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[1] 非稳态复杂的多相流动及传热传质过程
[2] 高效节能减排技术及CCUS开发应用
[3] 可再生能源的资源化利用及相关热力学问题
[4] 人工神经网络与大数据在能源与动力工程中的应用
在科研方面:负责国家自然科学基金项目2项,主持或参与装备预研船舶重工联合基金、JW创新特区以及其他省部级纵向课题近10项,企事业单位委托的技术开发、咨询或服务类项目30余项。先后在Fuel,Powder. Technol.,J. Energy. Inst.,Energy.,Biomass. Convers. Bior.,Energ. Fuel.,Appl. Therm. Eng.,Bioresource. Technol.,Renew. Energ.等热力学、燃料转化、传热传质、多相流动等领域高水平期刊发表学术论文30余篇,其中高被引论文1篇,获得授权发明专利3项。担任中国煤炭学会煤粉锅炉专业委员会第一届专业委员,辽宁省能源研究会专家成员等,《洁净煤技术》青年编委,同时是多个SCI/EI期刊的审稿人。实验室建设有完备的可再生能源清洁利用与多相流及传热传质实验台,可以开展包括生物质高效清洁低碳利用、多相流动及传热传质过程以及航空发动机先进热管理等方面的实验研究。
[1] Lin Mu*, Zhen Wang, Di Wu, Liang Zhao, Hongchao Yin. Prediction and evaluation of fuel properties of hydrochar from waste solid biomass: Machine learning algorithm based on proposed PSO–NN model. Fuel, 2022, 318: 123644.
[2] Lin Mu*, Tong Li, Siyuan Zuo, Hongchao Yin, Ming Dong. Effect of leaching pretreatment on the inhibition of slagging/sintering of aquatic biomass: Ash transformation behavior based on experimental and equilibrium evaluation. Fuel, 2022, 323: 124391.
[3] Xiankun Huang, Hongchao Yin, Bin Zhang, Ning Mei, Lin Mu*. Pyrolysis of lignin (De–alkaline) via TG/DSC–FTIR and TG–MS: pyrolysis characteristics, thermo-kinetics, and gas products. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 2022: 1-12.
[4] Hongchao Miao, Hongchao Yin, Yan Shang, Xiao Chi, Lin Mu*. Numerical prediction on deposition growth and heat transfer characteristics burning high–sodium pulverized coal. Fuel, 2022, 309:122135.
[5] Lin Mu*, Tong Li, Zhen Wang, Yan Shang, HongchaoYin. Influence of water/acid washing pretreatment of aquatic biomass on ash transformation and slagging behavior during co-firing with bituminous coal. Energy, 2021, 234: 121286.
[6] Lin Mu*, Ranyu Wang, Zhende Zhai, Bin Zhang, Yan Shang, Hongchao Yin. Evaluation of thermokinetics methodology, parameters, and coke characterization of co-pyrolysis of bituminous coal with herbaceous and agricultural biomass. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2021.
[7] Lin Mu, Zhaoyi Huo*, Fuxing Chu, Zhen Wang, Yan Shang, Hongchao Yin, Tingting Xu. Assessment of the redox characteristics of iron ore by introducing biomass ash in the chemical looping combustion process: biomass ash type, constituent, and operating parameters. ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 33, 21676–21689.
[8] Lin Mu*, Hongchao Miao, Chen Zhao, Zhende Zhai, Yan Shang, Hongchao Yin. Dynamic CFD modeling evaluation of ash deposition behavior and morphology evolution with different tube arrangements. Powder Technology, 2020, 379(12): 279-295.
[9] Lin Mu*, Shuaitan Wang, Zhende Zhai, Yan Shang, Chen Zhao, Liang Zhao, Hongchao Yin. Unsteady CFD simulation on ash particle deposition and removal characteristics in tube banks: Focusing on particle diameter, flow velocity, and temperature. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2020, 93(4):1481-1494.
[10] Lin Mu*, Chen Zhao, Liang Zhao, Bowen Chen, Zhiling Xu, Zhuqiang Yang, Yan Shang, Hongchao Yin. Mineralogical Composition Evolution and Thermogravimetric Characteristics of Sewage Sludge Ash at Different Ashing Temperatures. Energy & fuels, 2018, 32(12):12617-12629.
[11] Yan Shang, Ming Dong, Sufen Li, Lin Mu*. Analysis of a ground source heat pump system using an unsaturated 3-dimensional model[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 112:1083-1094.
[12] Lin Mu, Jianbiao Chen, Pikai Yao, Dapeng Zhou, Liang Zhao*, Hongchao Yin. Evaluation of co-pyrolysis petrochemical wastewater sludge with lignite in a thermogravimetric analyzer and a packed-bed reactor: Pyrolysis characteristics, kinetics, and products analysis. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 221:147-156.
[13] Lin Mu, Jianbiao Chen*, Hongchao Yin, Xigeng Song, Aimin Li, Xiao Chi. Pyrolysis behaviors and kinetics of refining and chemicals wastewater, lignite and their blends through TGA. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 180:22-31.