联系方式:wanggh@dlut.edu.cn 学位:博士 学科:技术经济及管理. 企业管理

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 博士生导师  硕士生导师 毕业院校:大连理工大学 所在单位:经济管理学院 办公地点:经管楼D519 电子邮箱:wanggh@dlut.edu.cn

Impact of prior experience of entrepreneur on entrepreneurial orientation of new ventures

点击次数: 论文类型:会议论文 发表时间:2019-09-19 收录刊物:EI 卷号:2 页面范围:1093-1101 摘要:Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has become the core of enterprises' adaptation, competition and development in an increasingly competitive environment. Scholars have begun to get interest in the origin of EO. However, existing research has not paid enough attention to the antecedents of EO, especially on the entrepreneurs' individual level. EO is an important imprinting outcome of entrepreneurs on the organization and prior experience is the main source of entrepreneurs' imprinting. We use listed companies in China GEM 2009-2017, empirically analyzing the influence of entrepreneurs' prior experience on EO of start-ups from the perspective of imprint theory and the moderating role of opportunity innovativeness. The results show that the breadth of prior experience of entrepreneurs is positively related to EO, and the depth of prior experience is negatively related to EO. The results show that the stronger the opportunity innovation is, the greater the positive influence of breadth of prior experience on EO will be, and the greater the negative influence of the depth of prior experience will be. We studies the impact of the breadth and depth of prior experience of entrepreneurs on the formation of EO of new ventures under different opportunities, contributing to the research of EO. Secondly, we analyze the connotation and formation mechanism of EO from the perspective of imprinting, expanding the application of imprinting theory in organizational research. Thirdly, this study enriches empirical research on the relationship between prior experience and EO of new ventures. This study will help enhance entrepreneurs' rational knowledge of prior experience in the process of entrepreneurship. ? Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE 2019. All rights reserved.