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(1) Lixin Xu*, Constraints onf(R) gravity through the redshift space distortion, Physical Review D, 2015, 91(6)
(2) Lixin Xu*, Gravitational waves: A test for modified gravity, Physical Review D, 2015, 91(10)
(3) Lixin Xu*, A New Unified Dark Fluid Model and Its Cosmic Constraint, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2014, 53(11): 4025-4034
(4) Lixin Xu*, Confronting DGP braneworld gravity with cosmico observations after Planck data, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014, (2)
(5) Lixin Xu*, Yadong Chang, Equation of state of dark matter after Planck data, Physical Review D, 2013, 88(12)
(6) Lixin Xu*, Growth index after the Planck results, Physical Review D, 2013, 88(8)
(7) Lixin Xu*, Spherical collapse of a unified dark fluid with constant adiabatic sound speed, European Physical Journal C, 2013, 73(3)
(8) Lixin Xu*, Constraints on the holographic dark energy model from type Ia supernovae, WMAP7, baryon acoustic oscillation, and redshift-space distortion, Physical Review D, 2013, 87(4)
(9) Lixin Xu*, Unified dark fluid with constant adiabatic sound speed: Including entropic perturbations, Physical Review D, 2013, 87(4)
(10) Lixin Xu*, Revisiting Cardassian model and cosmic constraint, European Physical Journal C, 2012, 72(8)
(11) Lixin Xu*, Constraints on the holographic dark energy model via type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillation, and WMAP7, Physical Review D, 2012, 85(12)
(12) Lixin Xu*, Cosmological model-independent Gamma-ray bursts calibration and its cosmological constraint to dark energy, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2012, (4)
(13) Lixin Xu*, Yuting Wang, Hyerim Noh, Unified dark fluid with constant adiabatic sound speed and cosmic constraints, Physical Review D, 2012, 85(4)
(14) Lixin Xu*, Yuting Wang, Tong, Minglei Noh, Hyerim, CMB temperature and matter power spectrum in a decay vacuum dark energy model, Physical Review D, 2011, 84(12)
(15) Lixin Xu*, Yuting Wang, Yuanxing Gui, Probing the Ricci dark energy model with perturbations by using WMAP seven-year cosmic microwave background measurements, baryon acoustic oscillations, and type Ia supernovae, Physical Review D, 2011, 84(6)
(16) Lixin Xu*, Yuting Wang, Cosmography: Supernovae Union2, Baryon Acoustic Oscillation, observational Hubble data and Gamma ray bursts, Physics Letters B, 2011, 702(2-3): 114-120
(17) Lixin Xu*, Yuting Wang, Testing the consistency of Gamma Ray Burst data-set and Supernovae Union2, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2010, 11(11)
(18) Lixin Xu*, Yuting Wang, Cosmic constraint to DGP brane model: Geometrical and dynamical perspectives, Physical Review D, 2010, 82(4): 043503
(19) Lixin Xu*, Jianbo Lu, Wenbo Li, Time variable cosmological constants from the age of universe, Physics Letters B, 2010, 690(4):333-336
(20) Lixin Xu*, Yuting Wang, Observational constraints to Ricci dark energy model by using: SN, BAO, OHD, fgas data sets, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2010, (6): 1-19
(21) Lixin Xu*, Jianbo Lu, Cosmological constraints on generalized Chaplygin gas model: Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2010, (3): 1-14
(22) Lixin Xu*, Jianbo Lu, Wenbo Li, Generalized holographic and Ricci dark energy models, European Physical Journal C, 2009, 64(1): 89-95
(23) Lixin Xu*, Holographic dark energy model with Hubble horizon as an IR cut-off, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2009, (9): 1-5
(24) Lixin Xu*, Wenbo Li, Jianbo Lu, Constraints on kinematic model from recent cosmic observations: SN Ia, BAO and observational Hubble data, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2009, (7): 1-13
(25) Lixin Xu*, Wenbo Li, Jianbo Lu, Holographic dark energy in Brans-Dicke theory, European Physical Journal C, 2009, 60(1): 135-140
- Lu, Jianbo, Wang, Weiping, 徐立昕, Wu, Yabo.Does accelerating universe indicate Brans-Dicke theory?[J],European Physical Journal Plus,2011,126(10):1-13
- Yang, Weiqiang, Pan, Supriya, 徐立昕, Mota, David F..Effects of anisotropic stress in interacting dark matter - dark energy scenarios[J],MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY,2022,482(2):1858-1871
- Yang, Weiqiang, Pan, Supriya, 徐立昕, Mota, David F..Effects of anisotropic stress in interacting dark matter - dark energy scenarios[J],MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY,2019,482(2):1858-1871
- Zhang, Hongchao, 徐立昕.Inflation in the parity-conserving Poincare gauge cosmology[J],JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS,2021,10
- Du, Minghui, Yang, WebJiang, Xu, Lixin, Pan, Supriya, Mota, David F..Future constraints on dynamical dark-energy using gravitational-wave standard sirens[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2019,100(4)
- Zhang, Hongchao, Xu, Lixin, HC (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys, Inst Theoret Phys, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China., Zhang, Penn State Univ, Inst Gravitat & Cosmos, University Pk, PA 16801 USA..Late-time acceleration and inflation in a Poincare gauge cosmological model[J],JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS,2019,9
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