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Date of Publication:2022-10-06


Affiliation of Author(s):运载工程与力学学部



Page Number:140-148

ISSN No.:0253-4193

Abstract:In ice ridges consolidation,the convective heat flux becomes critical due to the larger contact areas and surface temperature differences compared with those from level ice.In this paper,a submerging experiment was designed to determine the heat transfer coefficient (h)between fresh ice and fresh water in a free convection.A thermistor string was used to measure temperature changes while ice growth was recorded by photograph.To study the factors,the tests were carried out on different ice thickness(4.9 cm to 20.5 cm)and initial temperatures (-20℃ and-32℃).The result shows that the h exponential increased with temperature difference from 0.3 W/(m2·K)to 1 75 W/(m2·K).On the other hand,the variation of initial thickness and temperature was not a direct influence on h.For convective heat transfer,the boundary layer condition is central for understanding the convection between ice surface and water flowing past it.From the governing equation,the water flow in a free convection is caused by density difference,which is driven by the thermal expansion.A large temperature differ-ence between surface and environmental water creates a thicker boundary layer,which leads to a higher h.


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