Yan Huijie
Personal Homepage






2022.12-至今:      大连理工大学,物理学院,副教授







4.国家自然科学基金重点项目,国家自然科学基金委,大气压放电等离子体MHD流动控制中相关科学与技术问题研究(51437002),2015-2019年,360万元,经费负责人 ;



1. Huijie Yan, Nicolas Benard, Eric Moreau*. On the different regimes of positive DC corona discharges as a function of electrical and geometrical parameters, Journal of applied physics,2023,133,013301,SCI收录,影响因子2.877. JCR-Q2分区, A类论文

2. Yu-Ying Wang , Hui-Jie Yan*, Ting Li, Xiao-dong Bai, Xiao Wang, Jian Song and Quan-Zhi Zhang. Combined influence of airfl ows and a parallel magnetic field on the discharge characteristics of AC dielectric barrier discharge. AIP advanced, 2023, 13, 085327. SCI 收录, 影响因子1.548,JCR-Q3分区

3. Xiao Wang, Huijie Yan*, Yuying Wang, Siqi Yu, Ting Li, Jian Song. Distribution and evolution of surface charges in nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge under the quiescent air and airflow. 2023, 56, 105201, SCI收录,影响因子3.207,JCR-Q2分区, A类论文

4. Jiaqi Li, Huijie Yan*, Ting Li, Siqi Yu, Jingwen Fan, Jian Song. Surface charge characteristics in surface dielectric barrier discharge actuators with thin cylindrical exposed electrode. Journal of applied physics,2023,133,063301,影响因子2.877. JCR-Q2分区, A类论文

5. Ting Li, Hui-Jie Yan* , Jia-Qi Li, Schulze J, Si-Qi Yu, Jian Song, Quan-Zhi Zhang*. The role of surface charge and its decay in surface dielectric barrier discharges,Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2022, 31, 055016, SCI收录,影响因子4.124. JCR-Q1分区,TOP类论文

6. Si-Qi Yu, Hui-Jie Yan* , Jia-Qi Li, Yu-Ying Wang and Jian Song, Distribution and evolution of surface charge in surface dielectric barrier discharge driven by AC and pulse dual power supply, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55, 125201, SCI收录, 影响因子3.207,JCR-Q2分区, A类论文

7. Ting Li, Hui-Jie Yan* , Si-Qi Yu, Yu-Ying Wang, Jia-Qi Li, Jian Song, Quan-Zhi Zhang*,Measurements of surface charge dynamics and surface-breakdown characteristics of surface dielectric barrier discharges,Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 132(15), 153301,影响因子2.877. JCR-Q2分区, A类论文

8. Ting Li, Hui-Jie Yan* , Yu-Ying Wang, Jia-Qi Li, Jian Song, Quan-Zhi Zhang*. Generation and decay of surface charge in a background charge environment during surface dielectric barrier discharges ,Journal of Electrostatics, 2022, 120, 103771, SCI收录,影响因子1.942, JCR-Q3分区

9. Yu-Ying Wang , Hui-Jie Yan*, Hong-Fei Guo, Yong-Feng Xu, Quan-Zhi Zhang and Jian Song, Evolution of the uniformity in the repetitive unipolar nanosecond-pulse dielectric barrier discharge, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2021, 30, 075009, SCI收录,影响因子4.412,JCR-Q1分区,TOP类论文

10. Ting Li, Hui-Jie Yan* , Si-qi Yu, Jia-qi Li, Jian Sone and Quan-zhi Zhang, Experimental investigation on cathode layer of surface dielectric barrier discharge plasma by surface potential measurement, AIP advanced, 2021, 11, 105303, SCI 收录, 影响因子1.548,JCR-Q3分区

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience
2009-9 | 2017-1
  • 大连理工大学
  • 等离子体物理
  • Doctoral Degree

2008-9 | 2009-7
  • 大连理工大学
  • 英语双学位
  • Bachelor's Degree

2004-9 | 2008-7
  • 大连理工大学
  • 应用物理
  • Bachelor's Degree

2001-9 | 2004-7
  • 山西古交第二高中

  • Social Affiliations
  • Research Focus
Personal Information

Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Plasma physics

Business Address:三束实验室3号楼203


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Address: No.2 Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, P.R.C., 116024

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