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Hui Wang

Personal Information

 Master Tutor


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Environmental Engineering. Environmental Science

Business Address:环境楼B507

Contact Information:13478712823





► 2019-03至2020-01, 美国哥伦比亚大学,化学工程系,访问学者(博士后项目), 合作导师: 陈经广

► 2020-01至现在, 美国布鲁克海文国家实验室, 访问学者(博士后项目), 合作导师: 陈经广


 Hui Wang, TingZhu, Yujie Qiao, Shicheng Dong, Zhenping Qu*, investigation of the promotion effect of Mo doped CuO catalysts for the low-temperature performance of NH3-SCR reaction, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2022, 33: 5223–5227.

 Shicheng Dong, Hui Wang*, Ting Zhu, Zhenping Qu*, High-performance Fe-Cu composite oxide for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: Driving of Cu on α-Fe2O3, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022,10: 108481.

 Shicheng Dong, Hui Wang*, Lei Gong, Ronghe Hu, Zhenping Qu*, Poisoning mechanism of alkali metal on Cu–Fe2O3 catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3, Surfaces and Interfaces, 2022, 35:  102411.

Hui Wang, Zhenping Qu*, Lianlian Liu, Shicheng Dong, Yujie Qiao, Promotion of NH3-SCR activity by sulfate-modification over mesoporous Fe doped CeO2 catalyst: structure and mechanism, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 414, 125565.

Hui Wang, Shicheng Dong, Yujie Qiao, Zhenping Qu*, Effect of CO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 of Fe0.4Ce0.6O2-δ catalyst: adsorption behavior, Surfaces and Interfaces, 2021, 4: 101118-101124.

Hui Wang, Zhenping Qu*, Shicheng Dong and Chen Tang, Mechanistic study of FeW mixed oxides to the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: in situ DRIFTS and MS, Catal .Today, 2018, 307, 35-40.

Hui Wang, Zhenping Qu*, Shicheng Dong, Chen Tang, Mechanistic investigation into the effect of sulfuration on the FeW catalysts for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9: 7017−7028.

Hui Wang, Zhenping Qu*, Shicheng Dong, Hongbin Xie, Chen Tang, Superior performance of Fe1-xWxOδ for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: Interaction between Fe and W, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50: 13511−13519.

Hui Wang, Zhenping Qu*, Hongbin Xie, Nobutaka Maeda, Lei Miao, Zhong Wang, Insight into the mesoporous FexCe1-xO2-δ catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3: Regulable structure and activity, J. Catal. 2016, 338: 56–67.

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Educational Experience

  • 2010.9-2017.7

    大连理工大学 | 环境工程 | Doctoral Degree

  • 2006.9-2010.6

    大连理工大学 | 环境工程 | Bachelor's Degree

Work Experience

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Social Affiliations

Research Focus

  • NOx催化消除

  • NH3选择催化氧化

  • 环境催化与材料

  • 大气污染控制

Research Group

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