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- [1]李峰, 李西盛, 毕冉, 马野, 孙景昊, 邓庆绪.带优先级DAG实时任务图模型的响应时间分析[J],计算机学报,2024
- [2]李西盛, 段凯璐, 孙景昊, Wang, Jiarui, Chen, Mingsong, Guan, Nan, Guo, Zhishan, Deng, Qingxu, Xie, Yong.Connecting the physical space and cyber space of autonomous systems more closely[J],Real-Time Systems,2024
- [3]孙景昊, 段凯璐, 李西盛, Guan, Nan, Guo, Zhishan, Deng, Qingxu, 谭国真.Real-Time Scheduling of Autonomous Driving System with Guaranteed Timing Correctness[A],Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, RTAS,2024,2023-May:185-197
- [4]孙景昊, 王天一, Li, Yang, Guan, Nan, Guo, Zhishan, 谭国真.SEAM: An Optimal Message Synchronizer in ROS with Well-Bounded Time Disparity[A],Proceedings - Real-Time Systems Symposium,2024,172-184
- [5]李峰, 王嘉蕊, Bi, Ran, 孙景昊, Sun, Zhenyu, 谭国真, Chen, Minsong.VPSS: A DAG scheduling heuristic with improved response time bound[J],Journal of Systems Architecture,2024,148
- [6]Lin, Yuhan, 孙景昊, Deng, Qingxu, Han, Meilin, Feng, Zhiwei, Wang, Shumo.LAG-Based Analysis for Preemptive Global Scheduling with Dynamic Cache Allocation[A],Proceedings - 2023 IEEE 29th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, RTCSA 2023,2024,107-116
- [7]孟亚坤, 王宇涵, 孙景昊, 薛方红.车间调度问题综合实验设计与开发[J],实验室科学,2024,26(06):6-10
- [8]He, Qingqiang, 孙景昊, Guan, Nan, Lv, Mingsong, Sun, Zhenyu.Real-Time Scheduling of Conditional DAG Tasks with Intra-Task Priority Assignment[J],IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,2024,1-1
- [9]孙景昊, Feng Li, Nan Guan, Wentao Zhu, Minjie Xiang, Zhishan Guo, Wang, Yi.On Computing Exact WCRT for DAG Task. 57th Design Automation Conference[A],57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference,2022,19-23
- [10]孙景昊, 李锋, Guan, Nan, Zhu, Wentao, Xiang, Minjie, Guo, Zhishan, 王怡.On Computing Exact WCRT for DAG Tasks[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 57TH ACM/EDAC/IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE (DAC),2022
- [11]孙景昊, Yaoyao, Chi, Tianfei, Xu, Lei, Cao, Nan, Guan, Zhishan, Guo, Wang, Yi.On the Volume Calculation for Conditional DAG Tasks: Hardness and Algorithms[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 DESIGN, AUTOMATION & TEST IN EUROPE CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION (DATE 2020),2022,204-209
- [12]孙景昊, Guan, Nan, 李锋, Gao, Huimin, Shi, Chang, 王怡.Real-Time Scheduling and Analysis of OpenMP DAG Tasks Supporting Nested Parallelism[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS,2022,69(9):1335-1348
- [13]孙景昊, Jing Li, Zhishan Guo, An Zou, Xuan Zhang, Agrawal, K, Baruah, S.Real-Time Scheduling upon a Host-Centric Acceleration Architecture with Data Offloading[A],2020 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS). Proceedings,2022,56-69
- [14]孙景昊, Guan, Nan, Shi, Rongxiao, 谭国真, 王怡.Schedulability Analysis for Timed Automata With Tasks[J],ACM TRANSACTIONS ON EMBEDDED COMPUTING SYSTEMS,2022,20(5)
- [15]谭国真, 孙景昊, 孟亚坤.Solving the Time Dependent Chinese Postman Problem by Branch-and-Bound Algorithm[J],Information An International Interdisciplinary Journal,2022,15(12A,SI):5263-5270
- [16]孙景昊, 孟亚坤, 谭国真, Sun, Jingchang.Solving the time varying postman problems with timed automata[J],OPTIMIZATION METHODS SOFTWARE,2022,30(4):804-824
- [17]谭国真, 孙景昊, Hou, Guangjian.The time-dependent rural postman problem: polyhedral results[J],OPTIMIZATION METHODS SOFTWARE,2022,28(4,SI):855-870
- [18]孙景昊, Guan, N, Sun, Jingchang, Zhang, Xi, Chi, Yaoyao, Li, Feng.Algorithms for Computing the WCRT Bound of OpenMP Task Systems With Conditional Branches[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS,2022,70(1):57-71
- [19]孙景昊, 孟亚坤, 谭国真.An integer programming approach for the Chinese postman problem with time-dependent travel time[J],JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION,2022,29(3,SI):565-588
- [20]谭国真, 孙景昊.An integer programming approach for the rural postman problem with time dependent travel times[A],17th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics, COCOON 2011,2022,6842 LNCS:414-431