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副教授   硕士生导师

性别: 男

毕业院校: 浙江大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 力学与航空航天学院

学科: 工程力学. 动力学与控制

电子邮箱: zengyan@dlut.edu.cn



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New Simplified Dynamic Modeling Method of Bolted Flange Joints of Launch Vehicle


论文类型: 期刊论文

发表时间: 2020-04-01


收录刊物: SCIE

卷号: 142

期号: 2

ISSN号: 1048-9002

关键字: simplified modeling; bolted flange joint; nonlinear spring; coupling vibration; dynamic experiment

摘要: The bolted flange joint is an important source of nonlinearity in dynamical analysis of launch vehicles, which will lead to both longitudinal and transversal responses simultaneously subject to transversal dynamic loads, and may result in the failure of the connection structure. In this paper, a novel simplified dynamic modeling method via structural static analysis is proposed to simulate dynamical response of nonlinear bolted flange joints of launch vehicle, in which only static analysis of the detailed finite element model or static experiment is used for parameter identification of the model. Two types of nonlinear springs are designed for different tensile and compressive stiffness of the bolted flange joint, which affect longitudinal dynamic behaviour of the connection, and a shear spring is used to modify the transversal stiffness. The sections of launch vehicle are modeled as linear beams for efficiency. Effectiveness of the proposed modeling method is confirmed by a typical connection structure, bolted flange connected cylindrical shells, whose finite element models are verified with dynamic experiments. Superiority of the simplified dynamic model from the proposed method is demonstrated by comparing with the previous simplified model. The connection structures with different numbers of bolts are studied, and most of the dynamic responses calculated from the proposed model agree well with those from the finite element model. The coupling vibration of the connection structure is predicted successfully, in which longitudinal response of the structure is excited by the transversal load.

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