Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2009-01-01
Included Journals:CPCI-S、SCIE
Page Number:706-711
Key Words:coupled vehicle-track system; random vibration; moving excitation model; pseudo-excitation method; symplectic mathematical theory
Abstract:Based on pseudo-excitation method (PEM) and symplectic mathematical theory, random responses of coupled vehicle-track systems are analysed. The vehicle is modeled as a spring-mass-damping system and the track is regarded as an infinite structural chain consisting of three layers, i.e. rails, sleepers and ballast. The vehicle and the track are coupled via linear springs. A moving excitation model is used in the analysis, for which the vehicle moves on the static track at its actual velocity. With the rail irregularity assumed to be a zero-mean valued stationary Gaussian random process, PEM is applied to transform the rail random excitations into deterministic harmonic excitations. Based on the symplectic mathematical method and the periodic connecting conditions, only the sections of the track contacted with the vehicle are included in the computation, that considerably reduces the degrees of freedom of the analysed system as well as the computational efforts with the results kept accurate. The high efficiency and accuracy of the method proposed in this paper are justified in the given examples by comparing with the conventional FEM.