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学科:船舶与海洋结构物设计制造. 材料加工工程
- [1]赵东升, Niu, Tang Ren, 汪骥, 刘玉君.Study on the Arc Additive Manufacturing Process and Mechanical Properties of Inconel 625 Nickel-B...[J],JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION AND DESIGN,2024,40(3):174-182
- [2]黄立兵, 陆雅馨, 李家辰, 李超, 董红刚, 李鹏, 赵东升, 史淑艳, 刘晓英, Ma, Xiong.Investigation of interfacial microstructure and mechanical performance within TiAl to Ti2AlNb all...[J],INTERMETALLICS,2024,174
- [3]赵东升, Long, DaiFa, Niu, TangRen, 刘玉君.Effect of Current Mode on Anisotropy of 316L Stainless Steel Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing[J],Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2024
- [4]赵东升, Long, DaiFa, 刘玉君.Optimization of Process Parameters and Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steel Block via Ar...[J],Journal of Ship Production and Design,2024,40(1):44-52
- [5]Hu, Xin, 赵东升, Niu, TangRen, Long, DaiFa.Micro-Structure and Properties of Aluminum Alloy Made by Arc Additive of Al-Si Alloy[A],Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering,2024,37:343-350
- [6]黄立兵, 李家辰, 李超, 宋学官, 李鹏, 赵东升, 史淑艳, 刘晓英, Ma, Xiong.Regulating the interfacial microstructure in TiAl/Ti2AlNb vacuum diffusion bonded joints for supe...[J],Materials Science and Engineering: A,2024,887
- [7]赵东升, Huang, ZhenYu, 刘玉君, Miao, Tangjun.A Study of the Effect of Post-Heating Pulse on Hot Cracking Susceptibility in Pulsed Laser Weld...[J],Journal of Ship Production and Design,2022,35(4):338-343
- [8]赵东升, 刘玉君, Wang, XianDong, 纪卓尚.The Calculation and Measurement of Welding Residual Stress for Invar Steel of a Liquefied Natur...[J],Journal of Ship Production and Design,2022,31(1):43-48
- [9]赵东升, 孙明, 刘玉君, 纪卓尚.Effect of residual stress on the vibration failure of dissimilar steels joint[J],China Welding,2022,21(2):48-51
- [10]Niu, Song, Chen, Su, 董红刚, 赵东升, Zhang, Xiaosheng, Guo, Xin, Wang, Guoqiang.Microstructure and Properties of Lap Joint Between Aluminum Alloy and Galvanized Steel by CMT[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE,2022,25(5):1839-1847
- [11]赵东升, Zhang, TianFei, Wu, LiangLiang, Kong, LeLe, 刘玉君.Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of GTAW Welded Joint of Invar Alloy[J],JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION AND DESIGN,2022,37(3):143-150
- [12]赵东升, Zhang, TianFei, Kong, LeLe, Long, DaiFa, 刘玉君.Effect of ER5356 Welding Wire on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 5083 Aluminum Alloy ...[J],JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION AND DESIGN,2022,37(3):196-204
- [13]赵东升, 吴国强, 刘玉君, 孙敏科, 纪卓尚.预拉伸法降低异种钢焊接残余应力的作用研究[J],船舶力学,2013,8:920-924
- [14]赵东升, 刘玉君, 孙敏科, 纪卓尚, 邓艳萍.碳钢与304不锈钢焊接残余应力的计算[J],焊接学报,2012,1:93-95
- [15]赵东升, 黄震宇, 缪唐军, 刘玉君.脉冲激光焊接温度场的红外热成像法测量[J],实验室科学,2017,20(4):16-18
- [16]赵东升, 孔乐乐, 缪唐军, 刘玉君.船用铝合金电弧增材制造实验[J],实验室科学,2020,23(2):23-26
- [17]赵东升, 刘玉君.脆性温区冷却速率对殷瓦钢焊接热裂纹的影响[A],第十六届全国青年材料科学技术研讨会,2017
- [18]赵东升, 黄震宇, 缪唐军, 刘玉君.分层脉冲激光焊接实验教学研究[J],实验技术与管理,2017,4:175-177
- [19]赵东升, 窦钧, 刘玉君.LNG/LPG船耐低温材料的焊接发展综述[J],船舶,2019,30(3):47-56
- [20]赵东升.Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of GTAW Welded Joint of Invar Alloy[J],Journal of Ship Production and Design,2021,37(3):143-150