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- [21]赵宇, 王鹏, 马良栋, 张吉礼.Prediction of pollutants dispersion patterns around two adjacent urban road tunnels[J],Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,2018,1-12
- [22]马良栋, 许艺颖, 秦玉根, 张吉礼.Identifying abnormal energy consumption data of lighting and socket based on energy consumption c...[A],2018
- [23]Shao, Nina, Zhang, Jili, Ma, Liangdong, LD (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Infrastruct Engn, Inst Bldg Energy, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Analysis on indoor thermal environment and optimization on design parameters of rural residence[J],JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING,2017,12:229-238
- [24]梁若冰, 马良栋, 张吉礼.BIM毕业设计质量保障措施与实践——以建筑环境与能源应用工程专业为例[J],中国建设教育,2017,01:47-50
- [25]Zhao, Yu, Yan, Huiyu, Ma, Liangdong, Wang, Peng.Numerical investigation of Pollutant Dispersion around two Adjacent Super-long Urban Road Tunne...[A],2017,205:1331-1336
- [26]马良栋, 张吉礼.The Performance Simulation Analysis of the Sewage-source Heat Pump Heater Unit Dealing with Large...[J],Procedia Engineering,2017,205:1769-1776
- [27]张吉礼, 马良栋.Experimental Research of the Dual-source Evaporator Under Spraying Condition[J],Procedia Engineering,2017,205:1920-1926
- [28]Zhang, Tianjiao, Jili, Ma, Liangdong.Experimental Research of the Dual-source Evaporator Under Spraying Condition[A],2017,205:1920-1926
- [29]Ma, Liangdong, Zhen, Xianzi, Zhang, Jili.The Performance Simulation Analysis of the Sewage-source Heat Pump Heater Unit Dealing with Lar...[A],2017,205:1769-1776
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- [31]赵宇, 王鹏, 马良栋.Numerical investigation of Pollutant Dispersion around two Adjacent Super-long Urban Road Tunnels[J],Procedia Engineering,2017,205:1331-1336
- [32]Ma, Liangdong, Zhao, Tianyi, Zhang, Jili, Dan, JL (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Infrastruct Engn, Dalian, Peoples R China..Numerical study on the heat transfer characteristics of filled-type solar collector with U-tube[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2016,107:642-652
- [33]邵妮娜, 马良栋, 张吉礼, Ma, L.-D., School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of TechnologyChina, email: liangdma@dlut.edu.cn.辽南地区农村住宅优化设计[J],大连理工大学学报,2016,56(4):390-395
- [34]刘超, 赵天怡, 张吉礼, 马良栋, 柳欣欣, 李文刚, 杨欣炜.基于建筑能耗监管平台的VRV空调系统及集中式空调系统运行电耗分析[J],建筑科学,2016,32(6):108-115
- [35]马良栋, 梁若冰, 张吉礼.建筑与土木工程领域BIM技术人才培养方法探讨[J],中国建设教育,2016,03:61-64+76
- [36]马良栋, 张吉礼, 梁若冰, 王宝民.建设 BIM 研究与实践创新基地的探索[J],高等建筑教育,2016,25(1):150-154
- [37]张吉礼, 马良栋.Research on rural heating design temperature based on residential behavior pattern[A],2016
- [38]Ma, Liangdong, Shao, Nina, Zhang, Jili, Tianjiao, Xu, Meng.A Study on Indoor Thermal Environment of Rural Residence in South Liaoning Province[A],2015,146:365-373
- [39]李超, 马良栋, 张吉礼, 赵天怡.多相变材料蓄热器蓄热特性数值模拟研究[J],建筑热能通风空调,2015,34(5):18-22
- [40]吴婷, 马良栋, 张吉礼, 赵天怡.数学模型对水冷型PVT围护结构热性能的影响研究[J],建筑热能通风空调,2015,34(5):1-5