Zhang Jing-Tian#, Wang Jian-Xia#, Liu Yang, Wang Jing-Han*, Chi Zhan-You. Effects of stratified microbial extracellular polymeric substances on microalgae dominant biofilm formation and nutrients turnover under batch and semi-continuous operation. Bioresource Technology, 2025, 420: 132120.
Zhang , Shen , Wang , Wang , Chi Less toxic combined microplastics exposure towards attached Chlorella sorokiniana in the presence of sulfamethoxazole while massive microalgal nitrous oxide emission under multiple stresses. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, 487: 137223.
Yu Chong#, Liu Yang#, Zhang Ying, Shen Ming-Zhi, Wang Jing-Han*, Chi Zhan-You. Seawater Chlorella sp. biofilm for mariculture effluent polishing under environmental combined antibiotics exposure and ecological risk evaluation based on parent antibiotics and transformation products. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 939: 173643.
Zhang Ying, Wang Jian-Xia, Liu Yang, Zhang Jing-Tian, Wang Jing-Han*, Chi Zhan-You. Effects of environmental microplastic exposure on Chlorella sp. biofilm characteristics and its interaction with nitric oxide signaling. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 912: 169659.
Li Chi, Wang Jian-Xia, Wang Jing-Han*, Chi Zhan-You. Effects of staged multiple phytohormones application on capillary-driven attached Chlorella sp. biofilm. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 351: 119886.
Zhang Jing-Tian, Wang Jian-Xia, Liu Yang, Zhang Ying, Wang Jing-Han*, Chi Zhan-You, Kong Fan-Tao. Microalgal-bacterial biofilms for wastewater treatment: Operations, performances, mechanisms, and uncertainties. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 907: 167974.
Zhang Ying, Wang Jing-Han*, Zhang Jing-Tian, Chi Zhan-You, Kong Fan-Tao, Zhang Qian. The long overlooked microalgal nitrous oxide emission: Characteristics, mechanisms, and influencing factors in microalgae-based wastewater treatment scenarios. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 856: 159153.
Yu Chong, Li Chi, Zhang Ying, Du Xiang, Wang Jing-Han*, Chi Zhan-You, Zhang Qian. Effects of environment-relevant concentrations of antibiotics on seawater Chlorella sp. biofilm in artificial mariculture effluent. Algal Research, 2023, 70: 103008.
Li Chi, Wang Jing-Han*, Yu Chong, Zhang Jing-Tian, Chi Zhan-You, Zhang Qian. Growth-promoting effects of phytohormones on capillary-driven attached Chlorella sp. biofilm. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 364: 128117.
Wang Ya-Nan#, Zhang Jing-Tian#, Wang Jing-Han*, Chi Zhan-You, Zhang Qian. High robustness of attached Chlorella sp. on semi-continuous low strength effluent polishing under axenic and xenic conditions. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts, 2022, 67: 102836.
Wang Ya-Nan, Pang Hao, Yu Chong, Li Chi, Wang Jing-Han*, Chi Zhan-You, Xu Yong-Ping, Li Shu-Ying, Zhang Qian, Che Jian. Growth and nutrients removal characteristics of attached Chlorella sp. using synthetic municipal secondary effluent with varied hydraulic retention times and biomass harvest intervals. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts, 2022, 61: 102600.
Yu Chong#, Pang Hao#, Wang Jing-Han*, Chi Zhan-You, Zhang Qian, Kong Fan-Tao, Xu Yong-Ping, Li Shu-Ying, Che Jian. Occurrence of antibiotics in waters, removal by microalgae-based systems, and their toxicological effects: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 813C: 151891.
Wang Jing-Han*, Li Chi, Xu Yong-Ping, Li Shu-Ying, Du Jing-Song, Han Ya-Ping, Hu Hong-Ying*. Identifying major contributors to algal blooms in Lake Dianchi by analyzing river-lake water quality correlations in the watershed. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 315: 128144.
Pang Hao, Wang Ya-Nan, Chi Zhan-You, Xu Yong-Ping, Li Shu-Ying, Che Jian, Wang Jing-Han*. Enhanced aquaculture effluent polishing by once and repetitive nutrients deprived seawater Chlorella sp. Algal Research, 2021, 60: 102555.
Xi Yimei, Xue Song, Cao Xupeng, Chi Zhanyou*, Wang Jinghan*. Quantitative analysis on photon numbers received per cell for triggering β‑carotene accumulation in Dunaliella salina. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2021, 8: 104.
Zhang Ruolan# , Wang Jinghan#, Zhai Xiaoqian, Che Jian, Xiu Zhilong, Chi Zhanyou. Carbonate assisted lipid extraction and biodiesel production from wet microalgal biomass and recycling waste carbonate for CO2 supply in microalgae cultivation. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 779: 146445.
Wang, Jing-Han; Wang, Ya-Nan; Dao, Guo-Hua; Du, Jing-Song; Han, Ya-Ping; Hu, Hong-Ying. Decade-long meteorological and water quality dynamics of northern Lake Dianchi and recommendations on algal bloom mitigation via key influencing factors identification. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 115: 106425.
Xi Yimei#; Wang Jinghan#; Chu Yadong, Chi Zhanyou, Xue Song. Effects of different light regimes on Dunaliella salina growth and β-carotene accumulation. Algal Research, 2020, 52: 102111.
Wang, Jing-Han; Yang, Cheng; He, Lv-Qi-Shu; Dao, Guo-Hua; Du, Jing-Song; Han, Ya-Ping; Wu, Guang-Xue; Wu, Qian-Yuan; Hu, Hong-Ying. Meteorological factors and water quality changes of Plateau Lake Dianchi in China (1990–2015) and their joint influences on cyanobacterial blooms. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 665: 406-418.
Wang, Jing-Han; Zhuang, Lin-Lan; Xu, Xue-Qiao; Deantes-Espinosa, Victor; Wang, Xiao-Xiong; Hu, Hong-Ying. Microalgal Attachment and Attached Systems for Biomass Production and Wastewater Treatment. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018, 92C: 331-342.
王菁晗; 何吕奇姝; 杨成; 刀国华; 杜劲松; 韩亚平; 吴光学; 吴乾元; 胡洪营. 太湖、巢湖、滇池水华与相关气象、水质因子及其响应的比较(1981-2015). 湖泊科学, 2018, 4: 897-906.
Wang, Jing-Han; Zhang, Tian-Yuan; Dao, Guo-Hua; Xu, Xue-Qiao; Wang, Xiao-Xiong; Hu, Hong-Ying. Microalgae-based Advanced Municipal Wastewater Treatment for Reuse in Water Bodies. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2017, 101(7): 2659-2675.
Wang, Jinghan; Zhou, Wenguang; Yang, Haizhen; Ruan, Roger. Application of Nitrogen Sufficiency Conversion Strategy for Microalgae-based Ammonium-rich Wastewater Treatment. Environmental Technology, 2016, 37(20): 2638-2648.
Wang, Jinghan; Zhou, Wenguang; Yang, Haizhen; Wang, Feng; Ruan, Roger. Trophic Mode Conversion and Nitrogen Deprivation of Microalgae for High Ammonium Removal from Synthetic Wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 196(5): 668-676.
Zhou, Wenguang*; Ruan, Roger; Wang, Jinghan*. Bio-Flocculation of Microalgae: Status and Prospects. Current Biotechnology, 2015, 4(4): 448-456.
Wang, Jinghan; Yang, Haizhen; Wang, Feng. Mixotrophic Cultivation of Microalgae for Biodiesel Production: Status and Prospects. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014, 172(7): 3307-3329.
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:同济大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree
Discipline:Biological Engineering and Technology. Microbiology
Business Address:生命学院362室
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