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- [1]独炳圯, 吕奇鑫, 许宁, 王安良, 王振宇, 王延林, 张向锋, 张大勇.结冰海域小型浮标设计与海试[J],水利科学与寒区工程,2024,7(9):133-136
- [2]Baofeng, Zhang, 董睿, Gang, Wang, 王国军, 张大勇.Mitigation of ice-induced vibrations for wind turbine foundation using damping vibration isolatio...[J],Frontiers in Materials,2024,9
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- [8]Wang, Shengyong, 张大勇.Ice-Induced Vibration Reduction on a Mooring Dolphin Platform Using an Isolation Cone System[J],Journal of Cold Regions Engineering,2023,37(4)
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