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学科:船舶与海洋结构物设计制造. 材料加工工程
- [21]赵东升.Effect of ER5356 Welding Wire on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 5083 Aluminum Alloy ...[J],Journal of Ship Production and Design,2021,37(3):196-204
- [22]赵东升, 孔乐乐, 缪唐军, 刘玉君.船用铝合金电弧增材制造实验[J],实验室科学,2020,23(2):23-26
- [23]赵东升, 吴亮亮, 刘玉君, 缪唐军.火工矫正焊接变形实验的参数设计及计算[J],实验室科学,2019,22(3):20-23
- [24]Zhao, DongSheng, Huang, ZhenYu, Liu, YuJun, Miao, Tangjun, DS (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian, Peoples R China..A Study of the Effect of Post-Heating Pulse on Hot Cracking Susceptibility in Pulsed Laser Weld...[J],JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION AND DESIGN,2019,35(4):338-343
- [25]赵东升, 窦钧, 刘玉君.LNG/LPG船耐低温材料的焊接发展综述[J],船舶,2019,30(3):47-56
- [26]赵东升, 黄震宇, 缪唐军, 刘玉君.激光焊接工艺参数对温度场及力学性能的影响[J],实验室科学,2017,20(5):61-63
- [27]赵东升, 黄震宇, 缪唐军, 刘玉君.脉冲激光焊接温度场的红外热成像法测量[J],实验室科学,2017,20(4):16-18
- [28]赵东升, 黄震宇, 缪唐军, 刘玉君.焊接残余应力的非接触无损测量实验[J],实验室科学,2017,20(2):26-28
- [29]赵东升, 黄震宇, 缪唐军, 刘玉君.分层脉冲激光焊接实验教学研究[J],实验技术与管理,2017,34(4):175-177
- [30]赵东升, 刘玉君.脆性温区冷却速率对殷瓦钢焊接热裂纹的影响[A],2017
- [31]赵东升, 闫久春, 黄震宇, 刘玉君.钛合金与不锈钢真空热轧连接界面微观结构及性能[J],焊接学报,2016,37(12):53-56
- [32]Niu, Song, Chen, Su, Dong, Honggang, Zhao, Dongsheng, Zhang, Xiaosheng, Guo, Xin, Wang, Guoqiang, HG (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Microstructure and Properties of Lap Joint Between Aluminum Alloy and Galvanized Steel by CMT[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE,2016,25(5):1839-1847
- [33]Zhao, Dong-sheng, Huang, Zhen-yu, Miao, Tang-jun.Experimental Parameter Calculation of Welding Deformation Correction by Flame Straightening[A],2016,33-38
- [34]Zhao, DongSheng, Liu, YuJun, Wang, XianDong, Ji, ZhuoShang, DS (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Sch Naval Architecture, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..The Calculation and Measurement of Welding Residual Stress for Invar Steel of a Liquefied Natur...[J],JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION AND DESIGN,2015,31(1):43-48
- [35]赵东升, 刘玉君.The calculation and measurement of welding residual stress for invar steel of a liquefied[J],Journal of Ship Production and Design,2015,31(1):43-48
- [36]赵东升, 闫久春, 刘玉君, 纪卓尚, Zhao, DS (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..采用铌中间层的钛合金与不锈钢的真空热轧连接界面的显微组织及性能[J],中国有色金属学报(英文版),2014,24(9):2839-2844
- [37]赵东升, 吴国强, 刘玉君, 孙敏科, 纪卓尚, Zhao, D.-S.(dszhao@dlut.edu.cn).预拉伸法降低异种钢焊接残余应力的作用研究[J],船舶力学,2013,17(8):920-924
- [38]赵东升, 闫久春, 刘玉君, Yan, JC (reprint author), Harbin Inst Technol, State Key Lab Adv Welding & Joining, Harbin 150001, Peoples R China..金属间化合物对钛合金与不锈钢的热轧焊过渡接头耐热性的影响[J],中国有色金属学报(英文版),2013,23(7):1966-1970
- [39]赵东升, 吴国强, 刘玉君, 刘文, 纪卓尚, Zhao, D.(dszhao@dlut.edu.cn).焊接残余应力对Invar钢疲劳寿命影响分析[J],焊接学报,2013,34(4):93-95,108
- [40]Wu G., Zhao D., Bai Y., Sun Z., Wang L., Wu, G., State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, School of Aeronautics, Astronautics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China.Channel coding simulation research of Inter-Satellite spread spectrum Communication system[J],Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,2013,47(1):303-307