How entrepreneurial orientation affects firm performance? Examining the black box through MASEM
摘要:Understanding how firms can promote performance is of high interest for both scholars and practitioner. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) which reflects the strategic posture of a firm to continuously engage in innovative, risk-taking, and proactive behaviours, is widely recognised as an important source of competitive advantage and superior performance of firms. Therefore many scholars have conducted in-depth researches on the EO-performance relationship. Some of them not only study whether EO affect firm performance, but also study the mechanism through which does EO affect performance, dynamic capabilities (DCs) are proposed as key driver factors to explain the relationship between EO and firm performance. Although a substantial body of research has been done, there are some unresolved issues, further research is needed. First, some results of empirical researches on the relationship between EO and firm performance have not been fully conclusive. Second, the mechanism through which EO influences firm performance remains unclear. In order to explore the truth and get convincing results, this study uses meta-analytic methods combined with structural equation modelling(MASEM) to synthesize extant empirical research. This study develops and empirically examines a model that investigates the mediating roles of two DCs (sensing and seizing, reconfiguring) on the relationship between EO (innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking) and firm performance. This study integrates findings from separate streams, covering 12 years of research, and uses a sample of 234 effect sizes from 49 studies to verify the model. Using R software, the results of MASEM show that the model fitting degree is good. Therefore, this paper agrees with the view that EO affects performance through DCs, which play a mediating role. The results thus provide valuable insights for managers to promote firm performance, as they provide a 'guiding map' which reveals how EO may use specific DCs to enhance firm performance. ? Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE 2019. All rights reserved.