
- 主要任职:Deputy Dean, Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics
- 其他任职:Deputy Dean, Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:stuttgart大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:力学与航空航天学院
- 学科:工程力学. 计算力学. 航空航天力学与工程. 固体力学
- 办公地点:综合实验一号楼522房间
- 联系方式:zhankang#dlut.edu.cn
- 电子邮箱:zhankang@dlut.edu.cn
[81] 赵国忠, Chen, Gang, 亢战.An iterative algorithm for analysis of coupled structural-acoustic systems subject to random excit[J],Acta Mechanica Sinica,2022,28(2):458-467
[82] 程红, 李明, 吴佳, Carlson, A., Kim, S., 黄耀, 亢战, Hwang, K.C., Rogers, J. A..A Viscoelastic Model for the Rate Effect in Transfer Printing[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2022,80(4)
[83] 关振群, 罗阳军, 王学军, 戴继双, 赵红兵, 亢战, 顾元宪.离心式叶轮三维参数化形状优化设计方法[J],机械强度,2022,28(6):833-838
[84] 亢战, 王毅强.A nodal variable method of structural topology optimization based on Shepard interpolant[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING,2022,90(3):329-342
[85] 关振群, 顾元宪, 李云鹏, 亢战.AutoCAD扩展实体数据接口方法及实现[J],大连理工大学学报,2022,38(2):141
[86] 张晓鹏, 亢战.简谐激励作用下结构阻尼材料分布的拓扑优化[A],中国力学大会2011暨钱学森诞辰100周年纪念大会,2022,1-7
[87] 张晓鹏, Takezawa, Akihiro, 亢战.A phase-field based robust topology optimization method for phononic crystals design considering u[J],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022,160:159-172
[88] Zhang, Huikai, 罗阳军, 亢战.Bi-material microstructural design of chiral auxetic metamaterials using topology optimization[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2022,195:232-248
[89] 亢战.结构优化若干研究及工程应用 (35分钟General Lecture)[A],2009结构及多学科优化工程应用与理论研讨会 Conference on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization- Theory and Applications (CSMO-2009),2022
[90] 亢战, Xu, Kesheng, Luo, Zhen.A numerical study on nonlinear vibration of an inclined cable coupled with the deck in cable-staye[J],JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL,2022,18(3):404-416
[91] Suo, Xiaoyu, 亢战, 张小鹏, 王亚光.Bi-material Topology Optimization Using Analysis Mesh-Independent Point-Wise Density Interpolation[J],Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,2022,32(6):698-712
[92] 顾元宪, 亢战, 张洪武.结构动态特性响应优化设计的数值方法[A],中国力学学会青年工作委员会第三届学术年会,2022,6
[93] 张小鹏, Jia, Zhiyuan, 罗阳军, 王亚光, 刘湃, 亢战.A Precisely-Controlled Multichannel Phononic Crystal Resonant Cavity[J],ADVANCED THEORY AND SIMULATIONS,2022
[94] 顾元宪, 赵国忠, 张洪武, 亢战, 李云鹏.组合结构屈曲稳定性优化设计与灵敏度分析[J],宇航学报,2022,21(3):127-132
[95] 张洪武, 顾元宪, 关振群, 亢战, 李云鹏, 赵国忠.CAE软件有限元分析若干技术的发展及其在JIFEX中的实现和应用[A],2003年全国数字化设计与制造学术会议,2022,340-350
[96] 亢战, 李明, 汤启秦.Buckling behavior of carbon nanotube-based intramolecular junctions under compression: Molecular d[J],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022,50(1):253-259
[97] 李明, 罗阳军, Wu, HuaPing, Zhu, Kai, Niu, Yanzhuang, Zhao, Tengfei, Xing, Jian, 亢战.A Prenecking Strategy Makes Stretched Membranes With Clamped Ends Wrinkle-Free[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2022,84(6)
[98] 顾元宪, 张洪武, 刘书田, 亢战.结构布局优化和动态特性优化的方法及应用[J],中国科学基金,2022,12(4):276-278
[99] 亢战.A robust design optimization method for truss structure using convex models[A],7th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems(CJK-OSM7),2022
[100] Gu, YX, 赵国忠, 张洪武, 亢战, Grandhi, RV.Buckling design optimization of complex built-up structures with shape and size variables[J],STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION,2022,19(3):183-191