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- [1]任昊哲, 徐子川, Weifa Liang, 夏秋粉, Pan Zhou, Omer F. Rana, Alex Galis, 吴国伟.Efficient algorithms for delay-aware NFV-enabled multicasting in mobile edge clouds with resource...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS,2022
- [2]夏秋粉, 徐子川, Liang, Weifa, 于水, Guo, Song, Zomaya, Albert Y..Efficient Data Placement and Replication for QoS-Aware Approximate Query Evaluation of Big Data...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS,2022,30(12):2677-2691
- [3]夏秋粉.Efficient Embedding of Virtual Networks to Distributed Clouds via Exploring Periodic Resource Dem...[J],IEEE Trans. Cloud Computing,2022,6(3):694-707
- [4]徐子川, Liqian Zhao, Weifa Liang, Omer F. Rana, Pan Zhou, 夏秋粉, Wenzheng Xu, 吴国伟.Energy-aware inference offloading for DNN-driven applications in mobile edge clouds[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS,2022,32(4):799-814
- [5]Qin, Yugen, 夏秋粉, 徐子川, Zhou, Pan, Galis, Alex, Rana, Omer F., 任健康, 吴国伟.Enabling Multicast Slices in Edge Networks[J],IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2022,7(9):8485-8501
- [6]徐子川, Jiangkai Wu, 夏秋粉, Pan Zhou, 任健康, Huizhi Liang.Identity-aware attribute recognition via real-time distributed inference in mobile edge clouds[A],ACM Multimedia,2022
- [7]夏秋粉, Luyao Bai, 徐子川, Weifa Liang, Omer F. Rana, 吴国伟.Learning based online query evaluation for big data analytics in mobile edge clouds[A],Proc of ICC’20,2022
- [8]徐子川, Shengnan Wang, Shipei Liu, Haipeng Dai, 夏秋粉, Weifa Liang, 吴国伟.Learning for exception: Dynamic service caching in 5G-enabled MECs with bursty user demands[A],Proc of ICDCS’20,2022
- [9]夏秋粉.LinCa: A Page Loading Time Optimization Approach for Users Subject to Internet Access Restriction[A],International World Wide Web Conference,2022
- [10]夏秋粉, Wenhao Ren, 徐子川, Pan Zhou, Wenzheng Xu, 吴国伟.Learn to optimize: Adaptive VNF provisioning in mobile edge clouds[A],Proc of SECON’20,2022
- [11]吴国伟, 徐子川, 夏秋粉, 任健康, 夏锋.Task allocation and migration algorithm for temperature-constrained real-time multi-core systems[A],2010 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, GreenCom 2010, 2010 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, CPSCom 2010,2022,189-196
- [12]夏秋粉.The operational cost minimization in distributed clouds via community-aware user data placements ...[J],Computer Networks,2022,112:263-278
- [13]徐子川, Yugen Qin, Pan Zhou, John C. S. Lui, Weifa Liang, 夏秋粉, Wenzheng Xu, 吴国伟.To cache or not to cache: Stable service caching in mobile edge-clouds of a service market[A],Proc of ICDCS’20,2022
- [14]徐子川, Liang, Weifa, Galis, Alex, Ma, Yu, 夏秋粉, Xu, Wenzheng.Throughput optimization for admitting NFV-enabled requests in cloud networks[J],Computer Networks,2022,143:15-29
- [15]夏秋粉, Ren, Wenhao, 徐子川, 王新, Liang, Weifa.When Edge Caching Meets a Budget: Near Optimal Service Delivery in Multi-Tiered Edge Clouds[J],IEEE Transactions on Services Computing,2022
- [16]夏秋粉, Wenhao Ren, 李明楚, 任健康.Age-aware query evaluation for big data analytics in mobile edge clouds[A],The 22nd International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC),2022
- [17]徐子川, Zhang, Zhiheng, Lui, John C. S., Liang, Weifa, 夏秋粉, Zhou, Pan, Xu, Wenzheng, 吴国伟.Affinity-Aware VNF Placement in Mobile Edge Clouds via Leveraging GPUs[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS,2022,70(12):2234-2248
- [18]吴国伟, 徐子川, 夏秋粉, 任健康.An energy-aware multi-core scheduler based on generalized tit-for-tat cooperative Game[J],Journal of computers,2022,7(1):106-115
- [19]夏秋粉, 孙伟峰, 徐征, 李明楚.A novel grid resource scheduling model based on Extended Second Price Sealed Auction[A],3rd International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming, PAAP 2010,2022,305-310
- [20]徐子川, 夏秋粉, 姚琳.Big network data[J],Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks,2022