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- [1]赵天怡, 张城禹, 许竞文, 吴一凡, 马良栋.Data-driven correlation model between human behavior and energy consumption for college teaching ...[J],Journal of Building Engineering,2021,38:102093-
- [2]赵天怡, 张城禹, 特日格乐, 马良栋.Online methodology for separating the power consumption of lighting sockets and air-conditioning ...[J],Applied Sciences,2021,11(3):1031-
- [3]张天娇, 马良栋, 张吉礼.Numerical investigation on the longitudinal distribution characteristics of falling film flow out...[J],Heat and Mass Transfer,2021,57(10):1671-1684
- [4]张天娇, 马良栋, 张吉礼.Experimental study on falling film evaporation characteristics of R-134a outside of a vertical en...[J],International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2021,180:12805-12805
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- [7]王鹏, Han, Kaihong, 梁若冰, 马良栋, Yoon, Sungmin.The virtual in-situ calibration of various physical sensors in air handling units[J],SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT,2021,27(6):691-713
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- [11]马良栋, Ren Tixiu, Zhang Tianjiao, 赵天怡, 张吉礼.Experimental study on effect of operating parameters on performance of serially cascaded wastew...[J],JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING,2021,32
- [12]Shao, Nina, Ma, Liangdong, Zhang, Jili, LD (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Inst Bldg Energy, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Experimental investigation on the performance of direct-expansion roof-PV/T heat pump system[J],ENERGY,2020,195
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- [17]马良栋, 张义, 刘明生.建筑物热力入口热量供需平衡调节方法[J],建筑科学,2019,35(2):43-48,67
- [18]马良栋, 张志远, 宋嘉林, 张吉礼.城市原生污水基础物性参数测试[J],东南大学学报,2019,48(6):1177-1182
- [19]Shao, Nina, Ma, Liangdong, Zhang, Jili, LD (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Infrastruct Engn, Inst Bldg Energy, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Study on the rural residence heating temperature based on the residents behavior pattern in Sou...[J],ENERGY AND BUILDINGS,2018,174:179-189
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