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- [21]孙涛, 王怡, 谢蓉, 马震岳.APPLICATION OF FSI ON TURBOMACHINERY[A],Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC),2022
- [22]王刚, 马震岳.Application of Probabilistic Method to Stability Analysis of Gravity Dam Foundation over Multip...[J],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2022,2016
- [23]康飞, 李俊杰, 马震岳, 李宏.Artificial bee colony algorithm with local search for numerical optimization[J],软件学报,2022,6(3):490-497
- [24]Li, Mengyao, 王刚, Qian, Long, Xiangpeng, 马震岳.ASS-GPR: Adaptive Sequential Sampling Method Based on Gaussian Process Regression for Reliability...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS,2022,21(10)
- [25]Yang, Xiaoming, 马震岳, Zhang, Zhenguo.A study on nonlinear dynamic stability of labyrinth seal-rotating wheel system in hydraulic tur...[A],6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2022,1:888-+
- [26]Zhu, S.J., Peng, L.M., Zhou, Q., 马震岳, Kucharová, K., Cadek, J..Creep behaviour of aluminum strengthened by fine aluminum carbide particles and reinforced by sil...[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROST,2022,282(1):273-284
- [27]Zhang, Jinjian, Leike, 马震岳, Wang, Xueni, Wu, Qianqian, Fan, Zhe.Coupled bending-torsional vibration analysis for rotor-bearing system with rub-impact of hydrauli...[J],CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS,2022,147
- [28]温倩, 马震岳.电力系统故障对水轮发电机组转子-轴承系统 稳定性影响分析[J],水利与建筑工程学报,2022,17(4):242-248,264
- [29]宋志强, 马震岳, 张运良, 杨晓明, 金长宇, 徐伟.考虑厂房基础耦联作用的水轮发电机组轴系统动力反应分析[J],振动与冲击,2022,6:158-161
- [30]王刚, 马震岳, 张运良, 徐小梅.考虑重力坝纵缝结合程度的非线性有限元数值模拟[J],水力发电学报,2022,28(2):41-46
- [31]马震岳, Song Zhiqiang.Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of the Shaft System in Water Turbine Generator Set[J],Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2022,22(1):124-131
- [32]Xu, Xinyong, 马震岳, Song, Zhiqiang, Zhao, Baoyou, 徐威.NONLINEAR FEM ANALYSIS OF THE SPIRAL CASE KEEPING CONSTANT INTERNAL PRESSURE BASED ON SIMULATIO...[A],16th Asia and Pacific Division Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research/3rd IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures,2022,1718-+
- [33]Zhang, L. K., 马震岳.Numerical analysis of a rub-impact rotor-bearing system for hydraulic generating set[A],26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems,2022,15(PART 7)
- [34]Xu, Xinyong, Luo, Quansheng, 马震岳.Numerical Simulation of Temperature and Creep of Concrete Surrounding Spiral Case in a Hydrauli...[A],2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering,2022,194-196:977-+
- [35]马震岳.Path transmissibility analysis considering two types of correlations in hydropower stations[J],Journal of Applied Mathematics,2022,34(4):201-210
- [36]康飞, 李俊杰, 马震岳.Reliability Analysis of Earth Slopes Using Differential Evolution[A],International Conference on Structures and Building Materials,2022,163-167:3099-3102
- [37]康飞, 李俊杰, 马震岳.Reliability Analysis of Earth Slopes Using Differential Evolution[J],Advanced materials research,2022,163(1):3099-3102
- [38]Xu, Wei, 马震岳, Zhang, Cunhui.Research on Nonlinear Simulation of Spiral Case in High Head Hydropower Station[A],International Conference on Industry, Information System and Material Engineering,2022,204-210:1904-1909
- [39]Zhi, B. P., 马震岳.Research on the hydraulic turbine vertical vibration power flow in the head cover system[A],26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems,2022,15(PART 4)
- [40]张宏战, 马震岳.Research on simulation technique for fixed guide vanes in axialsymmetric models for spiral cases[A],Advanced Material Research,2022,671:873-878