Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Title of Paper:A modeling approach to direct interspecies electron transfer process in anaerobic transformation of ethanol to methane
Date of Publication:2017-01-01
Included Journals:SCIE、PubMed
Page Number:855-863
ISSN No.:0944-1344
Key Words:Direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET); Anaerobic digestion; Ethanol; Methane production; Syntrophy; Mathematical model
Abstract:Recent studies have shown that direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) plays an important part in contributing to methane production from anaerobic digestion. However, so far anaerobic digestion models that have been proposed only consider two pathways for methane production, namely, acetoclastic methanogenesis and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, via indirect interspecies hydrogen transfer, which lacks an effective way for incorporating DIET into this paradigm. In this work, a new mathematical model is specifically developed to describe DIET process in anaerobic digestion through introducing extracellular electron transfer as a new pathway for methane production, taking anaerobic transformation of ethanol to methane as an example. The developed model was able to successfully predict experimental data on methane dynamics under different experimental conditions, supporting the validity of the developed model. Modeling predictions clearly demonstrated that DIET plays an important role in contributing to overall methane production (up to 33 %) and conductive material (i.e., carbon cloth) addition would significantly promote DIET through increasing ethanol conversion rate and methane production rate. The model developed in this work will potentially enhance our current understanding on syntrophic metabolism via DIET.
Pre One: Yiwen Liu1, Yaobin Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhao, , ,, , , A Modeling Approach to Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer Process in Anaerobic Transformation of Ethanol to Methane,
Next One:Stimulation of methanogenesis in anaerobic digesters treating leachate from a municipal solid waste incineration plant with carbon cloth
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