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个人信息Personal Information
学科:计算力学. 固体力学. 工程力学
联系方式:Email: ywa@dlut.edu.cn
Ø W.A. Yao, W.X. Zhong, C.W. Lim. Symplectic elasticity. World Scientific, 2009.
Ø 姚伟岸, 钟万勰. 辛弹性力学, 高等教育出版社, 2002.
Ø W. A. Yao*, Z. Y. Cai, X. F. Hu, A new symplectic analytical singular element for crack problems under dynamic loading condition, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2017
Ø Q. L. Jin, W. A. Yao*, Hygrothermal analysis of laminated composite plates in terms of an improved C0-type global-local model, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 63: 328-343.
Ø X. Q. Liang, Q. Gao*, W. A. Yao, An efficient algorithm based on group theory and the Woodbury formula for the dynamic responses of periodic structures, Computers and Structures, 2017, 182: 238-251.
Ø Z. J. Zhang, H. Y. Gao, W. A. Yao*, Singularities of an inclined crack terminating at the bi-material interface in a Reissner plate, International Journal of Fracture, 2017, 205(1): 23-36.
Ø X. F. Hu, H. Y. Gao, W. A. Yao*, S. T. Yang, Study on steady-state thermal conduction with singularities in multi-material composites, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 104: 861-870.
Ø X. F. Hu, Q. S. Shen, J. N. Wang, W. A. Yao*, S. T. Yang, A novel size independent symplectic analytical singular element for inclined crack terminating at bimaterial interface, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, 50: 361-379.
Ø X. F. Hu, Q. S. Shen, W. A. Yao*, A symplectic analytical singular element for the inclined crack terminating at the material interface of composite structures, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017, 842(1): 012080.
Ø B. Yu*, W. A. Yao, Q. Gao, H. L. Zhou, C. Xu, A novel non-iterative inverse method for estimating boundary condition of the furnace inner wall, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 87: 91-97.
Ø X. F. Hu, T. Q. Bui*, J. N. Wang, W. A. Yao, L. H. T. Ton, I. V. Singh, S. Tanaka, A new cohesive crack tip symplectic analytical singular element involving plastic zone length for fatigue crack growth prediction under variable amplitude cyclic loading, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2017, 65: 79-90.
Ø B. C. Lyu, W. H. Wu*, W. A. Yao, Y. Du, Lateral vibration behavior analysis and TLD vibration absorption design of the soft yoke single-point mooring system, China Ocean Engineering, 2017, 31(3): 284-290.
Ø W. A. Yao*, P. Zhang, H. Y. Gao, X. F. Hu, An analytical singular element for the study of cohesive zone model based crack propagation, International Journal of Fracture, 2016, 197 (2): 189-199.
Ø X. F. Hu, J. N. Wang, W. A. Yao*, A size independent enriched finite element for the modeling of bimaterial interface cracks, Computers and Structures, 2016, 172: 1-10.
Ø P. Zhang, W. A. Yao*, Q. Gao, A new kind of analytical singularity element and its application in cohesive zone model for cracks, The 10th International Conference on Structure Integrity and Failure, 13th-14th July 2016, Adelaide, Australia. P43-48.
Ø W. A. Yao, P. Zhang, X. F. Hu, Symplectic analytical singularity element and its application in fracture mechanics, The 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 24th-29th July 2016, Seoul, Korea.
Ø X. F. Hu, H. Y. Gao, W. A. Yao*, S. T. Yang, A symplectic analytical singular element for steady-state thermal conduction with singularities in composite structures, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 2016, 70(5): 406-419.
Ø W. A. Yao*, Z. J. Zhang, X. F. Hu, Jordan form asymptotic solutions near the tip of a V-shaped notch in Reissner plate, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2015, 75-76, 225-234.
Ø W. A. Yao, H. X. Yao, B. Yu*, Radial integration BEM for solving non-Fourier heat conduction problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 60: 18-26.
Ø B. Yu*, W. A. Yao, H. L. Zhou, H. L. Chen, Precise time-domain expanding BEM for solving non-Fourier heat conduction problems, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 2015, 68(6): 511–532.
Ø B. Yu, W. A. Yao, X. W. Gao, S. Zhang*, Radial integration BEM for one-phase solidification problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2014, 39(1): 36-43.
Ø B. Yu, W. A. Yao*, X. W. Gao, Q. Gao, A combined approach of RIBEM and precise time integration algorithm for solving transient heat conduction problems, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 2014, 65(2): 155-173.
Ø B. Yu, W. A. Yao, Q. Gao*, A precise integration boundary-element method for solving transient heat conduction problems with variable thermal conductivity, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 2014, 65(5): 472-493.
Ø B. Yu, W. A. Yao*, Q. Gao, Adaptive precise integration BEM for solving transient heat conduction problems, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods, 28th-30th July 2014, Cambridge, ScienTech Publisher, 71.(Keynote)
Ø W. A. Yao, B. Yu, X. W. Gao, Q. Gao*, A precise integration boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 78: 883-891.
Ø B. Yu, W. A. Yao*, A precise time-domain expanding boundary-element method for solving three-dimensional transient heat conduction problems with variable thermal conductivity, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 2014, 66(5): 422-445.
Ø L. Mao, W. A. Yao, Q. Gao*, W. X. Zhong, Rational finite element method for plane orthotropic elastic problems, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2014, 51(6): 923-937.
Ø W. A. Yao*, Z. J. Zhang, X. F. Hu, A singular element for Reissner plate bending problem with V-shaped notches, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2014, 74: 143-156.
Ø X. F. Hu, W. A. Yao*, A new enriched finite element for fatigue crack growth, International Journal of Fatigue, 2013, 48: 247-256.
Ø Q. Gao, W. A. Yao, F. Wu, H. W. Zhang*, J. H. Lin, W. X. Zhong, W. P. Howson, F. W. Williams, An efficient algorithm for computing the dynamic responses of one-dimensional periodic structures and periodic structures with defects, Computational Mechanics, 2013, 52(3): 525-534.
Ø X. F. Hu, W. A. Yao*, Stress singularity analysis of multi-material wedges under antiplane deformation, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2013, 26(2): 151-160.
Ø W. A. Yao*, X. F. Hu, A novel singular finite element on mixed-mode Dugdale model based crack, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 2012, 134(2): 021003 (8 pages).
Ø X. F. Hu, W. A. Yao*, Z. X. Fang, Z. Y. Cai, Vibration solutions of rectangular orthotropic plates by symplectic geometry method, The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering, 2012, 5(4): 211-221.
Ø W. A. Yao*, S. Wang, An analytical singular element for interface cracks in bi-material Kirchhoff plate bending, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2012, 91: 103-116.
Ø W. A. Yao*, S. Wang, An analytical singular element for Kirchhoff plate bending with V-shaped notches, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2012, 79(5): 051016.
Ø B. Yu, W. A. Yao*, X. W. Gao, Radial integration BEM for two dimensional phase change problems, 2012 Global Chinese Workshop on Computational Methods in Engineering, Changsha, 2012 May 25-28. (Invited)
Ø H. Wang, Q. H. Qin*, W. A. Yao, Improving accuracy of opening-mode stress intensity factor in two-dimensional media using fundamental solution based finite element model, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 10(1): 41-51.
Ø W. A. Yao*, X. F. Hu, A singular finite element on the mixed-mode bimaterial interfacial cracks, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 2012, 13(4): 219-226.