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- [61]张鹏, 霍林生, 张卓群, 宋钢兵, 李宏男, Zhang, P., Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of TechnologyChina, email: peng1618@163.com.基于 H ∞范数的输电塔结构动力优化[J],计算力学学报,2015,32(5):608-612,618
- [62]霍林生, 侯洁, 李宏男.基于虚拟激励法的非线性悬吊质量摆减振优化设计[A],2015,265-265
- [63]李旭, 霍林生, 李宏男, 白凤龙.混凝土结构中PZT传感器的多功能性分析及应用[J],振动、测试与诊断,2015,35(4):709-714
- [64]赵杰, 孙晓艳, 霍林生.运用防屈曲支撑的混凝土框架结构的抗震性能研究[J],地震工程学报,2015,37(1):100-105
- [65]刘明洲, 霍林生.基于Midas的高层建筑结构收缩与徐变分析[J],建筑技术,2015,46(2):158-161
- [66]赵楠, 霍林生, 曲春绪, 李宏男.考虑参数不确定性的结构非线性振动控制研究[J],防灾减灾工程学报,2015,35(4):477-483
- [67]Yu, Zhefu, Huo, Linsheng, ZF (reprint author), Dalian Maritime Univ, Transportat Equipment & Marine Engn Coll, Dalian 116026, Liaoning, Peoples R China..A Practical Method for Grid Structures Damage Location[J],JOURNAL OF SENSORS,2015,2015
- [68]霍林生, 赵楠, 曲春绪, 李宏男.基于模型参考的结构非线性自适应减振控制[J],地震工程与工程振动,2015,35(6):78-84
- [69]霍林生, 李宏男, 侯洁.非线性悬吊质量摆减震控制的等效线性化方法研[J],防灾减灾工程学报,2015,35(3):283-289
- [70]李旭, 霍林生, 李宏男, Huo, Lin-Sheng.钢筋混凝土柱加载试验AE监测研究[J],振动与冲击,2014,33(20):12-15,25
- [71]Yu, Zhe Fu, Huo, Lin Sheng, Zhang, Lei.Grid structure damage location base on cross-correlation function[A],2014,578-579:1083-1086
- [72]霍林生, 李宏男.新媒体视野下建筑结构抗震微博教学实践[J],高等建筑教育,2014,23(2):126-128
- [73]Qu, Chunxu, Wang, Yang, Li, Hongnan, Huo, Linsheng, LS (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A double homotopy approach for decentralized H-infinity control of civil structures[J],STRUCTURAL CONTROL & HEALTH MONITORING,2014,21(3):269-281
- [74]侯洁, 霍林生, 李宏男, Hou, J..非线性悬吊质量摆对输电塔减振控制的研究[J],振动与冲击,2014,33(3):177-181
- [75]Li H.-N., Yi T.-H., Ren L., Li D.-S., Huo L.-S., Li, H.-N., Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of TechnologyChina, email: hnli@dlut.edu.cn.Reviews on innovations and applications in structural health monitoring for infrastructures[J],Structural Monitoring and Maintenance,2014,1(1):1-45
- [76]霍林生, 李宏男.A modified d-k iteration approach for the decentralized H∞ control of civil structures with para...[J],Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2014,2014:1-14
- [77]Huo, Linsheng, Qu, Chunxu, Li, Hongnan, LS (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Infrastruct Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..TLCD Parametric Optimization for the Vibration Control of Building Structures Based on Linear M...[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2014
- [78]Qu, Chunxu, Huo, Linsheng, Li, Hongnan, LS (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Infrastruct Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A Modified D-K Iteration Approach for the Decentralized H-infinity Control of Civil Structures ...[J],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2014,2014
- [79]霍林生, 沈文赫, 李宏男, Huo, L.(lshuo@dlut.edu.cn).摄动结构中基于H∞范数的调液阻尼器减震优化设计[J],西南交通大学学报,2013,48(5):798-802
- [80]曲春绪, 霍林生, 李宏男, Yang wang.基于双同伦法的建筑结构H∞分散控制[A],2013,600-605