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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : 化学工程系主任
学科:化学工程. 工程热物理
Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma, Yung-Cheng Lee, Ronggui Yang*, Liquid-vapor phase-change heat transfer on functionalized nanowired surfaces and beyond, Joule, 2018, 2(11): 2307-2347.
Rongfu Wen, Shanshan Xu, Xuehu Ma, Yung-Cheng Lee, Ronggui Yang*, Three-dimensional superhydrophobic nanowire networks for enhancing condensation heat transfer, Joule, 2018, 2(2): 269-279.
Science 杂志网站视频文字报道: Watch water droplets literally jump off a ‘water-hating’ material
Joule专题报道: Jumping droplets push the boundaries of condensation heat transfer, 2018, 2(2): 205-207.
Rongfu Wen, Shanshan Xu, Dongliang Zhao, Lixin Yang, Xuehu Ma, Wei Liu*, Yung-Cheng Lee, Ronggui Yang*, Sustaining enhanced condensation on hierarchical mesh-covered surfaces, National Science Review, 2018, 5(6): 878-887.
NSR专题报道: New approach for efficient condensation heat transfer, 2019, 6(2): 185-186.
EurekAlert!, Phys.org, LongRoom, Presscute, CoolingZONE, ScienceNet, 科学网等国内外科技媒体系列专题报道
Rongfu Wen, Yushan Ying, Xuehu Ma, Ronggui Yang*, Sustainable anti-frosting surface for efficient thermal transport, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022, 3(7), 100937.
Xiaobo Li#, Songbai Wang#, Rongfu Wen#,*, Xuehu Ma, Ronggui Yang*, Liquid film boiling enabled ultra-high conductance and high flux heat spreaders, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022, 3(3): 100746.
被选为Cell Rep. Phys. Sci.杂志封面,成果被DeepTech深科技专题报道
Rongfu Wen, Wei Liu, Xuehu Ma, Ronggui Yang*, Coupling droplets/bubbles with a liquid film for enhancing phase-change heat transfer, iScience, 2021, 24(6): 102531.
Rongfu Wen#, Shanshan Xu#, Yung-Cheng Lee, Ronggui Yang*, Capillary-driven liquid film boiling heat transfer on hybrid mesh wicking structures, Nano Energy, 2018, 51: 373-382.
Rongfu Wen#, Qian Li#, Wei Wang, Benoit Latour, Calvin H Li, Chen Li, Yung-Cheng Lee, Ronggui Yang*, Enhanced bubble nucleation and liquid rewetting for highly efficient boiling heat transfer on two-level hierarchical surfaces with patterned copper nanowire arrays, Nano Energy, 2017, 38: 59-65.
Rongfu Wen#, Qian Li#, Jiafeng Wu#, Gensheng Wu, Wei Wang, Yunfei Chen, Xuehu Ma, Dongliang Zhao, Ronggui Yang*, Hydrophobic copper nanowires for enhancing condensation heat transfer, Nano Energy, 2017, 33: 177-183.
Rongfu Wen, Shanshan Xu, Dongliang Zhao, Yung-Cheng Lee, Xuehu Ma, Ronggui Yang*, Hierarchical superhydrophobic surfaces with micropatterned nanowire arrays for high-efficiency jumping droplet condensation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(51): 44911-44921.
Rongfu Wen, Zhong Lan, Benli Peng, Wei Xu, Ronggui Yang, Xuehu Ma*, Wetting transition of condensed droplets on nanostructured superhydrophobic surfaces: Coordination of surface properties and condensing conditions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(15): 13770-13777.
Rongfu Wen, Xingdong Zhou, Benli Peng, Zhong Lan, Ronggui Yang, Xuehu Ma*, Falling-droplet-enhanced filmwise condensation in the presence of non-condensable gas, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 140: 173-186.
Rongfu Wen*, Xuehu Ma*, Advances in dropwise condensation: Dancing droplets, 21st Century Surface Science, 2020, Intech Press.
Rongfu Wen, Zhong Lan, Benli Peng, Wei Xu, Xuehu Ma*, Yaqi Cheng, Droplet departure characteristic and dropwise condensation heat transfer at low steam pressure, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2016, 138(7): 071501.
Rongfu Wen, Zhong Lan, Benli Peng, Wei Xu, Xuehu Ma*, Droplet dynamics and heat transfer for dropwise condensation at lower and ultra-lower pressure, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 60(28-29): 2784-2789.
温荣福, 杜宾港, 杨思艳, 刘渊博, 李启迅, 程雅琦, 兰忠, 马学虎*, 蒸气冷凝传热强化研究进展, 清华大学学报, 2021.
温荣福, 马学虎*, 兰忠, 彭本利, 徐威, 低压蒸汽滴状冷凝中液滴脱落滞后效应, 科学通报, 2015.
温荣福, 兰忠, 彭本利, 徐威, 李继翔, 马学虎*, 蒸汽滴状冷凝液滴表面温度分布及演化, 工程热物理学报, 2014.
Yaqi Cheng, Mingmei Wang, Jing Sun, Minjie Liu, Bingang Du, Yuanbo Liu, Yuankai Jin, Rongfu Wen, Zhong Lan, Xiaofeng Zhou*, Xuehu Ma*, Zuankai Wang*, Rapid and persistent suction condensation on hydrophilic surfaces for high-efficiency water collection, Nano Letters, 2021.
Jiang Chun, Chen Xu, Qifan Li, Yansong Chen, Qishan Zhao, Wei Yang, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Microscopic observation of preferential capillary pumping in hollow nanowire bundles, Langmuir, 2021.
Siyan Yang, Wanbo Li, Yajie Song, Yushan Ying, Rongfu Wen, Bingang Du, Yuankai Jin, Zuankai Wang, Xuehu Ma*, Hydrophilic slippery surface promotes efficient defrosting, Langmuir, 2021.
Shidong Xue, Xi Xi, Zhong Lan, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Longgitudinal drift behaviors and spatial transport efficiency for spraying pesticide droplets, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021.
Qifan Li, Zhong Lan*, Jiang Chun, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma, Composite porous surfaces of microcavities for enhancing boiling heat transfer, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021.
Jiang Chun, Chen Xu, Yufei Zhang, Qifan Li, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Fast capillary wicking on hierarchical copper nanowired surfaces with interconnected V-grooves: Implications for thermal management, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021.
Qifan Li, Zhong Lan*, Jiang Chun, Shijun Lian, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma, Fabrication and capillary characterization of multi-scale micro-grooved wicks with sintered copper powder, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021.
Xuan Ye, Yaqi Cheng, Yansong Chen, Tingting Hao, Zhong Lan, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Microcavity-enabled local oscillation of Taylor bubbles in a microchannel, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021.
Shidong Xue, Jingkun Han, Xi Xi, Junyi Zhao, Zhong Lan, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Rapid velocity reduction and drift potential assessment of off-nozzle pesticidedroplets, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021.
Jiang Chun, Jinxuan Wang, Chen Xu, Rongfu Wen, Zhong Lan, Xuehu Ma*, Theoretical model of maximum spreading diameter on superhydrophilic surfaces, Acta Physica Sinica, 2021.
Quan Xue, Zhong Lan*, Wen Li, Fangying Chen, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Zongchang Zhao, Detection and experimental analysis of the molecular clusters distribution during wall condensation, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021.
Yaqi Cheng, Yuanbo Liu, Xuan Ye, Minjie Liu, Bingang Du, Yuankai Jin, Rongfu Wen, Zhong Lan, Zuankai Wang*, Xuehu Ma*, Macrotextures-enabled self-propelling of large condensate droplets, Chemical Engineeing Journal, 2020, 405: 126901.
Lijing Zhang, Bofan Liu, Wenbo Yang, Chong Li, Jiang Chun, Rongfu Wen, Shengyang Tao*, Laser-induced patterned photonic crystal heterostructure for multimetal ion recognition, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020.
Bingang Du, Yaqi Cheng, Siyan Yang, Wei Xu, Zhong Lan, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Preferential vapor nucleation on hierarchical tapered nanowire bunches, Langmuir, 2020.
Benli Peng*, Zhong Lan, Wei Xu, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma, Jiaxuan Ma, Chen Li, A numerical study of droplet motion/departure on condensation of mixture vapor using lattice Boltzmann method, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2017, 68: 53-61.
Alexander S Yersak*, Ryan J Lewis, Li-Anne Liew, Rongfu Wen, Ronggui Yang, Yung-Cheng Lee, Atomic layer deposited coatings on nanowires for high temperature water corrosion protection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(47): 32616-32623.
Wei Xu, Zhong Lan, Benli Peng, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Effect of nano structures on the nucleus wetting modes during water vapour condensation: From individual groove to nano-array surface, RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 7923-7932.
Wei Xu#, Zhong Lan#, Benli Peng, Rongfu Wen, Yansong Chen, Xuehu Ma*, Directional movement of droplets in grooves: Suspended or immersed?, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 18836.
Benli Peng, Xuehu Ma*, Zhong Lan, Wei Xu, Rongfu Wen, Experimental investigation on steam condensation heat transfer enhancement with vertically patterned hydrophobic-hydrophilic hybrid surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 83: 27-38.
Wei Xu, Zhong Lan, Benli Peng, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Effect of surface free energies on the heterogeneous nucleation of water droplet: A molecular dynamics simulation approach, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015, 142: 054701.
Wei Xu, Zhong Lan, Benli Peng, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Heterogeneous nucleation capability of conical microstructures for water droplets, RSC Advances, 2015, 5(2): 812-818.
Wei Xu, Zhong Lan, Benli Peng, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Molecular dynamics simulation on the wetting characteristic of micro-droplet on surface with different free energies, Acta Physica Sinica, 2015, 64: 216801.
Benli Peng, Xuehu Ma*, Zhong Lan, Wei Xu, Rongfu Wen, Analysis of condensation heat transfer enhancement with dropwise-filmwise hybrid surface: Droplet size effect, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 77: 785-794.
Wei Xu, Zhong Lan, Benli Peng, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Evolution of transient cluster/droplet size distribution in a heterogeneous nucleation process, RSC Advances, 2014, 4(60): 31692-31699.
Zhong Lan, Rongfu Wen, Aili Wang, Xuehu Ma*, A droplet model in steam condensation with noncondensable gas, International Journal of Thermal Science, 2013, 68: 1-7.
Benli Peng, Sifang, Wang, Zhong Lan, Wei Xu, Rongfu Wen, Xuehu Ma*, Analysis of droplet jumping phenomenon with lattice Boltzmann simulation of droplet coalescence, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102(15): 151601.