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学科:计算机应用技术. 计算机软件与理论
- 候亚庆, 张文凯, 刘倩, 葛宏伟, 孟军, 张强, 魏小鹏.Adaptive kernel selection network with attention constraint for surgical instrument classification[J],Neural Computing and Applications,2021,1(1):1-15
- Wekesa, Jael Sanyanda, 栾雨时, 孟军.Predicting Protein Functions Based on Differential Co-expression and Neighborhood Analysis[J],JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY,2021,28(1):1-18
- Zhang Peng, 孟军, 栾雨时, 刘婵娟.Plant miRNA-lncRNA Interaction Prediction Prediction with the Ensemble of CNN and IndRNN[J],Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences,2021,12(1):82-89
- Wekesa Jael Sanyanda, 孟军, 栾雨时.LPI-DL: A recurrent deep learning model for plant lncRNA-protein interaction and function prediction with feature optimization[A],2021,499-502
- Zhou, Xiaoxu, Cui, Jun, 孟军, Luan, Yushi.Interactions and links among the noncoding RNAs in plants under stresses[J],THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS,2021,133(12):3235-3248
- Hou, Xinxin, Cui, Jun, Liu, Weiwei, Jiang, Ning, Zhou, Xiaoxu, Qi, Hongyan, 孟军, Luan, Yushi.LncRNA39026 Enhances Tomato Resistance to Phytophthora infestans by Decoying miR168a and Inducing PR Gene Expression[J],PHYTOPATHOLOGY,2021,110(4):873-880
- 番茄抗晚疫病关键调控因子的协同免疫机制研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2022/09/08, 在研
- 基于植物胁迫响应基因表达数据和GO术语结合的特征选择及调控网络研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2014/09/01, 结题
- 相容粒计算分类知识发现及其应用研究, 省、市、自治区科技项目, 2013/12/31-2023/09/13, 结题
- 基于集成深度学习的植物lncRNA与miRNA互作关系预测研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2018/08/16, 在研
- 基于集成深度学习的植物lncRNA与miRNA互作关系预测研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2018/08/16-2023/03/31, 结题
- 多源信息融合的用户画像构建技术研究, 国家科技部, 2016/07/28, 结题