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Date of Publication:2022-10-09



Page Number:379-383

ISSN No.:1007-4708

Abstract:In high humidity atmosphere, the engine of aircrafts faces challenges from icing when water drops hit on its surface.In this paper, a spraying apparatus is established to model the icing process on titanium alloy surfaces.Through applying shear forces on the cohesive zone, the shear strength (��s) under different temperature (T) is obtained.The result shows that the ��s linearly decreases with T.It shows that the shear failure happened in the cohesive zone between the granular ice and titanium alloy surface is a typical brittle failure.The experiment data would be useful for the analysis of physical and mechanical properties of granular ice, helpful for the ice-resistant design of the aircraft engine, as well as calibration for simulation. ? 2017, Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics. All right reserved.


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