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学科:系统工程. 软件工程
- [1]Qin, Chun, 王霖青, 韩中洋, 赵君, 刘全利.Erratum to "Weighted directed graph based matrix modeling of integrated energy systems" [Energy 2...[J],ENERGY,2022,220
- [2]Lu, Chengcheng, 吕政, 王霖青, 赵珺, 王伟.Fuzzy Model Based on Dynamic Weights of APs for Indoor Localization[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 36TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE (CCC 2017),2022,4323-4328
- [3]金锋, 王霖青, 赵珺, 王伟, 刘全利.Granular-Causality-Based Byproduct Energy Scheduling for Energy-Intensive Enterprise[J],IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,2022,17(4):1662-1673
- [4]王霖青, 赵珺, 王伟, Zhan, Zili.Genetic algorithm for regionalization problem with adaptive equity constraint[A],10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC),2022
- [5]Song, Xiaohan, 吕政, 赵珺, 王伟, 王霖青.Improved Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm with Adaptive Scaling for Steel Plate Thickness Matchin...[A],2017 11TH ASIAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ASCC),2022,1401-1405
- [6]Song, Xiaohan, 吕政, 赵珺, 王伟, 王霖青.Improved dynamic time warping algorithm with adaptive scaling for steel plate thickness matching[A],2022,2018-January:1401-1405
- [7]王霖青, 赵珺, 王伟.Hyperpath-based vehicle routing and scheduling method in time-varying networks for airport shut...[J],Natural Computing,2022,18(4,SI):769-784
- [8]王霖青, 赵珺, 王伟.Hyperpath-based vehicle routing and scheduling problem in time-varying networks for airport shutt...[J],Natural Computing,2022,16(63):1-16
- [9]Wang, Qiang, 王霖青, 赵珺, 王伟.Long-Term Time Series Prediction Based on Deep Denoising Recurrent Temporal Restricted Boltzman...[A],2017 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC),2022,2422-2427
- [10]Sun, Jian, 吕政, 赵珺, 王伟, 王霖青, 郭戈.Joint distribution adaptation-based transfer learning for status classification of blast furnac...[A],2017 11TH ASIAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ASCC),2022,2007-2012
- [11]Wang, Qiang, 王霖青, 刘颖, 赵珺, 王伟.Time Series Prediction With Incomplete Dataset Based on Deep Bidirectional Echo State Network[J],IEEE Access,2022,7:152533-152544
- [12]陈龙, 王霖青, 韩中洋, 赵珺, 王伟.Variational Inference Based Kernel Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Construction of Prediction Int...[J],IEEE CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica,2022,7(5):1437-1445
- [13]Qin, Chun, 王霖青, 韩中洋, 赵君, 刘全利.Weighted directed graph based matrix modeling of integrated energy systems[J],ENERGY,2022,214
- [14]王霖青, 韩中洋, Pedrycz, Witold, 赵珺, 王伟.A Granular Computing-Based Hybrid Hierarchical Method for Construction of Long-Term Prediction ...[J],IEEE Access,2022,8:63538-63550
- [15]赵珺, 刘洋, 王霖青, 王伟.A Generalized Heterogeneous Type-2 Fuzzy Classi?er and Its Industrial Application[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2022,28:2287-2301
- [16]赵珺, 刘洋, 王霖青, 王伟.A Generalized Heterogeneous Type-2 Fuzzy Classifier and Its Industrial Application[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2022,28(10):2287-2301
- [17]金锋, 王霖青, 赵珺, 王伟, 刘颖, 李健.A Dynamic Causal Diagram and Constraint-based Method for Scheduling in Blast Furnace Gas System...[A],6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (AdCONIP),2022,119-124
- [18]Qin, Chun, 王霖青, 韩中洋, 赵珺, 王伟.A modified data-driven regression model for power flow analysis[A],8th IEEE Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2019,2022,794-799
- [19]Ge, Minghe, 王霖青, 吕政, 赵珺.A PH multiplier-based PSO method for metal balance in nonferrous metal industry[J],IFAC PapersOnLine,2022,51(21):273-277
- [20]Zhang, Hongqi, 王霖青, 韩中洋, 刘全利, 王伟.A robust data reconciliation method for fast metal balance in copper industry[J],CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE,2022,105