
- 主要任职:Assistant Professor
- 性别:女
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:化工海洋与生命学院
- 学科:环境工程
- 办公地点:D06-309
- 联系方式:liyang1989@dlut.edu.cn
- 电子邮箱:liyang1989@dlut.edu.cn
敖志鹏, 李媛, 李杨, 赵智强, 张耀斌.Facilitating direct interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic digestion via speeding up transmembrane transport of electrons and CO(2) reduction in methanogens by Na(+) adjustment.[J],Waste management (New York, N.Y.),170:252-260
梁连福, 于麒麟, 李杨, 赵智强, Fan, Shengqiang, 张耀斌.Effects of magnetite on nitrate-dependent anaerobic oxidation of methane in an anaerobic membrane biofilm reactor: Metatranscriptomic analysis and mechanism prediction[J],Environmental Technology and Innovation,32
于麒麟, 毛浩浩, 杨博文, 孙呈, Zhu, Yahui, 赵智强, 李杨, 张耀斌.Electro-polarization of protein-like substances accelerates trans-cell-wall electron transfer in microbial extracellular respiration.[J],iScience,26(2):106065
Wang, Mingwei, Sun, Ye, 于麒麟, 赵智强, 李杨, 张耀斌.Sustainable disposal of Fenton sludge and enhanced organics degradation based on dissimilatory iron reduction in the hydrolytic acidification process.[J],Journal of hazardous materials,459:132258
Smith, Jessica A., Holmes, Dawn E., Woodard, Trevor L., 李杨, Liu, Xinying, Wang, Li-Ying, Meier, David, Schwarz, Ingrid A., Lovley, Derek R..Detrimental impact of the Geobacter metallireducens type VI secretion system on direct interspecies electron transfer.[J],Microbiology spectrum,e0094123
梁连福, 金珍, Yang Tao, 李杨, 赵智强, 张耀斌.Enhanced Extracellular Electron Transfer in Magnetite-Mediated Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Humic Substances Reduction: The Pivotal Role of Membrane-Bound Electron Transfer Proteins[J],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2024,58(40):17756-17765
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基于Na+调控的直接种间电子传递产甲烷菌胞内呼吸机制及其在厌氧消化的应用, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2021/08/18, 在研
铁-碳纳米复合物活化过硫酸盐氧化土壤多环芳烃的化学机制, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2018/08/16-2023/03/31, 结题
纳米贝壳粉生态净化材料的合成及其在室内空气净化中的应用, 地市厅局(含县)项目, 2018/01/01-2023/09/13, 结题
基于乙醇型发酵构建互养微生物种间直接电子传递强化厌氧甲烷化的机制研究, 其他课题, 2017/11/15-2023/09/14, 结题