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Date of Publication:2022-10-09




Page Number:439-445

ISSN No.:1007-4708

Abstract:Investigation on elastic modulus of railway ballasts in wind with
   different sand contents can be benefited to understand the dynamic
   characteristics of railway track in wind-blown sand areas.In this
   study,discrete element models are developed,and elastic modulus is
   calculated of ballasts in wind with different sand contents gamma.The
   results show that elastic modulus remains a constant with low sand
   contents(gamma<30%),and decreases linearly with increasing sand contents
   with high sand contents(gamma >30%).The simulation results agree with
   the experimental results.The internal mechanism of the relationship
   between elastic modulus and different sand contents is analyzed in terms
   of the strength and the spacial distribution of the force chains,and the
   coordination number of ballast-sand mixtures.The present study can be
   helpful for the understanding of the dynamic properties of ballasted
   railway tracks in wind-blown sand areas,and for the structure design and
   sand disaster treatments of ballasted beds.


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