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Li Yaopeng

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

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Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics

Business Address:能源与动力学院809室

The principle of determining the optimized operating parameters based on the adopted fuel property in RCCI engines

Date:2019-11-04  Hits:

Indexed by:会议论文


Abstract:Both the gasoline/diesel (G/D) and methanol/diesel (M/D) reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engines are optimized at low-to-medium load. The results indicated that the impact of fuel property on the determination of the optimal parameters is significant. It is found that homogeneous fuel/air distribution with high premixed ratio and advanced start of injection (SOI) is beneficial for the improvement of engine performance for both G/D and M/D RCCI. Meanwhile, the high initial temperature is indispensable to avoid the excessively late CA50 and the deteriorated combustion efficiency. Fuel reactivity and combustion rate are two important parameters for the fuel in RCCI engines. Due to the lower reactivity and the faster combustion rate of methanol than those of gasoline, lower premixed ratio and more retarded SOI are adopted in M/D RCCI than G/D RCCI to advance the CA50 and alleviate the fast combustion rate. Moreover, higher exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rate is required for M/D RCCI to reduce its fast combustion rate. Boosting the in-cylinder pressure (PIVC) has two contradictory effects on the combustion temperature and fuel efficiency. Owing to the later CA50 in M/D RCCI, the higher PIVC is favorable for M/D RCCI, while lower PIVC is preferable for G/D RCCI. © 2018 Combustion Institute. All Rights Reserved.

Date of Publication:2017-12-10

Pre One:Multiple-objective optimization of methanol/diesel dual-fuel engine at low loads: A comparison of reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) and direct dual fuel stratification (DDFS) strategies Next One:Effect of combustion regime on in-cylinder heat transfer in internal combustion engines