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² 飞行器气动弹性力学
² 计算力学新方法
1. 提出了基于耦合边界元(BEM)&面元法(PM)的高速飞行器气动烧蚀数值模拟。
2. 提出了对偶界面积分边界元法求解多重介质材料传热和断裂力学问题
边界元法有降低问题维数、计算精度高、只在边界离散、适应于无限域和半无限域问题的优点,目前已经在计算固体力学和传热学领域有了广泛的应用,但在处理非线性、非均质和多重介质问题中仍有很大的局限。针对多重介质问题,提出界面积分边界元法,该方法在数学格式上弥补了传统边界元法在处理多重介质问题的不足,成功应用单一积分方程解决了复合变系数多重介质力、热问题。基于界面积分的思想,首次提出了不含初应力和初应变的新型弹塑性力学边界元求解新格式,革新了已使用40年之久的传统求解格式。针对高阶奇异积分问题,提出多种奇异积分正则化方法,和国际上通用的意大利学者Guiggiani 提出的正则化方法相比,奇异积分计算结果更加精确稳定,处理的奇异阶次更高,程序通用性更强。提出了对偶界面-边界积分方程,能够针对任意多种介质裂纹问题进行弹性界面断裂分析。
² 自主可控CAE软件开发
1. XXX飞行器螺旋颤振分析与设计技术研究, 电磁能技术全国重点实验室,2023-2025.
2. XXX飞机刚弹耦合模型设计与体自由度颤振研究, JKW基础加强领域基金, 2022-2024.
3. 先进战斗机全机V尾刚/弹组合抖振低速试验,横向课题,2022-2023.
4. 装备发展部基础研究项目群,XXX舵系统的非线性动力学建模与参数辨识,2022-2023.5
5. JKW国防科技创新特区试验示范区项目,基于干风洞(DWT)技术的GCSS飞行器颤振问题研究, 2020-2022
6. XXX颤振问题研究,JKW基础加强重点项目(子专题负责-XXX颤振算法研究), 2019-2024.
7. 求解任意多重介质问题的对偶界面积分边界元法,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2019-2021.
8. 基于无人飞行平台的变体机翼验证技术,中央高校基本科研业务费-重点实验室专题,2020-2021.
1. 新一代XXXX火箭动力学特性缩比模型设计制造,上海宇航系统工程研究所, 2018-2019.
2. 颤振分析及弹性载荷计算, 海鹰航空通用装备有限责任公司, 2018-2019.
3. 翼舵结构动气弹分析方法研究,北京空天技术研究所,重大专项课题,2017-2018.
4. 翼舵结构动气动弹性稳定性高效分析方法及高颤振裕度设计准则研究,重大专项课题,2019-2020
5. XX地面试验新型试验方法研究,重大专项课题,2020-2021.
1. Weisheng Zhang, Qing Jiang, Weizhe Feng, Sun-Kie Youn, Xu Guo*. Explicit Strucural Topology Optimization Using BEM-based MMV approach. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2021.
2. Weizhe Feng, Haoyang Li, Lanfang Gao, Wei Qian*, Kai Yang. Hypersingular flux interface integral equation for multi-medium heat transfer analysis. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 138: 852-865. SCI, IF:4.947, JCR Q1.
3. Weizhe Feng, Lanfang Gao, Jianming Du, Wei Qian*, Xiaowei Gao. A meshless interface integral BEM for solving heat conduction in multi-non-homogeneous media with multiple heat sources, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 104: 70-82. SCI, IF:3.971, JCR Q1.
4. Weizhe Feng, Lanfang Gao, Meng Qu, Yanwei Dai, Kai Yang. An improved singular curved boundary integral evaluation method and its application in dual BEM analysis of two- and three-dimensional crack problems. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2020, 84: 104701. SCI, IF: 3.786, JCR Q1.
5. Weizhe Feng, Lanfang Gao, Yanwei Dai, Wei Qian*. DBEM computation of T-stress and mixed-mode SIFs using interaction integral technique. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 110: 102795. SCI, IF: 3.021, JCR Q1.
6. Weizhe Feng, Lanfang Gao, XiaoWei Gao, Yanwei Dai, Wei Qian*, A new DBEM for solving crack problems in arbitrary dissimilar materials, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2021, 123: 154-167. SCI, IF: 2.884, JCR Q1.
7. W.Z. Feng, X.W. Gao. An interface integral equation method for solving transient heat conduction in multi-medium materials with variable thermal properties. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 98(2016) 227-239. (SCI, IF: 3.458, JCR Q1)
8. W. Z. Feng, K. Yang, M. Cui, X.W. Gao. Analytically-integrated radial integration BEM for solving three-dimensional transient heat conduction problems. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 79 (2016) 21-30. (SCI, IF: 3.718, JCR Q1)
9. W.Z. Feng, X.W. Gao, J. Liu, K. Yang, A New BEM for Solving 2D and 3D Elastoplastic Problems Without Initial Stresses/Strains. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 61 (2015) 134-144. (SCI, IF: 1.721, JCR Q2)
10. W.Z. Feng, J. Liu, X.W. Gao, An Improved Direct Method for Evaluating Hypersingular Stress Boundary Integral Equations in BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 61 (2015) 274-281. (SCI, IF: 1.721, JCR Q2)
11. B.B. Xu, X.W. Gao, M. Cui, W.Z. Feng, Investigation of the J-integral and SIFs by block-based Galerkin free element method, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 109, 102739. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2020, 12(7), 2050079
12. Y. Dai, F. Qin, Y. Liu, W. Z. Feng, Estimation of C∗-Integral for central cracked plate under biaxial loading, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2020, 12(7), 2050079.
13. X.W. Gao, W.Z. Feng, B.J. Zheng, K. Yang, An Interface Integral Equation Method for Solving General Multi-Medium Mechanics Problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 107(2016) 696-720. (SCI, IF: 2.162, JCR Q1)
14. X.W. Gao, W.Z. Feng, K. Yang, M. Cui, Projection Plane Method for Evaluation of Arbitrary High Order Singular Boundary Integrals. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 50 (2015) 265-274. (SCI, IF: 1.721, JCR Q2)
15. K. Yang, W.Z. Feng, X.W. Gao, A New Approach for Computing Hyper-singular Interface Stresses in IIBEM for Solving Multi-medium Elasticity Problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 287 (2015) 54-68. (SCI, IF: 3.949, JCR Q1)
16. K. Yang, W.Z. Feng, J. Li, X.W. Gao, New Analytical Expressions in Radial Integration BEM for Stress Computation with Several Kinds of Variable Coefficients. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 289 (2015) 44-59. (SCI, IF: 3.949, JCR Q1)
17. K. Yang, W.Z. Feng, H.F. Peng, J. Lv, A New Analytical Approach of Functionally Graded Material Structures for Thermal Stress BEM Analysis. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 62 (2015) 26-32. (SCI, IF: 3.718, JCR Q1)
18. K. Yang, W.Z. Feng, J. Wang, X.W. Gao. RIBEM for 2D and 3D nonlinear heat conduction with temperature dependent conductivity. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. (SCI, IF: 1.721, JCR Q2))
19. M. Cui, W.Z. Feng, X.W. Gao, K. Yang. High order projection plane method for evaluation of super singular curved boundary integrals in BEM. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 2016: 9523405. (SCI, IF: 0.802, JCR Q3)
20. M. Cui, B. B. Xu, W. Z. Feng, X. W. Gao. A new radial integration boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems with heat sources and spatially varying thermal conductivities, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. (SCI, IF: 3.458, JCR Q1)
21. 冯伟哲; 钱卫; 间隙非线性翼-舵系统时域动气弹响应分析方法研究, 第十六届全国空气弹性学术交流会, 呼和浩特, 2019-7-30至2019-8-2.
22. Qian Wei; Feng Weizhe; Ai Xinyu; Model design and experimental study of free-play nonlinear flutter by using scaled model of all-movable tail system, Asia Pacific International Symposim on Aerospace Technology 2019 (APIAST-2019), Gold Coast, 2019-12-4至2019-12-7.
23. Feng Weizhe; Qian Wei; Numerical study of all-movable tail system with free-play nonlinearity, Asia Pacitic International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Gold Coast, 2019-12-4至2019-12-7.
曾获ICCM Best Paper Award (UC Berkely 2016), 钱令希力学奖,辽宁省优秀毕业生,大连理工大学优秀毕业生,大连市三好学生,国家奖学金等。