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Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2016-04-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:939-950
ISSN No.:0018-9456
Key Words:Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) convention; foot kinematics; motion tracking; wearable sensors; zero velocity updates (ZUPTs)
Abstract:This paper presents a wearable sensor approach to motion measurements of human lower limbs, in which subjects perform specified walking trials at self-administered speeds so that their level walking and stair ascent capacity can be effectively evaluated. After an initial sensor alignment with the reduced error, quaternion is used to represent 3-D orientation and an optimized gradient descent algorithm is deployed to calculate the quaternion derivative. Sensors on the shank offer additional information to accurately determine the instances of both swing and stance phases. The Denavit-Hartenberg convention is used to set up the kinematic chains when the foot stays stationary on the ground, producing state constraints to minimize the estimation error of knee position. The reliability of this system, from the measurement point of view, has been validated by means of the results obtained from a commercial motion tracking system, namely, Vicon, on healthy subjects. The step size error and the position estimation accuracy change are studied. The experimental results demonstrated that the extensively existed sensor misplacement and sensor drift problems can be well solved. The proposed self-contained and environment-independent system is capable of providing consistent tracking of human lower limbs without significant drift.