Date of Publication:2022-10-06
Page Number:59-69
ISSN No.:1005-9865
Abstract:During the navigation of ship in ice covered regions,the ice load on ship hull is a significant factor for the structure design and safe maneuvering of ships.In this study,the discrete element method (DEM) is applied to simulate the interaction between level ice and ship hull.The level ice is constructed with bonded spherical elements under the buoyancy and drag force of current.The bonded elements can be broken in the process of the interaction between level ice and ship hull.The ship hull is constructed with triangular elements and treated as a six-degree of freedom system.With the DEM simulations of the interaction between level ice and ship hull,the global ice resistance on ship hull in the process of ice breaking can be determined.The influences of propulsive force and ice thickness on ice load are also discussed based on the simulation results.The comparison of ice load between DEM simulation results and the empirical formula proposed by Lindqvist is presented.This study can be an aid to the structure design of ship and the navigation security in ice-covered fields.