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Paper Publications
Structural topology optimization involving bi-modulus materials with asymmetric properties in tension and compression

Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2019-01-01

Journal:Computational Mechanics



Page Number:335-363

Key Words:Computational efficiency; Computer aided engineering; Sensitivity analysis; Shape optimization; Topology, Bi-modulus; Constitutive behaviors; Constitutive relations; Efficient solution procedure; Engineering applications; Structural topologies; Structural topology optimization; Tension and compression, Structural optimization

Abstract:Many materials show asymmetric performance under tension and compression and their mechanical property can be well simulated by a so-called bi-modulus type constitutive relation. The underlying non-smoothness nature associated with this kind of constitutive behavior, however, makes it extremely difficult to investigate structural topology optimization problems involving bi-modulus materials. In the present paper, rigorous sensitivity results and efficient solution procedure for topology optimization problems involving a single-phase bi-modulus material are established and generalized to two-phase bi-modulus materials case. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed approach are verified by analytical solutions and numerical results. It is also found that the optimal structural topologies may be highly dependent on the tension to compression modulus ratios and quite different from the one obtained under the assumption of linear elasticity. Besides, the present results can be successfully used for engineering applications such as design of no-tension/no-compression structures and strut-and-tie models. © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Computational Mechanics. Engineering Mechanics. Solid Mechanics

Business Address:综合实验一号楼609

Contact Information:weishengzhang@dlut.edu.cn


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