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    • 教授     博士生导师   硕士生导师
    • 主要任职:党委常委、副校长
    • 其他任职:工业装备结构分析优化与CAE软件全国重点实验室副主任
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:大连理工大学
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:力学与航空航天学院
    • 学科:工程力学. 计算力学
    • 办公地点:工程力学系系楼304房间
    • 联系方式:办公电话: 0411-84706608; 手机: 壹叁玖肆贰捌伍玖捌伍伍
    • 电子邮箱:wangbo@dlut.edu.cn




    Symplectic superposition method for new analytic buckling solutions of rectangular thin plates









    关键字:Symplectic superposition method; Analytic solution; Buckling; Rectangular thin plate

    摘要:Buckling of the rectangular thin plates is a class of problems of fundamental importance in mechanical engineering. Although various theoretical and numerical approaches have been developed, benchmark analytic solutions are still rare due to the mathematical difficulty in solving the complex boundary value problems of the governing high-order partial differential equation. Actually, most available solutions can be categorized as either "accurate" for the plates with two opposite edges simply supported or "approximate" for those without two opposite edges simply supported. In this paper, we present the first work on the symplectic superposition method-based analytic buckling solutions of the rectangular thin plates. A Hamiltonian system-based variational principle via the Lagrangian multiplier method is proposed to formulate the thin plate buckling in the symplectic space. Then the governing equation is analytically solved for some fundamental subproblems which are superposed to yield the final solutions of the original problems. For each problem, a set of equations are produced with respect to the expansion coefficients of the quantities imposed on the plate edges. The existence of the nontrivial solutions of the equations sets the requirement that the determinant of the coefficient matrix be zero, which leads to a transcendental equation with respect to the budding loads. The buckling mode shapes are obtained by substituting the nontrivial coefficient solutions into the mode shape solutions of the subproblems, followed by superposition. Four types of buckling problems are studied for the plates with combinations of clamped and simply supported edges, without two opposite edges simply supported. The developed method as well as the accurate analytic results is well validated by the finite element method and very few analytic results from the literature.