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学科:环境工程. 环境科学
- [1]郭美薇, 鲁馨, 乔森.Nitrate removal by anammox bacteria utilizing photoexcited electrons via inward extracellular ele...[J],Water research,250:121059
- [2]李双利, 张玉, 乔森, 周集体.Green water-etching synthesized La-MIL-101(Fe)-NH2@SiO2 yolk-shell nanocomposites with superior p...[J],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2024,53
- [3]Yang, Yue, Wang, Ruiyu, 周集体, 乔森.Removal of ofloxacin using a porous carbon microfiltration membrane based on in-situ generated •...[J],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,244
- [4]Yang, Yue, 季子轩, 周集体, 乔森.Production of C2+ products in novel microbial electrosynthesis coupled with anaerobic membrane bi...[J],Chemical Engineering Journal,2024,476
- [5]李垚, 郭美薇, 候彩云, 王婧轩, 乔森, Yu, Cong, 周集体, 全燮.Microbial electrosynthetic nitrate reduction to ammonia by reversing the typical electron transfe...[J],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,4(6)
- [6]Yao Li, 郭美薇, 张丽影, 乔森, 柳广飞, 周集体.Biological Self-Assembled Transmembrane Electron Conduits for High-Efficiency Ammonia Production ...[J],Environmental Science and Technology,2024,58(17):7457-7468
- [7]候彩云, 赵璇, Du, Lei, Chen, Dongrui, 周集体, 乔森.The preparation of electrically-enhanced and hydrophilic CNTs-PVDF composite hollow fiber membran...[J],Separation and Purification Technology,2024,351
- [8]候彩云, 李垚, Liu, Weifan, Du, Lei, 周集体, Lin, Shihong, 乔森, Zhu, Yuzhang.Superhydrophobic Membrane from Double Co-Crystallization for High-Performance Separation of Water...[J],SSRN,2024
- [9]郭美薇, Wang, Chao, 乔森.Light-driven ammonium oxidation to dinitrogen gas by self-photosensitized biohybrid anammox syste...[J],iScience,26(5):106725
- [10]候彩云, 李垚, 郭美薇, Du, Lei, 周集体, 乔森.Superhydrophobic PVDF membrane formed by crystallization process for direct contact membrane dist...[J],iScience,26(5):106464
- [11]李双利, 张玉, 乔森, 周集体.Green water-etching synthesized La-MIL-101(Fe)-NH2@SiO2 yolk-shell nanocomposites with superior p...[J],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2024,53
- [12]候彩云, 李垚, 郭美薇, Du, Lei, 周集体, 乔森.Superhydrophobic PVDF membrane formed by crystallization process for direct contact membrane dist...[J],iScience,26(5):106464
- [13]李双利, 张玉, 乔森, 周集体.Green water-etching synthesized La-MIL-101(Fe)-NH2@SiO2 yolk-shell nanocomposites with superior p...[J],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2024,53
- [14]田天, 乔森, Yu, Cong, 田一辉, 杨月, 周集体.Distinct and diverse anaerobic respiration of methanogenic community in response to MnO2 nanopa...[J],WATER RESEARCH,2022,123:206-215
- [15]Yang, Yue, 乔森, 金若菲, 周集体, 全燮.Novel Anaerobic Electrochemical Membrane Bioreactor with a CNTs Hollow Fiber Membrane Cathode t...[J],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021,53(2):1014-1021
- [16]杨月, 乔森, 周集体, 全燮.Mitigating Membrane Fouling Based on in Situ center ·OH Generation in a Novel Electro-Fenton Memb...[J],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021,54:7669-7676
- [17]董双石, 程汉卿, 邓贝奇, 乔森.Bi与rGO共修饰SnO2光催化高效降解TCH和染料研究[J],安全与环境学报,2019,19(3):992-1002
- [18]Yang, Yue, Qiao, Sen, Zhou, Jiti, Quan, Xie, S, Quan, X (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Environm Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Ind Ecol & Environm Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A novel porous-carbon-based hollow fiber membrane with electrochemical reduction mediated by in...[J],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2019,255
- [19]Tian, Tian, Qiao, Sen, Yu, Cong, Yang, Yue, Zhou, Jiti, S (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Environm Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Ind Ecol & Environm Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Low-temperature anaerobic digestion enhanced by bioelectrochemical systems equipped with graphe...[J],CHEMOSPHERE,2019,218:119-127
- [20]Tian, Tian, Qiao, Sen, Yu, Cong, Zhou, Jiti, S (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Environm Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Ind Ecol & Environm Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Effects of nano-sized MnO2 on methanogenic propionate and butyrate degradation in anaerobic dig...[J],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2019,364:11-18