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学科:环境科学. 分析化学
- [1]吴明火.Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers using acrylamide-_-cyclodextrin as a cofunctional mon...[J],JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE,2022,39(0):4439-4448
- [2]Guo, W., 陈石, 李栋, 何仁, 吴明火, 陈维, 高峰, 张征, 姚雁, 于力.Synthesizing value-added products from methane by a new Methylomonas[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY,2022,123(5):1214-1227
- [3]易先亮, Zhang, Keke, Han, Gaorui, Yu, Mingyue, Chi, Tongtong, Jing, Siyuan, Li, Zhaochuan, 占敬敬, 吴明火.Toxic effect of triphenyltin in the presence of nano zinc oxide to marine copepod Tigriopus jap...[J],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2022,243(Pt A):687-692
- [4]Yang, Huan-Huan, Du, Jie, 吴明火, 周豪, 易先亮, 占敬敬, 刘杨.Tin-Modified ɑ-MnO2 catalyst with high performance for benzene Oxidation, ozone decomposition an...[J],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022,427
- [5]杨永恒, Xu, Wenxue, 吴明火, Mao, Jianwei, Sha, Ruyi.Application of E-nose combined with ANN modelling for qualitative and quantitative analysis of be...[J],JOURNAL OF FOOD MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION,2022,15(6):5131-5138
- [6]周豪, Li, Xueling, Hu, Bingxin, 吴明火, 张岳, 易先亮, 刘扬.Assembly of fungal mycelium-carbon nanotube composites and their application in pyrene removal[J],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022,415
- [7]周豪, Che, Lin, 郭兆明, 吴明火, Li, Wenqing, 徐卫平, 柳丽芬.Bacteria-Mediated Ultrathin Bi2Se3 Nanosheets Fabrication and Their Application in Photothermal...[J],ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering,2022,6(4):4863-4870
- [8]张旭旺, Bao, Dongli, Li, Maoting, Tang, Qidong, 吴明火, 周豪, 柳丽芬, 曲媛媛.Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons by alkali-salt-tolerant microbial consortia and their ...[J],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2022,96(3):809-817
- [9]张旭旺, Jing, Jiawei, 张立芝, Song, Zhaojian, 周豪, 吴明火, 曲媛媛, 柳丽芬.Biodegradation characteristics and genomic functional analysis of indole-degrading bacterial st...[J],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2022,94(4):1114-1122
- [10]吴明火, 柳丽芬, 周豪.Characterization of selenite reduction by Lysinibacillus sp. ZYM-1 and photocatalytic performance...[J],ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering,2022
- [11]Che, Lin, Dong, Yuxuan, 吴明火, 赵永和, 柳丽芬, 周豪.Characterization of Selenite Reduction by Lysinibacillus sp ZYM-1 and Photocatalytic Performanc...[J],ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering,2022,5(3):2535-2543
- [12]张旭旺, 张立芝, 吴明火, Tang, Qidong, Song, Zhaojian, 周豪, 包永明, 柳丽芬, 曲媛媛.Comparative characterization and functional genomic analysis of two Comamonas sp. strains for b...[J],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2022,95(7):2017-2026
- [13]易先亮, Chi, Tongtong, Li, Zhaochuan, Wang, Jianfeng, Yu, Mingyue, 吴明火, 周豪.Combined effect of polystyrene plastics and triphenyltin chloride on the green algae Chlorella ...[J],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022,26(15,SI):15011-15018
- [14]Wang, Guochen, 刘阳, 吴明火, Zong, Wenjing, 易先亮, 占敬敬, 柳丽芬, 周豪.Coupling the phenolic oxidation capacities of a bacterial consortium and in situ-generated mang...[J],WATER RESEARCH,2022,166:115047
- [15]张谷静, Tian, Q. W., Yin, K. X., 牛素芹, 吴明火, 王义年, Huang, J. C..Microstructure, Hardness and Wear Behavior of AlxCoCrFe2Ni (x=0.3, 0.7, 1.0) High Entropy Alloy C...[J],JOM,2022,73(11):3597-3605
- [16]张议文, Qu, Jing, Du, Wenqiang, 吴明火, 柳丽芬.Molecularly imprinted polymer solid phase extraction coupled with liquid chromatography-high re...[J],MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN,2022,157
- [17]宫玉峰, Giesy, John P., Zhang, Keke, Geng, Ningbo, 吴明火, 易先亮, Liu, Renyan, Challis, Jonathan K., Codling, Garry, Xu, Elvis Genbo.Molecular mechanisms of zooplanktonic toxicity in the okadaic acid- producing dinoflagellate Pror...[J],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2022,279
- [18]吴明火, Fu, Lin, 胡玉峰, Su, Jingyun, Jing, Siyuan, 周豪, 占敬敬.Multiplex On-Bead Isotope Dimethyl Labeling Coupled with Liquid Chromatography-High-Resolution ...[J],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2022,90(20):12172-12179
- [19]胡玉峰, Li, Xiangdao, Liu, Jie, 吴明火, 李铭, Zang, Xinke.One-pot synthesis of a fluorescent molecularly imprinted nanosensor for highly selective detect...[J],Analytical Methods,2022,10(8):884-890
- [20]孙羽, 吴明火, Tong, Tiezheng, 刘鹏, Tang, Peng, Gan, Zhiwei, 杨平, He, Qiping, Liu, Baicang.Organic compounds in Weiyuan shale gas produced water: Identification, detection and rejection by...[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2022,412