联系方式:wanggh@dlut.edu.cn 学位:博士 学科:技术经济及管理. 企业管理

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 博士生导师  硕士生导师 毕业院校:大连理工大学 所在单位:经济管理学院 办公地点:经管楼D519 电子邮箱:wanggh@dlut.edu.cn

A case study of discontinuous innovation events' impact on opportunity recognition

点击次数: 论文类型:会议论文 发表时间:2019-09-19 收录刊物:EI 卷号:2 页面范围:843-850 摘要:Opportunity recognition is always the central of entrepreneurship research. Recently, the role of environmental conditions during opportunity recognition has elevated extensive research interests. Numerous studies have discussed the effect of environmental factors on opportunity recognition. But the impact of environment on the formation of subjective perception In the path that environment affect opportunity recognition remain unexplored. To address this gap, this study attempts to explore how discontinuous innovation events in external environment would affect the opportunity recognition by introducing the concept of attention. Based an exploratory case study approach, this study gets fine-grained insights into the impact path and internal mechanism from discontinuous innovation events to opportunity recognition. Abiding by Kirzner's view that the essence of entrepreneurial opportunities recognition is to form new means-ends relationships, this study draws the following conclusions. Discontinuous innovation events in external environment attract entrepreneurs' attention and provide sets of new information for entrepreneurs. Combined with new information, perceptions about the new means are developed and reflected on entrepreneurs' attention allocation, which promotes further moves on entrepreneurial search (help locate target to ensure a new match between means and end) and internal resources integration (helps to further refine the means to ensure the feasibility of the means-end relationship). Thus a new and feasible means-end relationship is formed under the impact of discontinuous innovation events. The findings also suggest that alertness is an important basis for the impact process. This study extends opportunity recognition literature by revealing how environmental factors affect opportunity recognition, and also enriches the role of entrepreneurial search and internal integration in opportunity identification process from the perspective of means-end relationship. Meanwhile, attention literature is also extended by applying it in entrepreneurial field and reveal its role as a go-between in the process that environmental factors affect opportunity recognition. Several practical implications for entrepreneurs and policymakers is proposed to encourage taking advantage of discontinuous changes in external environment. ? Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE 2019. All rights reserved.