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More >>Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:物理学院副院长
Yong-Chang Han
Personal Information:
Born, Langfang City, Hebei Province, 1982
Professor, Atomic and molecular physics, School of Physics, DUT
Prof. Han has published more than 70 (as first and corresponding author, more than 52) peer review papers in leading scientific journals such as Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (PNAS) , J. Am. Chem. Soc. (JACS) , Chem. Sci., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. , J. Chem. Phys., Phys. Rev. A, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. etc.
Prof. Han has received Liaoning BaiQianWan Talents Award, Dalian Science & Technology Award for Young Talents, and Xinghai Young Talent Award of DUT. He is the principle investigator (PI) of 3 projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and 1 project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China.
The graduates supervised by Prof. Han have received Liaoning Excellent Master Thesis Award, DUT Excellent Doctoral thesis Award, DUT Master Academic Star, National Scholarship, etc.
Postdoctoral position is available in the group.
2018.12——present Professor, School of Physics, Dalian University of Technology
2012.09——2018.12 Associate Professor, School of Physics, Dalian University of Technology
2010.07——2012.09 Postdoctoral Fellow (with Professor Joel M. Bowman), Department of Chemistry, Emory University, USA
2009.07——2010.06 Postdoctoral Fellow (with Professor Lar Bojer Madsen), Department of Physics, Aarhus University, Denmark
Research interests:
(1) Polyatomic potential energy surface and reaction dynamics
(2) Laser-molecular interactions
(3) Cold atomic and molecular collisions
[76]# M.-M. Zhao, B.-B. Wang, G.-R. Wang, B. Fu, M. Shundalau, Y.-C. Han*, Full-dimensional quantum mechanical study of three-body recombination for cold 4He–4He–20Ne system. Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 134302 (2023).
[75]# R. Zhang, J.-W. Hu*, Y.-C. Han*, B. Fu, M. Shundalau, Steering thermal photoassociation of magnesium atoms by two time-delayed femtosecond laser pulses. Frontiers in Physics 11, 1114719 (2023).
[74]# M.-M. Zhao, L.-H. Li, B.-W. Si, B.-B. Wang*, B. Fu, Y.-C. Han*, Three-Body Recombination of Cold 3He–3He–T− System. Chinese Physics Letters 39, 083401 (2022).
[73] B.-B. Wang*, M. Zhang, Y.-C. Han, Ultracold state-to-state chemistry for three-body recombination in realistic 3He2– alkaline-earth-metal systems. Journal of Chemical Physics 157, 014305 (2022).
[72]# Y. Bai, Y.-L. Fu, G.-R. Wang, B. Fu, Y.-C. Han*, The full-dimensional potential energy surface of He2H using fundamental invariant neural network method. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 122, e26988 (2022).
[71]# T. Peng, Y. Bai, J. Qi, Y.-L. Fu, Y.-C. Han*, Comparison of the supercollisions of the deuterium atom with acetylene and ethylene. Chemical Physics 561, 111610 (2022).
[70] Y. Bai, Y.-L. Fu, Y.-C. Han, B. Fu*, D. H. Zhang, Roaming Dynamics of H+C2D2 Reaction on Fundamental-Invariant Neural Network Potential Energy Surface. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 35, 295 (2022).
[69]# R. Zhang, Y.-C. Han*, S.-L. Cong, M. B. Shundalau, The influence of the collision energy on the magnetically tuned 6Li-6Li Feshbach resonance. Chinese Physics B 31, 063402 (2022).
[68]# Q. Guo, J.-W. Hu, J. Qi, J. Yu∗, Y.-C. Han*, Quantum simulation of the photodissociation cross section of the NaH molecule. Laser Physics 32, 045701 (2022).
[67] Y. Osika, M. Shundalau*, Y.-C. Han, Ab initio study on the spectroscopic and radiative properties of the low-lying states of the radium monoiodide RaI molecule. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 285, 108144 (2022).
[66]# J.-W. Hu, J. Yu*, Y.-C. Han*, Multi-path effect in population transfer dynamics of the photoassociation of hot Mg atoms by a femtosecond laser pulse. Chemical Physics Letters 792, 139405 (2022).
[65]# M.-M. Zhao, B.-B. Wang, Y.-C. Han*, Full-dimensional quantum mechanical study of 3He+3He+X−→3He+3HeX−(X= H or D). Physical Review Research 4, 013030 (2022).
[64]# J. Qi, Y. Bai, Q. Guo, Y.-C. Han*, M. B. Shundalau, Ab initio calculation of the ground and first excited states of the lithium dimer. Communications In Theoretical Physics 73, 125501 (2021).
[63]# J.-W. Hu, Y.-C. Han*, The thermal-average effect on the field-free orientation of the NaI molecule with full-dimensional random-phase wavefunctions. Chemical Physics Letters 783, 139052 (2021).
[62]# W. Gao, L.-L. Ren, R.-Q. Liu, Y.-C. Han*, The role of geometric phase in dissociation dynamics of the D2+ molecule. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 121, e26787 (2021).
[61]# J.-W. Hu, Y.-C. Han*, Investigation of photoassociation with full-dimensional thermal-random-phase wavefunctions. Journal of Chemical Physics 155, 064108 (2021).
[60]# Y.-L. Fu, Y.-C. Han*, Propensity for super energy transfer as a function of collision energy for the H + C2H2 system. Chemical Physics Letters, 776, 138676 (2021).
[59]# Y.-L. Fu, Y. Bai, Y.-C. Han*, B. Fu*, D. H. Zhang, Double-Roaming Dynamics in the H + C2H2 --> H2 + C2H Reaction: Acetylene-Facilitated Roaming and Vinylidene-Facilitated Roaming. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 4211 (2021).
[58]# Y.-L. Fu, X. Lu, Y.-C. Han*, B. Fu*, D. H. Zhang, Supercollisions of fast H-atom with ethylene on an accurate full-dimensional potential energy surface. Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 024302 (2021).
[57]# Y.-L. Fu, X. Lu, Y.-C. Han*, B. Fu*, D. H. Zhang*, J. M. Bowman*, Collision-induced and complex-mediated roaming dynamics in the H + C2H4 → H2 + C2H3 reaction. Chemical Science 11, 2148 (2020).
[56]# Y.-C. Han*, Comparison between the analysis of the asymptotic wavepacket and the associated flux for the calculation of kinetic‐energy‐releases function. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 119, e25858 (2019).
[55]# Y.-C. Han*, J.-W. Hu, B.-B. Wang, Thermal-average effects on photoassociation with a slowly-turned-on and rapidly-turned-off laser pulse. Physical Review A 98, 043420 (2018).
[54]# Y.-C. Han*, Quasiclassical trajectory calculations of CD3CHO dissociation to CD2H + DCO on a global potential energy surface. Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry 17, 1850047 (2018).
[53]# 王彬彬, 韩永昌*, HeH+体系光缔合反应的动力学研究. 计算物理 35, 343 (2018).
[52]# Y.-C. Han*, Above-threshold dissociation occurs during photoassociation. Laser Physics Letters 14, 125302 (2017).
[51]# 高伟, 王奕钧, 韩永昌*, H/D+Cl光缔合过程中的同位素效应. 中国科技论文 12, 484 (2017).
[50] Y.-Y. Niu*, R. Wang, M.-H. Qiu, J.-L. Xiu, and Y.-C. Han, Effect of phase coherence on population transfer in three harmonic laser pulses. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50, 215101 (2017).
[49]# Y.-C. Han*, P. Y. Tsai, J. M. Bowman, and K. C. Lin, Photodissociation of CH3CHO at 248 nm: identification of the channels of roaming, triple fragmentation and the transition state. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 18628 (2017).
[48]# Y.-C. Han*, Steering population transfer between electronic states of the Na2 molecule beyond the rotating wave approximation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50, 225401 (2017).
[47]# W. Gao, B.-B. Wang, X.-J. Hu, and Y.-C. Han*, The “bound wavefunction” on the repulsive excited 2Σu+ (2pσu) state of the HD+ molecule. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 117, e25394 (2017).
[46]# W. Gao, B.-B. Wang, X.-J. Hu, S. Chai, Y.-C. Han*, and J. B. Greenwood, Above-threshold dissociation of the molecular ion HD+ in a moderate-intensity femtosecond laser field from the calculation of time-of-flight spectra. Physical Review A 96, 013426 (2017).
[45]# B.-B. Wang, Y.-C. Han*, W. Gao, and S.-L. Cong, Cold atom-atom-ion three-body recombination of 4He-4He-X^{-}(X = H or D). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 22926 (2017).
[44]# B.-B. Wang, Y.-C. Han*, and S.-L. Cong, Role of sharp avoided crossings in short hyper-radial range in recombination of the cold 4He3 system. Journal of Chemical Physics 145, 204304 (2016).
[43]# Y.-H. Pang, B.-B. Wang, Y.-C. Han*, S.-L. Cong, and Y.-Y. Niu, Isotope Effects on Two-Photon Population Transfer Processes of HF and DF. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 29, 297 (2016).
[42]# Y. Pang, Y.-C. Han*, Z.Y. Zhao, and S.-L. Cong, The influence of carrier envelope phase of single-cycle THz pulse on field-free orientation of NaI molecules. European Physical Journal D 70, 94 (2016).
[41] J.-L. Li, X.-J. Hu, Y.-C. Han, and S.-L. Cong*, Simple model for analyzing Efimov energy and three-body recombination of three identical bosons with van der Waals interactions. Physical Review A 94, 032705 (2016).
[40]# W. Gao, B.-B. Wang, Y.-C. Han*, and S.-L. Cong, The X (X=F, Cl, I) effect on the photoassociation of H+X --> HX. Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry 14, 1550062 (2015).
[39]# B.-B. Wang, Y.-C. Han*, and S.-L. Cong, Molecular alignment effect on the photoassociation process via a pump-dump scheme. Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 094303 (2015).
[38] X.-J. Hu, J.-L. Li, T. Xie, Y.-C. Han, and S.-L. Cong, Short-pulse photoassociation of K40 and Rb87 atoms in the vicinity of magnetically tuned Feshbach resonances. Physical Review A 92, 032709 (2015).
[37] J.-L. Li, X.-J. Hu, G.-R. Wang, Y.-C. Han, and S.-L. Cong, Simple model for predicting and analyzing magnetically induced Feshbach resonances. Physical Review A, 91, 042708 (2015).
[36]# B.-B. Wang, Y.-C. Han*, Y.-H. Pang, S.-L. Cong, and Y.-Y. Niu, Isotope effects on the formation of the lowest rovibrational level of NaH molecule via pump–dump photoassociation. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 134, 80 (2015).
[35] R. Wang, Y.-Y. Niu, M.-H. Qiu, Y.-C. Han, Rovibrational population transfer in the ground state controlled by two coherent laser pulses, Physical Review A 91, 013401 (2015).
[34]# P. Shen, Y.-C. Han*, J.-L. Li, K. Yi, C. Chen, S.-L. Cong, The isotope effect on the photoassociation of X + F → XF (X = H, D), Laser Physics Letters 12, 045302 (2015).
[33]# L.-H. Li, Y.-C. Han*, S.-L. Cong, Steering Vibrational Population Transfer via Double-Sigma-Type Laser Scheme, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 28, 43 (2015).
[32]# B. Wang, Y. Pang, Y.-C. Han*, S.-L. Cong, Vibrational population transfer of the HF molecule: One-photon and two-photon transitions, Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry 13, 1450061 (2014).
[31] J. M. Smith, M. Nikow, J. Ma, M. J Wilhelm, Y.-C. Han, A. R. Sharma, J. M. Bowman, H.-L. Dai, Chemical Activation through Super Energy Transfer Collisions, Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, 1682 (2014).
[30]# Z.Y. Zhao, Y.C. Han*, J. Yu, S.L. Cong, The influence of field-free orientation on the predissociation dynamics of the NaI molecule, Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 044316 (2014).
[29] Y. Huang, T. Xie, G.R. Wang, Y.C. Han, S.L. Cong, Efficient field-free orientation of CO molecules using a three-step excitation scheme, European Physical Journal D 67, 227 (2013).
[28]# Z.Y. Zhao, Y.C. Han*, Y. Huang, S.L. Cong, Field-free orientation by a single-cycle THz pulse: The NaI and IBr molecules, Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 044305 (2013).
[27] S. Chai, J. Yu, Y.C. Han, S.L. Cong, Multiple hydrogen bonding in excited states of aminopyrazine in methanol solution: Time-dependent density functional theory study, Spectrochimica Acta A, 115, 39 (2013).
[26]# Y.C. Han*, S.L. Cong, Quasiclassical Trajectory Calculations of the Photodissociation of CH3CHO: The HCCH + H2O Product Channel, Communications in Computational Chemistry, 1, 171 (2013).
[25]# Y.C. Han*, L.B. Madsen, Internuclear-distance dependence of the role of excited states in high-order-harmonic generation of H2+, Physical Review A 87, 043404 (2013).
[24] Q.Z. Su, Y.C. Han, S.L. Cong, Quantum Control of Multi-Photon Dissociation of HCl+ with Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses, Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 024304 (2013).
[23]# Y.C. Han*, J.M. Bowman, Reactant zero-point energy is needed to access the saddle point in molecular dynamics calculations of the association reaction H + C2D2→C2D2H, Chemical Physics Letters 556, 39 (2013).
[22]# Y.C. Han*, A.R. Sharma, J.M. Bowman, Quasiclassical trajectory study of fast H-atom collisions with acetylene, Journal of Chemical Physics 136 , 214313 (2012).
[21] B. Fu, Y.C. Han, J.M. Bowman, F. Leonori, N. Balucani, L. Angelucci, A. Occhiogrosso, R. Petrucci, P. Casavecchia, Experimental and theoretical studies of the O([sup 3]P) + C[sub 2]H[sub 4] reaction dynamics: Collision energy dependence of branching ratios and extent of intersystem crossing, Journal of Chemical Physics 137, 22A532 (2012).
[20] B. Fu, Y.C. Han, J.M. Bowman, L. Angelucci, N. Balucani, F. Leonori, P. Casavecchia, Intersystem crossing and dynamics in O(3P)+C2H4 multichannel reaction: Experiment validates theory, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 9733 (2012).
[19] B. Fu, Y.C. Han, J.M. Bowman, Three-state surface hopping calculations of acetaldehyde photodissociation to CH3+HCO on ab initio potential surfaces. Faraday Discussions 157, 27 (2012).
[18]# Y.C. Han*, B.C. Shepler, J.M. Bowman. Quasiclassical trajectory calculations of the dissociation dynamics of CH3CHO at high energy yield many products. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2, 1715 (2011).
[17] B.C. Shepler, Y.C. Han, J.M. Bomwan Are roaming and conventional saddle points for H2CO and CH3CHO dissociation to molecular products isolated from each other? Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2, 834 (2011).
[16] W.H. Hu, K.J. Yuan, Y.C. Han, C.C. Shu, S.L. Cong. Three-peak Autler-Townes splitting in the photoelectron spectrum of Li2 molecules caused by femtosecond laser pulses. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 110, 1224 (2010).
[15]# Y.C. Han*, L.B. Madsen. Minimum in the high-order harmonic generation spectrum from molecules: role of excited states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 225601 (2010).
[14]# Y.C. Han*, L.B. Madsen. Comparison between length and velocity gauges in quantum simulations of high-harmonic generation. Physical Review A 81, 063430 (2010).
[13] W.H. Hu, C.C. Shu, Y.C. Han, K.J. Yuan, S.L. Cong. Efficient enhancement of field-free molecular orientation by combining terahertz few-cycle pulses and rovibrational pre-excitation. Chemical Physics Letters 480, 193 (2009).
[12] W.H. Hu, C.C. Shu, Y.C. Han, K.J. Yuan, S.L. Cong. Enhancement of molecular field-free orientation by utilizing rovibrational excitation. Chemical Physics Letters 474, 222(2009).
[11]# Y.C. Han, K.J. Yuan, W.H. Hu, S.L. Cong. Control of photodissociation and photoionization of the NaI molecule by dynamic Stark effect. Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 044308 (2009).
[10]# Y.C. Han, W.H. Hu, J. Yu, S.L. Cong. Interference of dissociating wave packets in the I2 molecule driven by femtosecond laser pulses. Chinese Physics B 18, 4838 (2009).
[9] S.Y. Ba, K.J. Yuan, Y.C. Han, S.L. Cong. Above-threshold dissociation of HD+ in femtosecond laser field. Chinese Physics Letters 25, 2845 (2008).
[8] C.C. Shu, K.J. Yuan, Y.C. Han, W.H. Hu, S.L. Cong. Steering population transfer of a five-level polar NaK molecule by Stark shifts. Chemical Physics 344, 121 (2008).
[7] T.M. Yan, Y.C. Han, K.J. Yuan, S.L. Cong, Steering population transfer via continuum structure of the Li-2 molecule with ultrashort laser pulses, Chemical Physics 348, 39 (2008).
[6]# Y.C. Han, K.J. Yuan, W.H. Hu, T.M. Yan, S.L. Cong. Steering dissociation of Br2 molecules with two femtosecond pulses via wave packet interference. Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 134303 (2008).
[5]# Y.C. Han, K.J. Yuan, S.L. Cong. Controlling wave packet interference of dissociating molecules by shaping laser pulses in frequency domain. Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry 7, 1159 (2008).
[4] W.H. Hu, K.J. Yuan, Y.C. Han, C.C. Shu, S.L. Cong. Autler-Townes splitting in photoelectron spectrum of three-level Li2 molecule in ultrashort pulse laser fields. Chinese Physics Letters 24, 1556 (2007).
[3]# Y.C. Han, S.M. Wang, K.J. Yuan, S.L. Cong. Population transfer of the Na2 molecule via continuum state. Chemical Physics 333, 119 (2007).
[2] S.M. Wang, K.J. Yuan, Y.Y. Niu, Y.C. Han, S.L. Cong. Phase control of the photofragment branching ratio of the HI molecule in two intense few-cycle laser pulses. Physical Review A 74, 043406 (2006).
[1]# Y.C. Han, S.M. Wang, K.J. Yuan, S.L. Cong. The effect of the coupling between valence state B2Π and Rydberg state C2Π on the absorption spectrum of the NO molecule. Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry 5, 743 (2006).