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Date of Publication:2022-10-09




Page Number:98-108

ISSN No.:0253-4193

Abstract:In cold regions,the vibrations of offshore platforms induced by sea ice can be harmful for not only the routine production but also the serviceability and safety of platforms.In this study,a coupled discrete element method (DEM)and finite element method (FEM)is developed to analyze the sea ice-conical jacket platform inter-action and ice induced vibrations of the platform.The DEM with bonding-breaking effect between bonded spherical elements is adopted to simulate the breakage of ice cover and the FEM is applied to model the ice-induced vibra-tions of jacket platform with the beam element.The transmissions of the mechanical variables at the interface be-tween DEM and FEM are achieved in this paper.In additionally,to improve the computational efficiency and scale of the coupled model,the coupled model based on the dynamic sub-structure method is adopted here.In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method,ISO19906 and JTS 144-1-2010 standards under various ice veloci-ties and thicknesses are compared with the simulated ice load.The simulated ice load is in good conformance with the standard.Meanwhile,the simulation accelerations obtained by the proposed method are compared with obser-vation data of the four-pile conical platform (JZ20-2 MUQ),which show the high consistency.In addition,the re-sults also indicate that the vibration acceleration of the platform is linearly related to ice velocity,quadratic nonlin-earity to ice thickness,and linearly related to the product of the ice velocity and ice thickness squared.


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