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学科:化学工艺. 功能材料化学与化工. 膜科学与技术
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杨建华,大连理工大学教授、博士生导师。入选教育部新世纪优秀人才,辽宁省百千万人才。 隶属大连理工大学化工学院化学工艺系,研究课题组为“先进无机膜材料与分离反应膜反应器一体化化技术”。曾获得2023年湖北省科学进步一等奖、2019年中国石油化学和化工创新团队奖、2016年辽宁省科学技术发明二等奖和辽宁省科技进步二等奖等,兼任中国能源学会理事,国家自然科学基金项目评审专家,《膜科学与杂志》编委。面向国家节能减排资源高效利用等国民经济可持续发展的重大需求,多年来致力于先进膜分离材料与分离反应一体化化的研究与工业应用,在沸石分子筛、金属有机化合物骨架膜材料及溶胶凝胶分子筛膜材料的结构设计与制备取取得了重要成果,实现了沸石膜的工业化,在耐酸条件下无机分子筛膜的研制与应用具有鲜明特色。主持国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑计划、国家863计划、教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目等国家省部级项目近20项,迄今,已在Nano Energy, J. Materia. Chem. A, Chem. Mater.Acs Appl.Mater.Interfaces, Chem Commu. AIChE J., J. Membr. Sci. 等国际主流学术期刊发表论文70余篇,SCI收录60余篇。获得授权发明专利20余项。本课题组与霍普斯金等大学国际同行建立了长久密切的合作关系,迄今有10余名学生前往美国明尼苏达、科罗拉多大学、日本广岛大学、德国马普协会等研究机构进行博士后研究或者攻读博士学位或者开展联合培养博士工作。
1. 高新无机分子筛膜材料设计与制备(沸石分子筛、金属有机骨架材料、溶胶凝胶分子筛膜材料等)
2. 二维超薄膜材料的设计与构筑
4. 面向酸性条件有机物脱水等精准分离沸石分子筛膜材料的工业规模制备与工业化应用
5. 分离反应一体化膜反应器技术
6. 面向C1化学高效转化的沸石分子筛催化剂的设计与构筑
7. 无机分子筛膜驱动的海水直接电解制氢
1. Hechuan Li, Jianhua Yang, Danyang Li, Xuezhao Li, Jianxu Li, and Cheng He, Host-Guest Approach to Promoting Photocatalysis Based on Consecutive Photo-Induced Electron-Transfer Processes via Efficient Förster Resonance Energy Transfer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024,e202409094.
2. Tao Yan, Jianhua Yang*, Jinming Lu, Liang Zhou, Yan Zhang, Gaohong He, Rapid synthesis of ultra-microporous metal-organic framework tubular Ni-LAP membranes for H2separation by linker salt method,Journal of Membrane Science, 2024, 690: 122225.
3. Tao Yan, Jianhua Yang*, Jinming Lu, Liang Zhou, Yan Zhang, Gaohong He,Facile synthesis of ultra-microporous pillar-layered metal-organic framework membranes for highly H2-selective separation , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(16): 20571-20582.
4. Tao Yan, Jianhua Yang,*, Jinming Lu a, Liang Zhou b, Yan Zhang a, Gaohong He,Preparation and gas separation performance of seeding-free aqueous synthesis ZIF-8 membrane by homologous-like ligands method, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 346,2022,112293
5. Hammad Saulat, Wensen Song, Jianhua Yang*, Tao Yan, Gaohong He, Michael Tsapatsis,Fabrication of b-oriented MFI membranes from MFI nanosheet layers by ammonium sulfate modifier for the separation of butane isomers,Journal of Membrane Science, 2022,658:120749.
6. Hammad Saulat, Jianhua Yang*, Tao Yan, Waseem Raza, Wensen Song, Gaohong He, W-MEL zeolite membranes: Facile synthesis and tuneable wettability for highly efficient separation of oil/water mixtures, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjche.2023.02.022,
7. Yuanyuan Nie, Linzhe Li , Jing Liu, Wenjing Fu , Jianhua Yang *, Jinming Lu, Fabrication of highly uniform ultra-small zeolite T nanocrystals, Materials Chemistry and Physics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2023.127465
8. Jinyin Lv, Yanwen Cui, Jianhua Yang*, Liangqing Li, Xuerong Zhou, Jinming Lu and Gaohong He, Inorganic Pillar Center-Faciliated Counter diffusion Synthesis for Highly H2 Perm-selective KAUST-7 membranes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 4297−4306
9. Hammad Saulat, Jianhua Yang*, Song Wensen, Waseem Raza, and Gaohong He, e20210140, Fabrication of Isomorphously Substituted W-MFI Membrane with High Performance for Ethanol Separation from Water, Chem Asian J. 2022, e202101404
10. Lei Wang, Jianhua Yang, Waseem Raza, Jinqu Wang, Yan Zhang, Gaohong He, Sustainable fabrication of large-scale tubular LTA zeolite membranes by a simple wet gel conversion, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 329, 2022, 111541
11. JiaxuanWang, LeiWang, Liangqing Li, Jiajia Li,Waseem Raza, Jinming Lu, JianhuaYang*, A green synthesis of MOR zeolite membranes by wet gel conversion for dehydration of water-acetic acid mixtures, Separation and Purification Technology 286 (2022) 120311
12. Linzhe Li , Ying Lu, Liangqing Li, Jianhua Yang,*Wenjing Fu , Yiwei Luo, Jinming Lu a, Yan Zhang, Liang Zhou, Highly selective zeolite T membranes with different ERI stacking faultsfor pervaporative dehydration of ethanol , Journal of Membrane Science 638 (2021) 119701
13. Shuang Wang, Liangqing Li, Jiajia Li, Jiaxuan Wang, Enze Pan, Jinming Lu,Yan Zhang, Jianhua Yang*, Sustainable synthesis of highly water- selective ZSM-5 membrane by wet gel conversion,Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 635, 119431
14. Waseem Raza , Jixuan Wang , Jianhua Yang*, Toshinori Tsuru*,Progress in pervaporation membranes for dehydration of acetic acid, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021,262,118338
15. Jiancheng Lan, Linzhe Li, Wensen Song, Hammad Saulat,Haowen Wu,Jianhua Yang*,Chengmin Yang,Yang Li,Jinming Lu,Yan Zhang,Pure-silica MFI zeolite membrane by cooperative templating approach for ethanol-water separation,AIChE Journal, 2021,67(6),e17184
16. Liang Zhou , Runlin Han , Jianhua Yang *, Ionothermal synthesis of AlPO-34 membranes on macroporous α-Al2O3 supports without using organic template, Green Chemical Engineering, 2021,2,77-85
17. M.Zhai, T Yoshioka, J.Yang*, J.Wang, D.Zhang,J.Lu, Y.Zhang, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Small Gas Molecule Permeation through CAU-1 Membrane,Chinese J Chem.Eng.,DOI:10.1016/j.cjche.2020.08.048 (back cover封底文章)
18. Jiancheng Lan , Haowen Wu , Hammad Saulat , Liangqing Li , Jianhua Yang ,* Jinming Lu , Yan Zhang, Synthesis of ethanol perm-selective MFI zeolite membranes by binary structure directing agents, Journal of Membrane Science,2020,598,117647
19. Waseem Raza , Jianhua Yang *,Wang Jiaxuan, Hammad Saulat, Gaohong He, Jingming Lu and Yan Zhang, HCl modification and pervaporation performance of BTESE membrane for the dehydration of acetic acid/watermixture, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020,235, 116012
20. Linjuan Cheng, Jianhua Yang,* Hammed Saulat, LQ Li, Jinming Lu, Yan Zhang, Fabrication and orientation of Ni-LAB membranes by linker salt approach, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2019,287,135-143.
21. Yueyang Liu,Ming Zhao, Linjuan Cheng, Jianhua Yang*, Liping Liu, Jinqu Wang, Dehong Yin, Jinming Lu, Yan Zhang. Facile synthesis and its high catalytic performance of hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite from economical bulk silicon oxides, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2018,260,116-124,
22. Waseem Raza, Faizan Ali, Nadeem Raza, Yiwei Luo, Eilhann E. Kwon*, Jianhua Yang Sandeep Kumar, Andleeb Mehmood, Ki-Hyun Kim. Recent Advancement in Supercapacitor Technology. Nano Energy, 2018,52,441-473.
23. YiweiLuo , Waseem Raza, JianhuaYang ,⁎, LiangqingLi2, YingLu, Recent advances in acid-resistan tzeolite T membranes for dehydration of organics, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering , 27 (2019)1449–1457.
24. Yiwei Luo, Youjia Lv, Prashant Kumar, Jingjing Chu,Jianhua Yang*, Michael Tsapatsis*, K. Andre Mkhoyan, Gaohong He, Jinming Lu and Yan Zhang, Epitaxial growth: rapid synthesis of highly permeable and selective zeolite-T membrane, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5, 17828
25. L.Q. Li, J.H. Yang*, J.J. Li, J.X. Wang,Y.Zhao, J. Wang, J.M. Lu, D.H. Yin. High performance ZSM-5 membranes on coarse macroporous a-Al2O3 supportsfor dehydration of alcohols. AIChE Journal, 2016, 62, 2813-2824.
26. Y Jian,H Yin,F Chang,L Cheng,J Yang*,Facile synthesis of highly permeable CAU-1 tubular membranes for separation of CO2/N2 mixtures, Journal of Membrane Science,2016,522:140-150
27. L.Q. Li,J.H. Yang*, J.J. Li, P. Han, J.X. Wang,Y.Zhao, J. Wang, J.M. Lu, D.H. Yin, Y.Zhang. Synthesis of high performance mordenite membranes from fluoride containing dilute solution under microwave-assisted heating. Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 512, 83-92.
28. L.Q. Li, J.H. Yang*, J.J. Li, J.X. Wang,Y.Zhao, J. Wang, J.M. Lu, D.H. Yin. High performance ZSM-5 membranes on coarse macroporous a-Al2O3 supports for dehydration of alcohols. AIChE Journal, 2016, 62, 2813-2824.
29. L.J. Chai, J.H. Yang*, J.Q. Wang, J.M. Lu, D.H. Yin, Y.Zhang. Ethanol perm-selective B-ZSM-5 zeolite membrane from dilute solutions. AIChE Journal, 2016, 62, 2447-2458.
30. L. J. Chai, H. Z. Li, X. Q. Zheng, J. Q. Wang, J. H. Yang*, J. M. Lu, D. H. Yin, Y. Zhang.Pervaporation separation of ethanol-water mixtures through B-ZSM-11 zeolite membranes on macroporous supports. Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 491, 168-175.
31. H. Z. Li, J. Xu, J. Q. Wang, J. H. Yang*, K. Bai, J. M. Lu, Y. Zhang, D. H. Yin. Seed-free synthesis of highly permeable zeolite NaA membranes through deposition of APTES-functionalized alumina particles on macroporous supports. Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 471, 84-93.
32. J. H. Yang*, L. Q. Li, W. Z. Li, J. Q. Wang, Z. Chen*, D. H. Yin, J. M. Lu, Y. Zhang, H. C. Guo. Tuning aluminum spatial distribution in ZSM-5 membranes: a new strategy to fabricate high performance and stable zeolite membranes for dehydration of acetic acid. Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 14654-14657.
33. H. M. Yin, J. Q. Wang, Z. Xie, J. H. Yang*, J. Bai, J. M. Lu, Y. Zhang, D. H. Yin, J. Y. S. Lin. A highly permeable and selective amino-functionalized MOF CAU-1 membrane for CO2/N2 separation. Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 3699-3701.
34. Z. Xie (本人学生), J. H. Yang*, J. Q. Wang, J. Bai, H. M. Yin, B. Yuan, J. M. Lu, L. Zhou, C. Y. Duan*. Deposition of chemically modified alpha-Al2O3 particles for high performance ZIF-8 membrane on a macroporous tube. Chemical Communications, 2012, 48, 5977-5979(Back Cover 封底文章)
35. J. H. Yang*, Z. Xie, H. M. Yin, J. Q. Wang, J. Xu, J. J. Wang, J. M. Lu, D. H. Yin, Y. Zhang. Simultaneous surface and pore structure modification for growth of ZIF-8 membranes on coarse macroporous tube. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2014, 198, 263-270.
36. J. H. Yang*, H. Z. Li, J. Xu, J. Q. Wang, X. D. Meng, K. Bai, J. M. Lu, Y. Zhang, D. H. Yin. Influences of inorganic salts on the pervaporation properties of zeolite NaA membranes on macroporous supports. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2014, 192, 60-68.
37. H. Z. Li, J. Q. Wang, J. Xu, X. D. Meng, B. Xu, J. H. Yang*, S. Y. Li, J. M. Lu, Y. Zhang, X. L. He, D. H. Yin. Synthesis of zeolite NaA membranes with high performance and high reproducibility on coarse macroporous supports. Journal of Membrane Science, 2013, 444, 513-522.
38. L. Zhou, J. H. Yang*, G. L, J. Q. Wang*, Y. Zhang, J. M. Lu, D. H. Yin. Highly H2 permeable SAPO-34 membranes by steam-assisted conversion seeding International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39, 14949-14954.
39. Z. Chen, Y. H. Li, D. H. Yin, Y. M. Song, X. X. Ren, J. M. Lu, J. H. Yang*, J. Q. Wang*. Microstructural optimization of mordenite membrane for pervaporation dehydration of acetic acid. Journal of Membrane Science, 2012, 411, 182-192.
40. X. X. Chen, J. Q. Wang, D. H. Yin, J. H. Yang*, J. M. Lu, Y. Zhang, Z. Chen. High-Performance Zeolite T Membrane for Dehydration of Organics by a New Varying Temperature Hot-Dip Coating Method. AIChE Journal, 2013, 59, 936-947.
41. G. Li, J.H. Yang*, J.Q. Wang, W. Xiao, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, J.M. Lu, D.H. Yin. Thin carbon/SAPO-34 microporous composite membranes for gas separation. Journal of Membrane Science, 2011, 374, 83-92.
42. J.H. Yang, S.X. Yu, H.Y. Hu, Y. Zhang, J.M. Lu, J.Q. Wang, D.H. Yin. Synthesis of ZSM-5 hierarchical microsphere-like particle by two stage varying temperature crystallization without secondary template. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 166, 1083-1089.
43. D. Shen, W. Xiao, J.H. Yang*, N.B. Chu, J.M. Lu, D.H. Yin, J.Q. Wang. Synthesis of silicalite-1 membrane with two silicon source by secondary growth method and its pervaporation performance, Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, 76, 308-315.
44. N. B. Chu, J. Q. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. H. Yang*, J. M. Lu, D. H. Yin. Nestlike Hollow Hierarchical MCM-22 Microspheres: Synthesis and Exceptional Catalytic Properties. Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 2757-2763.
45. N. B. Chu, J. H. Yang*, J. Q. Wang*, S. X. Yu, J. M. Lu, Y. Zhang, D. H. Yin. A feasible way to enhance effectively the catalytic performance of methane dehydroaromatization. Catalysis Communications, 2010, 11(6), 513-517.
46. Z. H. Zhou, J. H. Yang*, Y. Zhang, L. F. Chang, W. G. Sun, J. Q. Wang*. NaA zeolite/carbon nanocomposite thin films with high permeance for CO2/N2 separation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2007, 55(3), 392-395.
47. W. G. Sun, X. W. Wang, J. H. Yang *, J. M. Lu, H. L. Han, Y. Zhang, J. Q. Wang*. Pervaporation separation of acetic acid-water mixtures through Sn-substituted ZSM-5 zeolite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 335, 83-88.
48. N. B. Chu, J. H. Yang*, C. Y. Li, J. Y. Cui, Q. Y. Zhao, X. Y. Yin, J. M. Lu, J. Q. Wang*. An unusual hierarchical ZSM-5 microsphere with good catalytic performance in methane dehydroaromatization. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2009, 118, 167-170.
49. W. Xiao, J. H. Yang, D. Shen, J. M. Lu, J. Q. Wang*. Synthesis and property of silicalite-1 membranes by restricting growth method with dilute solution. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2010, 129(1-2), 22-29.
50. W. Xiao, J. H. Yang, J. M. Lu, J. Q. Wang*. Preparation and characterization of silicalite-1 membrane by counter-diffusion secondary growth. Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 345(1-2), 183-190.
51. W. Xiao, J. H. Yang, J. M. Lu, J. Q. Wang*. A novel method to synthesize high performance silicalite-1 membrane. Separation and Purification Technology, 2009, 67(1), 58-63.
52. X. Y. Yin*, N. B. Chu, J. H. Yang, J. Q. Wang*, Z. F. Li. Synthesis of the nanosized MCM-22 zeolite and its catalytic performance in methane dehydroaromatization reaction, Catalysis Communications, 2014, 43, 218-222.
53. M. M. Zhai, T. Yoshioka*, J. H. Yang, J. M. Lu, D. H. Yin, J. Q. Wang*. Preparation and characterization of amorphous carbon (a-C) membranes by molecular dynamics simulation. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013, 51, 5231-5236.
54. Z. Chen, J. H. Yang, D. H. Yin, Y. H. Li, S. F. Wu, J. M. Lu, J. Q. Wang*. Fabrication of poly(1-vinylimidazole)/mordenite grafting membrane with high pervaporation performance for the dehydration of acetic acid. Journal of Membrane Science, 2010, 349(1-2), 175-182.
1. 杨建华,路颖,李璘喆,贺高红,鲁金明,张艳,美国专利号:US 2023/0256396 A1, 授权日期:2024.08.24
2. 杨建华,路颖等,日本专利号:JP7294704 授权日期:2023.5.30
3. 杨建华,路颖,李璘喆,贺高红,鲁金明,张艳,专利号:PCT/CN2021/078992 / ZL 2020 1 1072131. 2 授权日期:2022.5.13
4. 杨建华,李子祎,拉扎·瓦西姆,鲁金明,张艳,专利号:ZL 2021 1 0235357. 8 授权日期:2022.4.19
5. 杨建华,路颖等 专利号:PCT/CN2019/128949 授权日期:2021.12.07
6. 杨建华,李良清,鲁金明,殷德宏, 张艳等,专利号:ZL2015 1 07796187 授权日期: 2018.8. 3
7. 杨建华,柴丽均,王金渠,鲁金明, 张艳等,专利号:ZL2015 1 02336806 授权日期: 2017.5. 24
8. 杨建华,殷慧敏,王金渠,鲁金明,张艳等, 专利号:ZL2013 1 0337913 授权日期: 2016.3.9
9. 鲁金明,王金渠,杨建华,张艳,殷德宏等, 专利号:CN 204192858B 授权日期: 2016.01.06
10. 杨建华,王金渠,鲁金明,张艳等. 专利号: ZL 201310111364.2 授权日期: 2015.08.26
11.王金渠,杨建华,陈小霞,鲁金明等,专利号: ZL 201210018473.5 授权日期: 2014.06.25
12. 李继翔,鲁金明,王金渠,杨建华,张艳等.专利号: ZL 201210434788.8 授权日期: 2014.6.25
13. 杨建华,刘娟,王金渠,谢忠,鲁金明,张艳等.专利号: ZL201110137302.x授权日期:2013.05.15
14. 杨建华,贺广凤,王金渠,鲁金明,张艳等.专利号: ZL201010141342.7 授权日期: 2013.4.17
15. 杨建华,何成,王金渠,鲁金明,张艳等.专利号: ZL200910187939.2 授权日期: 2012.12.26
16. 杨建华,王金渠,鲁金明,孔春龙,张艳等.专利号: ZL200810012457.9 授权日期: 2011.09.14
17. 杨建华,谢忠,王金渠,张艳,鲁金明等.专利号: ZL 201210017651.2 授权日期: 2013.11.06
18. 王金渠,杨建华,鲁金明,殷德宏, 张艳等专利号: ZL201010235979.2 授权日期: 2013.10.16
19. 王金渠,杨建华,初乃波,鲁金明,张艳等专利号: ZL 200910012945.40 授权日期: 2012.5.23
20. 王金渠,杨建华,鲁金明,张艳等. 专利号: ZL 201210018473.5 授权日期: 2014.06.25
21. 王金渠,陈赞,杨建华,殷德宏,鲁金明等专利号: ZL201110077262.4 授权日期: 2013.05.15
22. 王金渠,陈赞,杨建华,鲁金明,张艳等 专利号: ZL 201110150248.20 授权日期: 2012.11.7