教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
性别: 男
毕业院校: 大连理工大学
学位: 博士
所在单位: 物理学院
学科: 等离子体物理
办公地点: 大连理工大学三束材料改性教育部重点实验室3号楼201室
电子邮箱: yxliu129@dlut.edu.cn
开通时间: ..
最后更新时间: ..
论文类型: 期刊论文
发表时间: 2011-04-01
收录刊物: Scopus、SCIE、EI
卷号: 13
期号: 2
页面范围: 181-187
ISSN号: 1009-0630
关键字: DF CCP; hybrid model; floating double probe; IEDF; IADF
摘要: A two-dimensional hybrid simulation scheme is proposed to study the characteristics of dual-frequency (DF) capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) discharge based on the geometry of real device. Given the experimental parameters for argon plasma, the output from the fluid module such as ion density, number flux, electron temperature and the Monte-Carlo collision (MCC) results of ion energy distribution function (IEDF) as well as electron energy distribution function (EEDF) are obtained and discussed in detail. A novel complete floating double probe is designed to measure both density and temperature of electron and a quadrupole mass spectrometer is also equipped for IEDF investigations. The measurements on the density of bulk plasma, electron temperature and IEDF agree well, qualitatively, with the simulated results. A comparison with experimental results indicates that, since the structure of real device is taken into account, this model is capable of describing the global dynamic characteristics occurred in DF-CCP and presenting more reliable results than the model with an ideal chamber structure.