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Numerical analysis of offshore skirted footings on double layer clays


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2010-06-20

Included Journals:EI、Scopus


Page Number:689-693

Abstract:One of the major risks associated with jack-up rigs installed on layered seabed is the punch-through failure of the footings, especially when a strong soil layer overlays a soft soil layer. One way to mitigate the punch through hazard is to replace the widely used spudcans by skirted footings. In this study, the effect of skirt length on the bearing capacity of skirted footings on strong over weak clay layers was investigated by finite element method. Both small strain and large deformation FE analyses were carried out. The large deformation FE analysis simulated the footing continuous penetration process; while the small strain FE analysis provided the bearing capacity of the surface skirted footing with certain skirt length. The FE results showed that, relative to the bearing capacity of spudcans, a skirted footing can significantly reduce the potential of punch-through failure by extending the skirt length to the layer interface. However, the ultimate capacity of the footing was compromised at the same time. Copyright ? 2010 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).

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