Yichen Jiang   

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Title : Vice Director, Institute of Marine Hydrodynamics

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Yichen Jiang is currently a professor at the School of Naval Architecture, Dalian University of Technology, and the deputy director of the Institute of Hydrodynamics (including 13 researchers and more than 150 graduates). 

He received his Ph.D. from 2009 to 2014 in Mechanical Engineering/Ocean Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.  Currently, he serves as a member of the International Ship Model Towing Pool Conference (ITTC), a member of the IEC WIND TCP Task 56(0C7) project, a member of the Academic Committee of China Ship Mechanics/Vice-Director of the Artificial Intelligence Application Technology Group, and a council member of the Offshore Wind Power Research Branch of the China Pacific Society. He has long been engaged in research on offshore renewable energy development, high performance vessel, ship intelligent control, and computational fluid dynamics methods, etc. As the project leader, he has charged more than 30 research projects (including 3 key projects), and the related achievements were awarded the second prize of the Scientific Progress Award of the Chinese Society of Shipbuilding Engineers in 2021, and the first prize of the National ship and ocean engineering higher education teaching achievement. He has published more than 70 journal papers including more than 50 SCI-indexed papers, granted 20 invention patents, and applied 3 software copyrights.

 Main research directions:

Offshore Wind EnergyThe designs of offshore twin-rotor vertical axis wind turbine, HexaSemi semi-submersible wind platform, and tree wind turbine are proposed to optimize their aerodynamic and hydrodynamic performance by numerical simulation, model test, and intelligent algorithm.



High-performance Vessel:  Development of new concept high-performance multihull ship, research on new concept multihull high-speed ship composite hydrodynamic configuration, high wave resistance composite small waterline surface medium hull trimaran type, and surface unmanned ship based on environmental energy generation, etc.



Wave Energy Device: Design of offshore wind-wave energy complementary farming net box concept, mechanical rectification power output device, and shipboard wave power generation device, etc., and study of conversion efficiency of power generation device through land-based and pond model tests.



Ship Intelligent Control: Develop intelligent control of hydrofoils, stern rocking reduction hydrofoils, stern spoilers and other devices, propose T-wing joint control strategy, and active hydrofoil PID control method based on BP neural network, etc.


Educational Experience

  • 2009.8-2014.5  

    University of California, Berkeley       Ocean Engineering       Doctoral Degree

  • 2007.9-2009.6  

    Tianjin University (Peiyang University)       Ocean Engineering       Master's Degree

  • 2003.9-2007.6  

    Tianjin University (Peiyang University)       Ocean Engineering       Bachelor's Degree

Work Experience

  • 2016.8-Now

    Dalian University of Technology      Associate Professor

  • 2014.6-2016.7

    University of California, Berkeley      Postdoctoral Researcher      Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Group

Name of Research Group:

High-Tech Ship Team

Description of Research Group:

SUN Yifang, ZHAO ...

Name of Research Group:

Wind Energy Team

Description of Research Group:

Kun Wang, Shida Q...

Name of Research Group:

Wave Energy Team

Description of Research Group:

WANG Xinglong, DI...

Name of Research Group:

Discrete Vortex Method Team

Description of Research Group:

DING Yunfeng, WEN...
Address: No.2 Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, P.R.C., 116024

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