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1、《岩爆分析、监测与控制》马天辉、唐春安、蔡明 编著,大连理工大学出版社,2014年.
Tianhui Ma, Long Wang, Fidelis Tawiah Suorineni, and Chunan Tang. Numerical Analysis on Failure Modes and Mechanisms of Mine Pillars under Shear Loading[J]. Shock and Vibration. 2016, 2016: 1-14. (SCI收录)
Tianhui Ma, Wu Quanao, Tang Chunan, Liu Hongyuan. Hydraulic fracturing propagation mechanism during shale gas reservoir stimulation through horizontal well[J]. Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette. 2016, 23(2):477-490. (SCI收录)
Tianhui Ma; Chun'an Tang; Liexian Tang; Wendong Zhang; Long Wang. Rockburst characteristics and microseismic monitoring of deep-buried tunnels for Jinping II Hydropower Station[J].Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2015, 49, 345-368. (SCI收录,EI收录)
马天辉,唐春安,唐烈先,张文东,王龙.基于微震监测的岩爆预警机制研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(3): 470-483 (EI收录)
马天辉,唐春安,张文东.滞后型岩爆孕育过程的围岩时效变形研究新思路[J].实验室研究与探索.2014, 33(9):4-9.
马天辉, 张文东, 徐涛.节理岩体中隧洞围岩的损伤破坏机理[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版),2013, 34(10):1485-1489. (EI收录)
马天辉.利用虚拟仿真技术激发学生科学研究兴趣[J]. 中国科教创新导刊,2013,4:175-179.
Tianhui Ma, Chun’an Tang, Lianchong Li, Zhengzhao Liang and Yongbin Zhang. Numerical Simulation on Fracture Formation on Surfaces of Bi-layered Columnar Materials[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, Vols.446-449 pp.2929-2933. (EI收录,ISTP收录)
T.H. Ma, C.A. Tang, L.C. Li, Z.Z. Liang, Y.B. Zhang. Numerical simulation on fracture formation on surfaces of bi-layered spherical solid[A]. IFITA 2009 Proceedings[C]. 2009. (ISTP收录)
T.H. Ma, C.A. Tang, L.C. Li and Y.B. Zhang. Numerical analysis of stability of rock mass in shirengou iron mine, tangshan city, from open-pit to underground mining[A]. The 7th International Symposium on Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines(RaSiM7)[C].2009. (ISTP收录)
MA Tianhui, TANG Chunan, LIANG Zhengzhao, LI Lianchong and ZHANG Yongbin. Mechanics Method of Evaluating Rock Stability in Underground Engineering[A]. 2008 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology[C]. 2008. (ISTP收录)
马天辉, 唐春安,梁正召,张永彬,李连崇.关于强度折减法安全系数分类的探究[C]. 第十届全国岩石力学与工程学术大会论文集,2008,423-430.
Ma T H, Yang J Y, Liang Z Z, Zhang Y B, Xu T. Numerical simulation on fracture formation on surfaces of bi-layered materials[J]. Key Engineering Materials, 2007, Vols. 353-358 pp. 993-996 (EI收录,ISTP收录)
马天辉,唐春安,杨天鸿,梁正召. 基于非均匀网格的岩石破坏过程分析系统[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版),2007,28(8):1182-1185.(EI收录)
Ma T H, Tang C A, Xu T, Liang Z Z. Numerical Simulation and Analysis on Crack Path Deviation in Brittle Solid[J]. Key Engineering Materials, v 324-325 II, 2006, p 931-934 (EI收录,ISTP收录)
马天辉,唐春安,杨天鸿,梁正召,芮勇勤,林鹏.隧道顶板薄弱区的数值模拟研究[C]. 第九届全国岩石力学与工程学术大会论文集,2006,548-555.
马天辉,唐春安,李术才,王汉鹏,梁正召.八字岭隧道围岩稳定性的强度折减法分析[C]. 第九届全国岩石力学与工程学术大会论文集,2006,357-363.
刘超,马天辉,成小雨. 三轴循环加卸载下单结构面煤岩长度效应试验研究[J]. 煤矿开采,2016,03:20-23+35.
刘超,马天辉,成小雨. 不同角度结构面条件下裂隙煤岩破坏特征[J]. 煤矿安全,2015,09:218-220.
Lin, P., Ma, T.H., Liang, Z.Z., Tang, C.A., Wang, R.K., Failure and overall stability analysis on high arch dam based on DFPA code, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2014,45, 164-184, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2014.06.020 (SCI收录)
Lin P., Ma T H., Wang C., Numerical simulation on dam cracking analysis using DFPA code, Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics- Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG 2014,1955-1960. (EI收录)
张文东,马天辉,唐春安,唐烈先. 锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞岩爆特征及微震监测规律研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2014, 33(2):339-348.(EI收录)
Sun, Jian Qiu ; Ma, Tian Hui; Zhang, Liao Yuan; Bo, Huang; Li, Ai Shan. Study on hydraulic fracturing affected by natural fracturesSource: Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 501-504, p 2056-2059, 2014, Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering III(EI收录,ISTP收录)
Wang, Long. Ma, Tianhui, Zhang, Wendong. Numerical Analysis on Orebodies Failure under Shear Loading[A]. 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronic ,Industrial and Control Engineering (MEIC2014)[C]. 2014, p 260-263. ( EI收录)
Huang, Bo; Ma, Tian Hui; Li, Ai Shan; Sun, Jian Qiu; Zhang, Liao Yuan. Study on hydraulic fracturing affected by horizontal principal stress[J].Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 423-426, p 1467-1470, 2013. ( EI收录)
Wen-dong Zhang, Tian-hui Ma. Research on characteristic of rockburst and rules of microseismic monitoring at headrace tunnels in Jinping II hydropower station[A]. 2013 Fourth International Conference on Digital Manufacturing & Automation[C]. 2013, 1039-1042. ( EI收录,ISTP收录)
李连崇,马天辉,梁正召,张永彬,唐世斌. 基于数值仿真的土木工程实验教学改进与实践[J]. 实验技术与管理,2013,30(7):83-85.
Tang, C.A. , Ma, T.H., Yang, Y.F. .Influence of stress wave amplitude on rock fracturing process and failure pattern in the Brazilian tensile tests[C]. 45th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, 2011. (EI收录)
Tang Chunan, Ma Tianhui and Ding Xiaoli. On stress-forecasting strategy of earthquakes from stress buildup, stress shadow and stress transference (SSS) based on numerical approach[J]. Earthq Sci., 2009, 22: 53-62.
Xu T, Ma T H , Tang C A, Liang Z Z. Three dimensional numerical approaches to splitting failure of rock discs [J]. Key Engineering Materials, 2007, Vols. 353-358 pp. 921-924. (EI收录,ISTP收录)
杨菊英,马天辉, 于广明, 关萍,张娟霞.钢骨-钢管混凝土柱轴心受压承载力数值分析[J]. 青岛理工大学学报,2007,28(6):35-38.
Shibin Tang, Shanyong Wang, Tianhui Ma, Chunan Tang, Chunyan Bao, Xin Huang, Heng Zhang. Numerical study of shrinkage cracking in concrete and concrete repair systems[J]. International Journal of Fracture, 2016,199:229-244.(SCI收录)
王振,唐春安,马天辉,李连崇,杨岳峰,李根. 深埋硬岩隧洞落底开挖诱发围岩损伤破坏研究[J]. 地下空间与工程学报,2014,01:36-42.
门晓溪,唐春安,马天辉. 水压致裂作用下岩体参数对裂纹扩展影响的数值模拟[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版),2013,34(5):700-703.(EI收录)
Wang, Zhen; Tang, Chun'an; Ma, Tianhui; Li, Lianchong; Yang, Yuefeng. Research on the surrounding rock damage of deep hard rock tunnels caused by bottom excavation[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 170-173, p 1700-1703, 2012, Progress in Civil Engineering. (EI收录,ISTP收录)
揭秉辉,唐烈先,马天辉. 基于微震监测技术的隧洞强岩爆预测实践[J].人民长江,2012,43(17):51-54.
Liu C, Tang C A, Ma T H. Abnormal zone identification of roof looseness in excavation roadway based on microseismic technology[J]. Advanced Science Letters, 2011, 4(3): 764-768. (SCI收录)
黄志平,唐春安,马天辉,唐烈先. 卸载岩爆过程数值试验研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2011,30(增1):3120-3128. (EI收录)
王振,唐春安,马天辉,唐烈先. 锦屏二级水电站1#引水隧洞岩爆洞段数值分析[J].地下空间与工程学报,2011,7(增2):1747-1752.
Zhang, Y.B., Liang, Z.Z., Ma, T.H., Li, L.C.. An integrated parallel system for rock failure process analysis using PARDISO solver[J].Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2010,v 106 CCIS, n PART 2, p 244-251. (EI收录,ISTP收录)
李连崇,梁正召,马天辉,张永彬.高性能计算技术在岩石力学课程教学中的应用[J]. 高等建筑教育,2010,19(1):130.
L.C. Li, G. Li, T.H. Ma and Z.Z. Liang. Investigation on the influence of fault on the damage behavior of underground opening[C]. The 7th International Symposium on Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines(RaSiM7).2009. (ISTP收录)
Y.B. Zhang, Z.Z. Liang, T.H. Ma and L.C. Li. Numerical simulation of zonal disintegration of rocks around underground working at great depth[C]. The 7th International Symposium on Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines(RaSiM7).2009. (ISTP收录)
LI Lian-chong , TANG Chun-an, MA Tian-hui. Research on the closure and creep mechanism of circular tunnels. Journal of Coal Science & Engineering. 2008, Vol.14 No.2, pp 195-199.
南世卿,唐春安,马天辉,胡文剑. 岩石破裂过程分析系统在矿山的实际应用[J].金属矿山, 2008,12: 24-30.
Duan D ,Tang C A, Ma T H, Xu T, Zhang Z. Numerical simulation on AE characteristics of three-point-bending beams. Progress In Mining Science And Safety Technology. 2007,pp 398-402. ( ISTP收录)
梁正召,唐春安,马天辉,唐世斌.基于数值离心加载法的隧道群稳定性分析[C]. 隧道、地下工程及岩石破碎理论与应用——隧道、地下工程及岩石破碎学术研讨会论文集.2007,33-41.
唐春安,李连崇,马天辉. 基于强度折减与离心加载原理的边坡稳定性分析方法[C].第二届全国岩土与工程学术大会论文集.2006,123-133.
张永彬,赵兴东,马天辉,等.露天转地下境界顶柱稳定性分析[J].采矿技术, 2003,3(2):29-31.