亢战,博士(德国斯图加特大学),教授、博导;教育部长江学者特聘教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者,万人计划领军人才,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,辽宁省百千万人才工程“百人层次”人才,大连理工大学科研创新团队“计算力学与多学科交叉研究”负责人,运载工程与力学学部学术分委员会主任委员。主持承担国家自然科学基金9项(杰出青年科学基金1项、重点项目2项、重大研究计划项目4项,面上项目2项),973课题1项。 发表期刊论文180篇,SCI收录140篇,ESI高被引论文4篇,中英文专著各1部。SCI他引5000余次(Google Scholar引用9000余次),连续入选爱思唯尔高被引中国学者榜。在不确定结构分析与优化、结构拓扑优化等前沿方向的理论与方法研究得到多位国际著名学者的正面评价,并引发了国际同行的一批后续研究与应用。在第3届世界全局优化大会(WCGO-3 2013)、EUROGEN 2021 等5个国际会议做大会特邀报告。负责完成机械装备、高速列车等领域数项工程应用项目。获2013年度和2020年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学一等奖(均为第一完成人)。
任《计算力学学报》主编;任计算力学顶级期刊 CMAME、IJNME、ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part A: Civil Engineering; Part B: Mechanical Engineering、《固体力学学报》、《力学学报》等期刊编委。担任中国力学学会理事,辽宁省力学学会计算力学专业委员会主任委员。
研究组微信公众号: 大工IDEAS研究组
1. Zhan Kang. Robust Design Optimization of Structures under Uncertainties. 2005, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany. ISBN 3-8322-4269-4.
2. 张晓鹏,亢战,结构动力学拓扑优化理论与方法 大连理工大学出版社 ISBN 978-7-5685-2536-7 2020年8月
1. Wenjun Wu, Pai Liu, Yiqiang Wang*, Zhan Kang*. Design of dual-material lattice structures with compression-torsion bistability. Materials & Design 2023; 230:111996.
2. X Yu, F Wang, Z Luo, Z Kang, Y Wang*. Design of hierarchical microstructures with isotropic elastic stiffness. Materials & Design 2023; 229:111895.
3. Lin Shi, Jing Li, Pai Liu, Yixiao Zhu, Zhan Kang*. A multi-step relay implementation of the successive iteration of analysis and design method for large-scale natural frequency-related topology optimization. Computational Mechanics
4. Chi Zhang, Mengxi Wu, Ming Li, Lixuan Che, Zhiguang Tan, Di Guo, Zhan Kang, Shuye Cao, Siqi Zhang, Yu Sui, Jining Sun, Liding Wang, Junshan Liu*. A nanonewton-scale biomimetic mechanosensor. Microsystems & Nanoengineering. 2023; 9;87.
5. Chen Du, Yiqiang Wang*, Zhan Kang*. Kirigami Auxetic Kirigami Metamaterials upon Large Stretching. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023; 15(15):19190–19198.
6. Mingpei Cang, Lei Zhang, Yiqiang Wang*, Jin Fu, Zhen Luo, Zhan Kang, Ming Wang Fu, Michael Yu Wang. An efficient method for design of lattice core sandwich structures with superior buckling strength under compression. Engineering Optimization 2023; https://doi.org/ 10.1080/0305215X.2022.2163239.
7. Kuan Liang, Yaguang Wang, Yangjun Luo, Akihiro Takezawa, Xiaopeng Zhang*, Zhan Kang. Programmable and multistable metamaterials made of precisely tailored bistable cells. Materials & Design 227:111810.
8. Chi Zhang, Mengxi Wu, Shuye Cao, Mengjing Liu, Di Guo, Zhan Kang, Ming Li, Dong Ye, Zhuoqing Yang, Xuewen Wang, Zhaoqian Xie, Junshan Liu*. Bioinspired Environment-Adaptable and Ultrasensitive Multifunctional Electronic Skin for Human Healthcare and Robotic Sensations. Small 2023; 2304004. https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202304004
9. Wenjun Wu, Huikai Zhang, Yiqiang Wang, Pai Liu, Zhan Kang*. A concurrent topology optimization model for dynamic property of structures with connectable graded microstructures. International Journal of Computational Mechanics 2022; 20(1):2250037.
10. Ya-Fei Zhao, Shun-Qi Zhang∗, Xiang Wang, Song-Yun Ma, Guo-Zhong Zhao, Zhan Kang. Nonlinear analysis of carbon nanotube reinforced functionally graded plates with magneto-electro-elastic multiphase matrix. Composite Structures
11. Di Guo, Yan Li, Qing Zhao, Pai Liu, Lixuan Che, Zhan Kang, Ming Li*, Yangjun Luo*. Stiffness modulation-driven transfer printing and strain isolation in stretchable electronics. Materials & Design 2022; 217:110602.
12. Yixiao Zhu, Yaguang Wang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*. A new form of forbidden frequency band constraint for dynamic topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2022; 65:1-16.
13. Yaguang Wang, Handong Yang, Zhan Kang*. Velocity field level set method incorporating topological derivatives for topology optimization. Journal of Applied Mechanics 2022; 89(6): 061002.
14. Xiaoguang Hu, Furui Yang, Mengxi Wu, Yu Sui, Di Guo, Ming Li, Zhan Kang, Jining Sun, Junshan Liu*. A Super‐Stretchable and Highly Sensitive Carbon Nanotube Capacitive Strain Sensor for Wearable Applications and Soft Robotics. Advanced Materials Technologies 2021.
15. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhiyuan Jia, Yangjun Luo*, Yaguang Wang, Pai Liu, Zhan Kang. A Precisely-Controlled Multichannel Phononic Crystal Resonant Cavity. Advanced Theory and Simulations 2021; 4(12):2100250. (封面论文)
16. Di Guo, Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang*, Ming Li. Design of multi-material soft pneumatic modules. Smart Materials and Structures 2021;30:095006.
17. Wenjun Wu, Pai Liu, Zhan Kang*. A novel mechanical metamaterial with simultaneous stretching- and compression-expanding property. Materials & Design 2021; 208:109930.
18. Ming Li, Kexi Zhu, Guangliang Qi, Zhan Kang, Yangjun Luo. Wrinkled and wrinkle-free membranes. International Journal of Engineering Science. International journal of engineering science, 2021;.167:103526.
19. Xiaopeng Zhang, Yangjun Luo*, Yi Yan, Pai Liu, Zhan Kang. Photonic band gap material topological design at specified target frequency. Advanced Theory and Simulations 2021; 4(10):2100125.
20. Kuan Liang, Yangjun Luo, Zhijun Liu, Xiaopeng Zhang*, Zhan Kang. Multi-electrode layout design of electrorheological composite plates considering energy consumption in semi-active control. Thin-Walled Structures. 2021; 165:108001.
21. Yaguang Wang, Zhan Kang*. MATLAB implementations of velocity field level set method for topology optimization: an 80-line code for 2D and a 100-line code for 3D problems. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2021; 64(6):4325-4342.
22. Song Bai, Zhan Kang*. Robust topology optimization for structures under bounded random loads and material uncertainties. Computers and Structures 2021; 252:106569.
23. Ming Li*, Lixuan Che, Fengwei Li, Zhenqun Guan, Zhan Kang*. Non-uniform self-folding of impure graphene. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2021; 193:106158.
24. Pai Liu, Yi Yan, Xiaopeng Zhang, Yangjun Luo*, Zhan Kang. Topological design of microstructures using periodic material-field series-expansion and gradient-free optimization algorithm. Materials & Design 2021; 199:109437.
25. Xuan Wang*, H Liu, Zhan Kang*, Kai Long, Zeng Meng. Topology optimization for minimum stress design with embedded movable holes. Computers & Structures 244, 106455.L
26. Yaguang Wang, Yangjun Luo, Zhan Kang*. Integrated design optimization of structural topology and heat source layout. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2021; 169:120943.
27. Xiaopeng Zhang, Xing Jian, Pai Liu, Yangjun Luo*, Zhan Kang. Realization of full and directional band gap design by non-gradient topology optimization in acoustic metamaterials. Extreme Mechanics Letters.
28. Guili Li, Beijing Yang, Wenjuan Han, Haimei Li*, Zhan Kang, Jun Lin. Tailoring the thermal and mechanical properties of injection-molded poly (lactic acid) parts through annealing. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2021; 138:49648.
29. Zhang hui Kai, Wen-Jun Wu, Zhan Kang, Xi-Qiao Feng. Topology optimization method for the design of bioinspired self- similar hierarchical microstructures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2020, 372; 113399.
30. Pai Liu, Zhan Kang*, Yangjun Luo. Two-scale concurrent topology optimization of lattice structures with connectable microstructures. Additive Manufacturing 2020; 101427.
31. Fengwei Li, Hao Li, Ming Li*, Zhan Kang. Mechanics of folding of nanorings. Mechanics of Materials. 2020; 148: 103493.
32. Junjie Zhan, Yangjun Luo∗, Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang. A general assessment index for non-probabilistic reliability of structures with bounded field and parametric uncertainties. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2020, 366: 113046.
33. Ming Li*, Xiao Li, Lixuan Che, Fengwei Li, Zhan Kang. Non-uniform global-buckling and local-folding in thin film of stretchable electronics. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2020; 175, 105537.
34. Yangjun Luo*, Jian Xing, Zhan Kang*, Junjie Zhan, Ming Li. Uncertainty of membrane wrinkling behaviors considering initial thickness imperfections. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2020; 191-192:264-277.
35. Yangjun Luo*, Jian Xing, Zhan Kang. Topology optimization based on Kriging surrogate model and material-field series expansion: An effective non-gradient method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 364, 112966.
36. Pai Liu, Litao Shi, Zhan Kang*. Multi-material structural topology optimization considering material interfacial stress constraints. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2020; 363:112887.
37. Zhan Kang*, Jingjie He, Lin Shi, Zhaohui Miao. A method using successive iteration of analysis and design for large-scale topology optimization considering eigenfrequencies. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2020; 362: 112847.
38. Xuan Wang, Ping Hu*, Zhan Kang. Layout optimization of continuum structures embedded with movable components and holes simultaneously. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2020; 61 (2): 555-573.
39. Di Guo, Zhan Kang*. Chamber layout design optimization of soft pneumatic robots. Smart Materials and Structures. 2020; 29:025017(11pp).
40. Huikai Zhang, Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang, Wenjun Wu. Isotropic ‘quasi-fluid’ metamaterials designed by topology optimization. Advanced Theory and Simulations. 2020; 3(1):1900182.
41. Wenpei Wang, Guohai Chen, Dixiong Yang*, Zhan Kang. Stochastic isogeometric analysis method for plate structures with random uncertainty. Computer Aided Geometric Design.
42. Ming Li, Hao Li, Fengwei Li, Zhan Kang*. Compression-driven collapse of nanotubes. Nanotechnology. 31 (2), 025603.
43. Xiaoyu Suo, Zhan Kang*, Xiaopeng Zhang, Yaguang Wang. Bi-material Topology Optimization Using Analysis-Mesh Independent Point-wise Density Interpolation. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2019; 32(6):698-712.
44. Xuan Wang, Ping Hu*, Zhan Kang. Layout optimization of continuum structures embedded with movable components and holes simultaneously. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2019;
45. Yaguang Wang, Zhan Kang*, Pai Liu. Velocity field level set method for topology optimization using freely distributed design variables. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2019; 120(13): 1411-1427. (封面论文)
46. Jun Hu, Zhan Kang*. Topological design of piezoelectric actuator layer for linear quadratic regulator control of thin-shell structures under transient excitation. Smart Materials and Structures. 2019; 28:095029
47. Huikai Zhang, Yaguang Wang, Zhan Kang*. Topology optimization for concurrent design of layer-wise graded lattice materials and structures. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2019; 138: 26-49.
48. Guili Li, Xuqin Hou, Haimei Li*, ZhanKang*, Chunguang Shaoc, Chuntai Liu. Interfacial cylindrite of Poly (lactic acid) induced by pulling a single glass fiber. European Polymer Journal. 2019;
49. Xiaopeng Zhang, Akihiro Takezawa*, Zhan Kang*. A phase-field based robust topology optimization method for phononic crystals design considering uncertain diffuse regions. Computational Materials Science. 2019; 160: 159-172.
50. Yangjun Luo*, Junjie Zhan, Jian Xing, Zhan Kang*. Non-probabilistic uncertainty quantification and response analysis of structures with a bounded field model. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2019; 347: 663-678.
51. Yaguang Wang, Zhan Kang*. Concurrent two-scale topological design of multiple unit cells and structure using combined velocity field level set and density model. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2019; 347: 340-364.
52. Ming Li, Hao Li, Fengwei Li, Zhan Kang*. Adhesion of partially and fully collapsed nanotubes. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2019; 86 (1), 011013.
53. Xiaopeng Zhang, Akihiro Takezawa*, Zhan Kang*. Robust topology optimization of vibrating structures considering random diffuse regions via a phase-field method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2019; 344(1): 766-797.
54. Xianhong Meng, Bowen Zhang, Hao Li, Fengwei Li, Zhan Kang, Ming Li*, Yuli Chen*. A theoretical analysis on self-collapsing of nanotubes. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2019; 160: 51-58.
55. Zhan Kang*, Chunlei Wu, Yangjun Luo, Ming Li. Robust topology optimization of multi-material structures considering uncertain graded interface. Composite Structures. 2019; 208:395-406.
56. Ming Li, Hao Li, Fengwei Li, Zhan Kang*, Xianhong Meng*. Mechanics of the folding of a nanotube. Nanotechnology. 2018; 29:475602 (14pp)
57. Pai Liu, Zhan Kang*. Integrated topology optimization of multi-component structures considering connecting interface behavior. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2018; 341(1) : 851-887.
58. Hai-Mei Li*, Gui-Li Li, Xu-Qin Hou, Xin-Ping Ma, Jin-Tao Chen, Zhan Kang*. Core melt temperature effects on cylindritic structures of co-injection molded polypropylene parts. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018; 97: 56-63.
59. Yaguang Wang, Zhan Kang*. A velocity field level set method for shape and topology optimization. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2018;115:1315–1336.
60. Jian Xing, Yangjun Luo*, Zhan Kang. Global shape optimization of fixtures to suppress wrinkles in large-displacement membrane structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2018; 144-145:301-312.
61. Xiaopeng Zhang, Jingjie He, Akihiro Takezawa*, Zhan Kang*. Robust topology optimization of phononic crystals with random field uncertainty. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2018; 115(9): 1154-1173.
62. Yaguang Wang, Jincheng Gao, Zhan Kang*. Level set-based topology optimization with overhang constraint: towards support-free additive manufacturing. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2018; 339: 591-614.
63. Huikai Zhang, Yangjun Luo, Zhan Kang*. Bi-material microstructural design of chiral auxetic metamaterials using topology optimization. Composite Structures. 2018; 195: 232-248.
64. Jikai Liu, Andrew T. Gaynor, Shikui Chen, Zhan Kang, Krishnan Suresh, Akihiro Takezawa, Lei Li, Junji Kato, Jinyuan Tang, Charlie C.L. Wang, Lin Cheng, Xuan Liang, Albert C To*. Current and future trends in topology optimization for additive manufacturing. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2018; 57(6): 2457-2483.
65. Hao Li, Ming Li*, Zhan Kang*. Mechanics of the scrolling and folding of graphene. Nanotechnology. 2018; 29:245604 (10pp).
66. Zhan Kang*, Peishuo Liu. Reliability-based topology optimization against geometric imperfections with random threshold model. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2018; 115(1):99-116.
67. Jun Hu, Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*. Layout design of piezoelectric patches in structural linear quadratic regulator optimal control using topology optimization. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2018; 29(10):2277-2294.
68. Yaguang Wang, Zhan Kang*. A level set method for shape and topology optimization of coated structures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2018; 329:553–574.
69. Jingjie He, Zhan Kang*. Achieving directional propagation of elastic waves via topology optimization. Ultrasonics. 2018; 82:1-10.
70. Xiaopeng Zhang Akihiro Takezawa, Zhan Kang*. Topology optimization of piezoelectric smart structures for minimum energy consumption under active control. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2018; 58(1):185-199.
71. Ming Li, Yanzhuang Niu, Huaping Wu, Xiaopeng Zhang, Yangjun Luo*, Zhan Kang*. Wrinkling and wrinkling-suppression in graphene membranes with frozen zone. Thin Solid Films. 2017; 638: 345–353.
72. Ming Li, Yangjun Luo, HuaPing Wu, Kai Zhu, Yanzhuang Niu, Tengfei Zhao, Jian Xing, Zhan Kang*. A pre-necking strategy makes stretched membranes with clamped ends wrinkle-free. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2017; 84(6), 061006 (10 pages).
73. Wenbo Zhang, Zhan Kang*. Robust shape and topology optimization considering geometric uncertainties with stochastic level set perturbation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2017; 110(1):31-56.
74. Yangjun Luo, Jian Xing, Yanzhuang Niu, Ming Li*, Zhan Kang*. Wrinkle-free design of thin membrane structures using stress-based topology optimization. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2017; 102:277-293.
75. Yangjun Luo*, Yanzhuang Niu, Ming Li*, Zhan Kang. A multi-material topology optimization approach for wrinkle-free design of cable-suspended membrane structures. Computational Mechanics. 2017; 59(6): 967–980.
76. Yaguang Wang, Zhan Kang*. Structural shape and topology optimization of cast parts using level set method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2017; 111(13):1252-1273.
77. Yangjun Luo*, Ming Li, Zhan Kang. Optimal topology design for stress-isolation of soft hyperelastic composite structures under imposed boundary displacements. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2017; 55:1747–1758.
78. Zhan Kang*, Pai Liu, Ming Li. Topology optimization considering fracture mechanics behaviors at specified locations. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2017; 55(5):1847-1864.
79. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*, Wenbo Zhang. Robust topology optimization for dynamic compliance minimization under uncertain harmonic excitations with inhomogeneous eigenvalue analysis. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2016:54(6):1469-1484.
80. Pai Liu, Yangjun Luo, Zhan Kang*. Multi-material topology optimization considering interface behavior via XFEM and level set method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2016; 308:113-133.
81. Zhan Kang*, Yaguang Wang, Yiqiang Wang. Structural topology optimization with minimum distance control of multiphase embedded components by level set method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2016; 306: 299–318.
82. Yangjun Luo*, Ming Li, Zhan Kang. Topology optimization of hyperelastic structures with frictionless contact supports. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2016; 81:373-382.
83. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*. Vibration suppression using integrated topology optimization of host structures and damping layers.Journal of Vibration and Control. 2016; 22(1):60-76.
84. Zhan Kang*, Wenbo Zhang. Construction and application of an ellipsoidal convex model using a semi-definite programming formulation from measured data. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2016; 300:461-489.
85. Ming Li, Xiaobo Huang, Zhan Kang*. Hydrogen adsorption and desorption with 3D silicon nanotube-network and film-network structures: Monte Carlo simulations. Journal of Applied Physics. 2015; 118: 084303.
86. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*. Topology optimization of magnetorheological fluid layers in sandwich plates for semi-active vibration control. Smart Materials and Structures. 2015; 24(8):085024 (17pp).
87. Yiqiang Wang, Zhen Luo, Zhan Kang*, Nong Zhang. A multi-material level set-based topology and shape optimization method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2015; 283:1570-1586.
88. Yangjun Luo*, Michael Yu Wang, Zhan Kang. Topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures based on an additive hyperelasticity technique. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2015; 286: 422-441.
89. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*. Dynamic topology optimization of piezoelectric structures with active control for reducing transient response. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2014; 281: 200-219.
90. Xian-Hong Meng, Ming Li*, Zhan Kang, Jian-Liang Xiao. Folding of multi-layer graphene sheets induced by van der Waals interaction. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2014; 30(3):410-417.
91. Qizhi He, Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang. A topology optimization method for geometrically nonlinear structures with meshless analysis and independent density field interpolation. Computational Mechanics. 2014; 54(3):629-644.
92. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*, Ming Li. Topology optimization of electrode coverage of piezoelectric thin-walled structures with CGVF control for minimizing sound radiation. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2014; 50(5):799-814.
93. Wang Yiqiang, Luo Zhen, Zhang Nong, Kang Zhan*. Topological shape optimization of microstructural metamaterials using a level set method. Computational Materials Science. 2014; 87:178-186.
94. Wang Yiqiang, Luo Zhen, Zhang Xiaopeng, Kang Zhan*. Topological design of compliant smart structures with embedded movable actuators. Smart Materials and Structures. 2014; 23(4): 045024 (15pp).
95. Yiqiang Wang, Zhan Kang*, Qizhi He. Adaptive topology optimization with independent error control for separated displacement and density fields. Computers & Structures. 2014; 135: 50–61.
96. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*. Topology optimization of piezoelectric layers in plates with active vibration control. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2014; 25(6):697-712.
97. Ming Li, Zhan Kang*, Rui Li, Xianhong Meng, Yanjun Lu. A molecular dynamics study on tensile strength and failure modes of carbon nanotube junctions. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2013; 46(49):495301.
98. Yiqiang Wang, Jingjie He, Zhen Luo, Zhan Kang*. An adaptive method for high-resolution topology design. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2013; 29(6): 840-850.
99. Ming Li, Jing Xia, Rui Li, Zhan Kang*, Yewang Su*. Design of two-dimensional horseshoe layout for stretchable electronic systems.Journal of Materials Science. 2013; 48(24):8443-8448.
100. Yeo WH, Kim YS, Lee J, Ameen A, Shi L, Li M, Wang S, Ma R, Jin SH, Kang Z, Huang Y, Rogers JA*. Multifunctional epidermal electronics printed directly onto the skin. Advanced Materials. 2013; 25(20): 2773-2778.
101. Xianhong Meng, Ming Li*, Zhan Kang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Jianliang Xiao*. Mechanics of self-folding of single-layer graphene. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2013; 46:055308.
102. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*. Topology optimization of damping layers for minimizing sound radiation of shell structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2013; 332(10):2500-2519.
103. Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang. Integrated topology optimization with embedded movable holes based on combined description by material density and level sets. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2013; 255:1-13.
104. Yiqiang Wang, Zhan Kang*, Qizhi He. An adaptive refinement approach for topology optimization based on separated density field description. Computers & Structures. 2013; 117:10-22.
105. Yangjun Luo*, Michael Yu Wang*, Zhan Kang. An enhanced aggregation method for topology optimization with local stress constraints. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2013; 254:31-41.
106. Ming Li, Zhan Kang*, Peiying Yang, Xianhong Meng, Yanjun Lu. Molecular dynamics study on buckling of single-wall carbon nanotube-based intramolecular junctions and influence factors. Computational Materials Science. 2013; 67:390-396.
107. Zhan Kang*, Song Bai. On robust design optimization of truss structures with bounded uncertainties. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2013; 47(5):699-714.
108. Huanyu Cheng, Ming Li, Jian Wu*, Andrew Carlson, Seok Kim, Yonggang Huang, Zhan Kang, Keh-Chih Hwang, John A*. Rogers. A Viscoelastic Model for the Rate Effect in Transfer Printing. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of the ASME. 2013; 80(4): 041019.
109. Yangjun Luo, Zhan Kang. Layout design of reinforced concrete structures using two-material topology optimization with Drucker-Prager yield constraints. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2013; 47:95-110.
110. Zhan Kang*, Yangjun Luo. Sensitivity analysis of viscoplastic deformation process with application to metal preform design optimization. Engineering Optimization. 2012; 44(12): 1511-1523.
111. Zhan Kang*, Xiaoming Wang, Zhen Luo. Topology Optimization for Static Shape Control of Piezoelectric Plates with Penalization on Intermediate Actuation Voltage. Journal of Mechanical Design. Transactions of the ASME. 2012; 134(5):051006 (9 pages).
112. Yangjun Luo*, Zhan Kang, Zhufeng Yue. Maximal stiffness design of two-material structures by topology optimization with nonprobabilistic reliability. AIAA Journal. 2012; 50(9):1993-2003.
113. Zhan Kang*, Xiaopeng Zhang, Shigang Jiang, Gengdong Cheng. On topology optimization of damping layer in shell structures under harmonic excitations. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2012; 46(1):51-67.
114. Yangjun Luo*, Zhan Kang. Topology optimization of continuum structures with Drucker-Prager yield stress constraints. Computers and Structures. 2012; 90-91:65-75. [SCI 000298521100006]
115. Zhan Kang*, Kesheng Xu, Zhen Luo. A numerical study on nonlinear vibration of an inclined cable coupled with the deck in cable-stayed bridges. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2012; 18(3): 404 - 416. [SCI 000299962200008]
116. Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang. A nodal variable method of structural topology optimization based on Shepard interpolant. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2012; 90(3):329-342.
117. Yangjun Luo, Alex Li*, Zhan Kang. Parametric study of bonded steel-concrete composite beams by using finite element analysis. Engineering Structures. 2012; 34:40-51. [SCI 000299150200005]
118. Guozhong Zhao*, Gang Chen, Zhan Kang. An iterative algorithm for analysis of coupled structural-acoustic systems subject to random excitations. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2012, 28(2):458-467.
119. Shuodao Wang, Ming Li, Jian Wu, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Nanshu Lu, Yewang Su, Zhan Kang, Yonggang Huang*, John A. Rogers. Mechanics of Epidermal Electronics. Journal of Applied Mechanics , Transactions of the ASME. 2012; 79(3):031022.
120. Dae‐Hyeong Kim, Shuodao Wang, Hohyun Keum, Roozbeh Ghaffari, Yun‐Soung Kim, Hu Tao, Bruce Panilaitis, Ming Li, Zhan Kang, Fiorenzo Omenetto, Yonggang Huang, John A Rogers. Thin, Flexible Sensors and Actuators as ‘Instrumented’ Surgical Sutures for Targeted Wound Monitoring and Therapy. Small. 2012; 8(21):3263-3268.
121. Xiaoming Wang, Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang, Topology design of slender piezoelectric actuators with repetitive component patterns. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2011; 22(18):2160 - 2171. [SCI 000297814500008]
122. Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang. Structural topology optimization based on non-local Shepard interpolation of density field. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2011; 200(49-52):3515-3525. [SCI 000297494700002]
123. Zhan Kang*, Yangjun Luo, Alex Li. On non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization of structures with uncertain-but-bounded parameters. Structural Safety. 2011, 33(3): 196-205. [SCI 000292575500003]
124. Zhan Kang*, Rui Wang, Liyong Tong. Combined optimization of bi-material structural layout and voltage distribution for in-plane piezoelectric actuation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2011; 200(13-16): 1467-1478. [SCI 000288884900011]
125. Cheng H, Wu J, Li M, Kim DH, Kim YS, Huang YG, Kang Z, Hwang KC, and Rogers JA. An analytical model of strain isolation for stretchable and flexible electronics. Applied Physics Letters 2011; 98(6), 061902. 2011. [SCI 000287242100017]
126. Yangjun Luo, Alex Li*, Zhan Kang. Reliability-based design optimization of adhesive bonded steel-concrete composite beams with probabilistic and non-probabilistic uncertainties. Engineering Structures 2011; 33(7):2110-2119. [SCI 000292411500002]
127. Zhan Kang*, Ming Li, Qiqin Tang. Buckling behavior of carbon nanotube-based intramolecular junctions under compression: molecular dynamics simulation and finite element analysis. Computational Materials Science 2010, 50(1):253-259. [SCI 000284250700035]
128. Zhan Kang*, Xiaoming Wang. Topology optimization of bending actuators with multilayer piezoelectric material. Smart Materials & Structures. 2010, 19(7): 075018 (11pages). [SCI 000278930200018]
129. Zhan Kang*, Yangjun Luo. Reliability-based structural optimization with probability and convex set hybrid models. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2010, 42(1):89-102. [SCI 000277716700007]
130. Kai Zhang, Gang Li and Zhan Kang. Structural Optimization for Wall Frame Design of a Forging Manipulator. Intelligent Robotics and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, 6425:317-328, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16587-0_29
131. Ming Li, Jianliang Xiao, Jian Wu, Rak-Hwan Kim, Zhan Kang, Yonggang Huang, John A. Rogers. Mechanics analysis of two-dimensionally prestrained elastomeric thin film for stretchable electronics. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2010; 23(6):592-599.
132. Rak Hwan Kim, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Jianliang Xiao, Bong Hoon Kim, Sang-Il Park, Bruce Panilaitis, Roozbeh Ghaffari, Jimin Yao, Ming Li, ZhuangJian Liu, Viktor Malyarchuk, Dae Gon Kim, An-Phong Le, Ralph Nuzzo, David kaplan, Fiorenzo Omenetto, Yonggang Huang, Zhan Kang, John Rogers. Waterproof AlInGaP optoelectronics on flexible substrates with applications in biomedicine and robotics, Nature Materials. 2010;9(11):929-937. [SCI 000283353700024]
133. J. Wu, M. Li, W. Chen, D.-H. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, Y. Huang*, K.C. Hwang, Z. Kang, and J.A. Rogers. A strain-isolation design for stretchable electronics. Acta Mechanica Sinica 2010; 26(6):881-888.
134. Zhan Kang*, Yangjun Luo. Non-probabilistic reliability-based topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures using convex models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2009; 198(41-44):3228-3238.
135. Zhan Kang*, Xiaoming Wang, Rui Wang. Topology Optimization of Space Vehicle Structures Considering Attitude Control Effort. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2009, 45(6-7): 431-438.
136. Yangjun Luo, Zhan Kang*, Zhen Luo, Alex Li. Continuum topology optimization with non-probabilistic reliability constraints based on multi-ellipsoid convex model. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2009,39(3):297-310.
137. Yangjun Luo, Zhan Kang*, Alex Li. Structural reliability assessment based on probability and convex set mixed model. Computers & Structures. 2009, 87(21-22):1408-1415.
138. Zhen Luo, Liyong Tong, Zhan Kang. A level set method for structural shape and topology optimization using radial basis functions. Computers & Structures. 2009, 87(7-8):425-434.
139. Zhan Kang, Liyong Tong*. Integrated optimization of material layout and control voltage for piezoelectric laminated plates. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2008, 19(8): 889-904.
140. Zhan Kang, Liyong Tong*. Topology optimization-based distribution design of actuation voltage in static shape control of plates, Computers & Structures. 2008, 86(19-20): 1885-1893.
141. Ioannis Doltsinis, Zhan Kang. Perturbation-based stochastic FE analysis and robust design of inelastic deformation processes. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2006, 195: 2231-2251.
142. Ioannis Doltsinis, Zhan Kang, Gengdong Cheng. Robust design of non-linear structures using optimization methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2005, 194(12-16): 1779-1795.
143. Ioannis Doltsinis, Zhan Kang. Robust design of structures using optimization methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2004, 193(23-26):2221-2237.
144. Yuanxian Gu, Guozhong Zhao, Hongwu Zhang, Zhan Kang, R.V. Grandhi. Buckling design optimization of complex built-up structures with shape and size variables. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2000, 19(3): 183-191.
145. Yuanxian Gu, Hongwu Zhang, Zhenqun Guan, Zhan Kang. Yunpeng Li, Wanxie Zhong. New generation software of structural analysis and design optimization- JIFEX. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 1999, 7(6):589-599.
146. Yuanxian Gu, Zhan Kang, Zhenqun Guan. Dynamic sensitivity analysis and optimum design of aerospace structures. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 1999, 6(1):31-40.
147. Gengdong Cheng, Zhan Kang, Gang Wang. Dynamic optimization of a turbine foundation. Structural Optimization. 1997, 13(4): 244-249.
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主编 计算力学学报(主编)
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International Journal of Mechanical Systems 编委
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ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems
Part B: Mechanical Engineering 编委
2013.1 -- 至今
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part A: Civil Engineering 编委
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