
[8] 吴雨娇, Li, Yu, Du, Erhu, Sun, Yan, Zhang, Jingjie, 刘志红, 宋长春.The dominant mechanisms of nutrient cycling in high-dam reservoirs: retention, transport or transfor[J],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS,2024,19(12)
[9] Gao, Zhao, 刘志红, Han, Pengfei, Zhang, Chi.Investigating spatial-temporal trend of snow cover over the three provinces of Northeast China based[J],Journal of Hydrology,2024,645
[10] 洪杉杉, 张超, 刘志红, Guangshuai Zhang, Yueyin Cai, Quanming Wang, 宋长春.Distribution of habitat suitability for Suaeda salsa in the Liaohe River Estuary and its relationshi[J],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2024,954
[11] 洪杉杉, 张广帅, 蔡悦荫, 张超, 宋长春, 刘志红, 辛卓航.河口盐沼湿地植被碳汇能力对水文连通性的响应研究进展[J],生态学杂志,2024
[12] 刘丹彤, 徐怡沛, 宋长春, 辛卓航, Fang, Chong, 刘志红, Song, Changchun.Agricultural management strategies for balancing yield increase, carbon sequestration, and emission [J],Journal of environmental management,2023,340:117965
[13] 朱喆, 李昱, 孙艳, 张弛, Li, Yu, Sun, Yan, 刘志红, Zhang, Chi.A Decision Support Framework for Pollution Source Detection via Coupled Forward-Inverse Optimization[J],WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,2023,59(6)
[14] Zhao, Lei, 徐怡沛, 张弛, 宋长春, Fang, Chong, 辛卓航, 刘志红, Zhang, Chi, Song, Changchun.Spatiotemporal variation of long-term surface and vertical suspended particulate matter in the Liaoh[J],Ecological Indicators,2023,151
[15] 陈贞波, 辛帅, 张弛, Xin, Shuai, Zhang, Chi, 刘志红, 宋长春.Effects of Long-Term (17 Years) Nitrogen Input on Soil Bacterial Community in Sanjiang Plain: The La[J],Microorganisms,2023,11(6)
[16] 陈贞波, 刘志红, 宋长春, Liu, Zhihong.Agricultural fertilization near marshes impacts the potential for greenhouse gas emissions from wetl[J],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2024,930
[17] 刘丹彤, 宋长春, 辛卓航, Fang, Chong, 刘志红, Song, Changchun.China can enhance its carbon and nitrogen reduction potential by optimizing maize trade across provi[J],COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT,2024,5(1)